Planning Post, Part 2: Timeline!

May 26, 2011 19:50

This would be Timeline the beta, the sequence of events that have been worked out so far by myself and the participating muns. ADDITIONALLY, there are some “side effect” options for players and characters that would like to be involved but not directly in the thick of the battles and showdowns. These side effects can include getting hit with stray DARKNESS, spells, and Heartless, finding evidence of Xehanort’s actions, or running into the man himself in an ill-fated and possibly fatal encounter.

Everything contained in this post can still be changed, adjusted, moved, or removed entirely as needed; nothing is as yet set in stone! Just send a comment my way and I can fix anything that needs fixing or add whatever additional super cool stuff anyone wants to do. It's still totally possible for more people to jump in on the party, so don't hold back!

5/28 - 6/6

    Xehanort will be out and about in the city at random locations, prepping for simultaneous attempts by himself and Ansem to summon Kingdom Hearts. These wouldn’t work, of course, even if they weren’t interrupted, but he doesn’t know that! So he will be looking for secure, darkness-heavy and defensible locations that aren’t his very obvious house as places to stage his work.

    Any and all are welcome to encounter him during this time OR happen across a location he recently left, which could very well be rife with darkness (of the KH-type, see his permissions for a brief overview), dangerous spells, or even strange machinery that could damage the heart. Your character doesn’t have to actually meet him to be affected by these things, so this is a good option for those who would like NV-post style plot without being bogged down by a log!

    Of course, there’s also the meet and fight option. ;D The so-far unconfirmed characters in on this scenario are Frau, Fakir, and Sub-Zero; if any of you would like to set a date, let me know!

    Confirmed Encounters:

    Miles Edgeworth, Xehanort, 5/28. Taunting, heart-hurting, all the good stuff!
    Sherlock Holmes, Xehanort, 6/1. Breaking and entering, plus unfortunate consequences for doing so!
    Xemnas, Xehanort, 6/3. A long over-due talk in person, though perhaps not over pleasant subjects.

6/7 - 6/14

    Sadly, A-Kon seems to have scheduled itself right in the middle of our plot! I will be gone for all of the convention weekend, as well as the day after so that I may recover from con exhaustion. However! This gives Vanitas and Ventus time to shine. Vanitas will be using this weekend to form the X-Blade, the first of the two methods Xehanort is going to be attempting to employ in order to summon Kingdom Hearts.

    While the exact dates are still be hashed out, we do have a collection of events already slated to happen.

    And remember, these can totally be changed! This is just what I’ve hashed out so far based on what has been discussed in previous plotting.

    Confirmed Encounters:

    Aqua and Zoey, Xehanort, 6/7. Two parter; Xehanort goes after Aqua before she can go after him. Zoey happens to arrive after the deed is done and attempts to apprehend him, to her misfortune. This is meant to at least seriously injure Aqua, putting her at a disadvantage when Vanitas puts his Ven suit on. Even if the log isn’t finished by the time I leave, it will, in game time, have happened within one evening.

    Sora and Roxas, Xehanort, 6/9. Threeway-log; Xehanort goes after the next biggest threats, engaging them in battle before finally resorting to a modified Stop spell to trap them in a time-loop pocket dimension. This is meant to take them out of the picture so that they can’t stop Vanitas, either. Timing is the same as above; even if the log itself isn’t finished, it have happened within one evening in game time.

    Vanitas, Ventus, and BATTLE, 6/13. The actual date of the construction of the X-Blade is still up in the air, as well as whether it will be done on one day and the actual battle happens the next day, or both occur on the same day. Once you guys have worked out what you want, I can pen in the time and the sequence. \o/

    Confirmed Participants: Vanitus, of course! Joe!

    Unconfirmed: Soul, Stein.

    Big Damn Heroes: We’re leaning toward Sora and Roxas breaking out of their spell at the very tail end of the battle against Vanitus, so while they’re presumably part of the participants list, they won’t be included until whatever day is the final battle.

6/15 - 6/18

    Once Vanitus falls, both sides will be in bad shape. Vanitas and Ventus are both presumably going to be out of commission, while participants in the battle itself are likely to be injured and exhausted. This is when Ansem steps up! So far more or less out of the limelight, he will initiate the back-up plan: using seven replicas of Ahiru’s heart in an attempt to summon Kingdom Hearts that way. To achieve this end properly, he’s going to need a Keyblade capable body to possess, and so Xehanort is going to be snatching up Xion for them to use! After which Ansem will move to summon the Final Keyhole and Xehanort will at last emerge to fight head-on to keep the strongest heroes left standing busy while that is going on.

    Thusly, the final part of the part will be near-simultaneous showdowns on two fronts. There will be a slight delay between the kidnapping and the showdown to both give Ansem time to prepare AND so that all players can fit in logs and entries of their own; a calm before the storm, if you will.

    And then shit goes way down.

    Confirmed Encounters:

    Xion, Xehanort, Ansem 6/15. Possibly two logs or one combined log; Xehanort kidnaps Xion and delivers her to Ansem and Ansem subsequently persuades, manipulates, or otherwise renders her suitable for their plans. Will eventually lead to possession!

    EVERYBODY EVER, 6/16 - 6/17. Final CR, prep-logs, NV entries, and so on; use these days to do whatever you want, however you want! This is a really good opportunity for good-byes, promises, FRIENDSHIP, angst, and all that delicious stuff.

    ANSEM FRONT: Ansem possessing Xion versus Xemnas, plus anyone who wants in, 6/18. Action log or prose, whichev; big battle, with one or multiple threads. Exact posting style and order is at your discretion! Whatever works best for you. :3

    XEHANORT FRONT: Terranort, Riku, Terra, and Aslan, 6/18. I REALLY WANNA DO A PROSE LOG YOU GUYS; one massive thread, with a posting order. At this point it is very likely all the other heroes are either injured, busy, or out of commission, leaving Terra, his heir, and Jesus lion to finish the fight. Terra and Riku will be the only combatants for most of it, with Aslan only stepping in at the very end when it becomes clear that Xehanort’s heart can’t be separated from Terra’s using their Keyblades alone. Aslan will separate them, with both hearts remaining in Terra’s body (on account of Xehanort not having one anymore 8T) but not meshed together. Riku will leap in to get MX out, only be partially successful, and then Terra can be the one to land the Finishing move.

    Extra Participants: if at any time any other characters wish to be part of either major battle, they can be! With the understanding that they can slow or stall the big bads, but not finish them. How/when other participants can come in is up to the villain heading each showdown, so just talk to myself or Ana if you want in. :D

My GOD that was long.



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