A musebox event: families!

May 30, 2011 02:04

Welcome, everyone who’s clicked the link to this musebox event! I am Ana, and I am the one running this event! What it is is very simple. This is a Family event. That is, people will be divided into “families.” For the amount of time of the event, people in these “families” will believe that’s what they are. Actual family. They will also believe they were always this way, and lived here in the musebox.

Now, these will be assigned randomly. You will go to this link and use the number generator for a number between 1 and 10. You will then scroll down the page here and tag into your number. This is your family for the event. Have fun, plot, work out family dynamics. Age characters up or down depending on how you guys want to do it! In a week, the actual event will begin. Just one thing: reply to the number threads with the account you will be using for the event so I know who to accept into the ‘box come next week.


ana, event, sign ups

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