Fic: Stallone and Rabbits

Dec 17, 2007 00:49

Title: Stallone and Rabbits
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: DG and five OCs (mentions of the other two OCs)
Rating: G
Summary: The future guard come face to face with their future charge.
Warning: post-series *Takes place sometime after Cafeteria Food
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

Scarecrow | The Cafeteria Boys | Dinner Conversation | Cafeteria Food | Stallone and Rabbits | Rabbits - and Cain - Can be Scary | Why Eat Crow When There's Pie? | No Laughing Matter | Only in the O.Z. Would the Bible Be Funny... | There's Something About Wheelers | Ever Wonder What Would Happen if the Sheep Hit the Finaqua? | DG and Leo's Excellent Adventure (Which Turned Out to Be a Bogus Journey) | What Happened When the Sheep Hit the Finaqua | Preparations of Titanic Proportions | Boys are Cute When They're Flustered | Checkmate | The Blue and the Gray | Times They Are a-Changin' | Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Cain? | Subterfuge | Royal Guards Don't Dance

DG rolled over and pressed into the pillow. A moment later, she rolled back. Then she shifted until flat on her back, eyes open and staring at the dark ceiling. Letting out a labored sigh, she threw her hands up in defeat.

Pushing the covers off, DG slid sideways out of bed and stood in the dark for a moment. She'd been having trouble sleeping the last few nights and, frankly, it was exhausting. She reached to the nearby chair for the closest thing to a track jacket the O.Z. could offer, and pulled it on over her blue top.

The shirt had become her security blanket. If she wasn’t required to be dressed for an occasion, the shirt was on. And, if she could get away with it, DG would even wear it under the fanciest gown she had. It would be a sad day when it was finally washed one too many times. As for pajama bottoms, DJ refused to wear a nightgown. And, after arguing with everyone from her sister to the stable-hand - okay, maybe not the stable-hand - she’d gone to Lona.

Turned out, Lona was just as good with a needle and thread as she was a spoon and a bowl. Using DJ’s ‘traveling clothes’ as a base, the older woman had almost expertly recreated the pants. She’d been a bit mortified when DG demanded their creation from any pieces of scrap fabric.

“It’s just gonna be me and the fireplace seein’ ‘em, so... stripes, polka dots, black and white, red and green,” she waved and shook her head. “Just call me the Patchwork Girl of the O.Z.” Lona made sure she had enough of one pattern, however. She couldn’t do that to the poor girl, royalty or not.

DG pulled the door open, and was greeted by light. And lots of it. Honestly, it wasn’t that bright, but when you’ve been in the dark for the last few hours, you might as well just look into the sun. She spun back and tried to blink away the spots. Groaning, DG let her head fall back and noticed one of her boots, half under the bed.

Deciding it was probably in her best interest to not go traipsing around the palace in her bare feet, she bent over at the waist and reached blindly for the other one. By the time she’d finished doing up the laces, DG’s eyes had adjusted enough - with help from the still-open door letting light in - that she was able to stick her head out into the hallway.

‘Yes!’ she thought, as the hall was empty of guards. It was much nicer to not have someone over her shoulder at all times. Besides, if the guards assume everyone’s in bed, why do they need to stand guard? No one’s gonna be playing Cliffhanger on the balcony, especially not her balcony.

As she moved down the hallway, deciding to check in on Lona and Mo, DG laughed at the fact that, without having actually seen the movie, that was the reference she’d associated with some masked man rappelling down the side of the palace. She shuddered as her brain went to the next logical reference, which was Mission: Impossible, complete with Tom Cruise and his amazing acting sweat.

DG rounded the corner and saw Mo pulling something out of the oven. She made a beeline for him and he smiled as she neared. "Figured you'd be back tonight," he said, passing a plate across the counter. "Still can't sleep?" DG smiled as she took the plate, then gave her head a shake.

"Maybe it's too quiet." She looked down to the near-pie she and Lona had made a few nights prior. Sighing, she reached for a fork. "Hey, did that-"

"Came in this afternoon. Managed to get everything on the list but the pee-naughts," he said.

"Sweet. It'll work without 'em," she said with a wave. Holding up the near-pie, she smiled again and said, "Thanks," before moving to a table. DG sat for a moment, turning the plate just slightly - ‘Angle makes the presentation. Presentation makes the sale,’ Carter had said one day, regarding the pie case - and sighed.

In a most unregal fashion, resting one elbow on the table, DG propped herself against her arm and poked at the near-pie with her fork. A moment later, she noticed shapes out of the corner of her eye. Tilting her head in their direction, she found three soldiers who didn’t have the chance to look away, or drop their shocked and confused expressions.

She gave the three of them a small wave with the fork and a nervous smile. “Hi.” DG turned away and cursed herself for ever thinking she could claim this space as her secret spot. Sitting up straight, she nodded and faced them again. Putting on her best Hilltop-smile, DG asked them, “Have you tried the pie?”


Kory and Aybol entered the cafeteria, spotting Leo already sitting at one of the tables. Zek and Fitz were on duty tonight, and Leo had finished his rounds early. Aybol pulled out a chair and sat down, while Kory simply leaned on the table, arms crossed.

"Well, I didn't hear the alarm sound, so I guess no rabbits got through the defenses," Kory said with a smirk. Leo leaned back with a huff.

"For the last time: it was dark, and it was my first night on duty alone." Aybol clapped him on the back and laughed heartily.

"Please, I heard you scream from the upper wall." Leo glared at him and frowned at the table while Kory leaned forward.

"Come on, you know we're gonna bring it up at least three more times."

"Four," Aybol corrected.

"Four." Leo couldn't hold the frown any longer. Much as it hurt his pride, the situation was hilarious. Kory leaned back and glanced over to Lona, who'd just entered from the kitchen with a rag. He shot straight up as she glanced over, raising an eyebrow.

Leo and Aybol chuckled behind him, causing Kory to turn and glare. As soon as she returned to the kitchen, he resumed his half-sitting on the table and turned back to his friends.

"So where did Zek-" Kory started to ask, but soon had a deer-in-the-headlights look as he watched the younger princess breeze past. As soon as he'd stopped speaking, Aybol had turned to see what had caused it, and both men watched her go by.

Leo leaned back in his chair after she'd passed, then shared a raised eyebrow with the others. As they watched the cook pass a plate over, as if he’d been expecting her visit, the boys looked at each other again, then back to DG.

Something somewhere inside Kory’s brain told him to uncross his arms, stand up straight; but he didn’t budge. This situation was most definitely not in the Royal Guard Rulebook and Scenario Guide. Of course, there was so such thing as a Royal Guard Rulebook and Scenario Guide, which would explain why he didn’t know how to respond.

He felt a hand slap him in the back - Leo needed direction, an order... something - and Kory turned just enough to catch Aybol in his rear view. ‘He’s just sitting there staring. Great. And I’m just sitting here. Staring. At the Princess. Who’s in her nightclothes. I’m staring at the Princess, in her nightclothes.’

At that moment, she looked up to them, eyes wide. If it was possible, Kory assumed she was actually more surprised to see them than they were her. “Hi,” she said with an embarrassed expression and a pathetic wave.

They were still frozen, and anyone who walked in at that moment would probably have the laugh of their lives. Pointing to the... whatever it was on her plate, the Princess forced a smile and asked them, “Have you tried the pie?”

series: cafeteria boys, fic: tin man

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