Fic: Dinner Conversation

Dec 15, 2007 00:59

Title: Dinner Conversation
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Five OCs *cookies if you figure 'em out*, Cain, DG, Glitch (mentions of the Queen and Ahamo)
Rating: G
Summary: Some new recruits discuss the day's lesson
Warning: post-series
Disclaimer: The original characters belongs to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are only half mine...
Originally posted: Dec 8, 2007

Scarecrow | The Cafeteria Boys | Dinner Conversation | Cafeteria Food | Stallone and Rabbits | Rabbits - and Cain - Can be Scary | Why Eat Crow When There's Pie? | No Laughing Matter | Only in the O.Z. Would the Bible Be Funny... | There's Something About Wheelers | Ever Wonder What Would Happen if the Sheep Hit the Finaqua? | DG and Leo's Excellent Adventure (Which Turned Out to Be a Bogus Journey) | What Happened When the Sheep Hit the Finaqua | Preparations of Titanic Proportions | Boys are Cute When They're Flustered | Checkmate | The Blue and the Gray | Times They Are a-Changin' | Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Cain? | Subterfuge | Royal Guards Don't Dance

The day’s training at the Royal Guard Academy had finally come to an end. The current crop of rag-tag kids were undisciplined and, honestly, weren’t expected to graduate into the respected group of soldiers.

Five of the boys had come in together - all from different parts of the O.Z., and all very different. They had been assigned the same bunkhouse on one of the lower floors of the palace and spent most of their days in classes. The first few weeks of training had tested their growing friendship, and now they were inseparable (much to their instructors’ dismay).

Meeting for the evening meal, Kory and Fitz were the first to arrive in the large dining facility. The group had a habit of sitting at the same table and telling the same stories - culminating with the usual complaints of the days’ lessons. Leo entered the hall with big production, as usual, and found Kory and Fitz moving through the sea of tables and chairs, expertly balancing their food trays.

“You seen Zek?” he asked them, a concerned look on his face. Kory looked to Fitz, then back to Leo with a shake of his head.

“What? He get in trouble with Cain?” Kory asked.

“Again?” Fitz added. Leo straightened, hands on his hips. Sighing heavily, he shook his head.

“Not yet. But if he doesn’t quit foolin’ around, he’s a tick-tok away from bein’ carted off to the Deadly Desert.” Fitz raised an eyebrow and looked to Kory, who simply rolled his eyes. That boy was asking for trouble.

“What did he do?” Leo was just about to respond when a voice behind him asked,

“What did who do?” Leo turned to see Zek nearing the table with Aybol. Leo dropped his arms and pulled out a chair. Everyone looked to Zek, but no one said a word. “What?” he asked defensively. A moment later, throwing his hands up, Zek pulled another chair out and slumped into it. Pouting, he huffed,

“It’s not my fault that Cain’s got a stick-”

“What did you say this time?” Kory asked. Zek mulled over his answer for a moment and shrugged.

“There may have been an accusation that he... wouldn’t... knowemotionifitjumpedonhishead,” Zek spit out quickly. His four companions reared back in their seats and groaned.

“It’s a real wonder why you can’t get a girl,” Fitz stated. Leo huffed a laugh as Zek sat up.

“What? He spends all morning telling us that it’s our responsibility to protect the Royal Family and uphold law and order, but we can’t become emotionally attached. How in the name of the O.Z. do you not become attached?” Aybol raised an eyebrow and nodded in agreement, but stayed silent.

“Emotion can cause rash decisions and get someone hurt.” Kory responded automatically. Zek rolled his eyes.

“You don’t need to play perfect soldier with me, Kory.” Fitz leaned forward and raised a hand.

“Look, Zek. There’s no way to be completely detached. It’s just impossible.”

“Unless you’re a robot,” Leo interjected. Fitz gave him a ‘you’re-not-helping’ look and continued,

“I think what Cain is trying to teach us is that we have a greater responsibility. If we spend all our time focusing on one person, we can’t keep track of anyone else.”

“I’m not saying we should be assigned to shadow a single member of the royal family,” Zek threw in. “Just that you’re gonna form an attachment, whether you want to or not.”

“And you think that Cain is emotionally detached?” Kory asked skeptically.

“Or a robot?” Fitz added with a sly grin.

“I’m just saying that it’s not so easy to be so... heartless,” Zek said with a sigh. Aybol leaned forward.

“So Cain is ‘heartless’?” Everyone at the table stared at Zek, who shifted uncomfortably.

“Well, he’s no bundle of love an’ affection.” Leo tried to hide his smirk with a cough.

“The man risked everything to help restore the throne. Paid a heavy cost, too.”

“I heard his wife ran off with a Longcoat,” Fitz remarked. Kory grumbled,

“No. She was killed by a Longcoat. Killed because he joined the Resistance.” Fitz looked to Aybol, who nodded. Leo crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.

“That’d shut your heart up pretty quick.” Kory leaned his arms against the table edge and nodded.

“Thought they’d killed his son, too. So, yes, the man has some emotional baggage. But he’s also an excellent soldier.” Zek threw his hands up in protest.

“I’m not saying he isn’t a shining example of the best to O.Z. has to offer. I’m just saying that I can’t buy his ‘no emotion’ speech.” Aybol nodded and added,

“I have to agree. The man is a walking contradiction, telling us one thing and doing the opposite.” Fitz and Leo looked from him to Kory and back. Kory simply raised an eyebrow.

“The man is cold as ice on the training ground. And there’s nothing wrong with that,” he added quickly, seeing Kory’s demeanor change. “But when it comes to the royal family, he’s a different person.”

“Thank you,” Zek pounced, pointing a finger at Aybol. Leo jerked back and gave his friend a look.

“Wait. Just a minute ago you were saying Cain is heartless. Now he’s only heartless on the clock?” Fitz looked to the ceiling, as if trying to remember the answer to a quiz, then back to Leo.

“When is the royal guard off the clock?” Leo ignored him and continued to look at Zek.

“What do you mean, ‘He’s a different person,’ Abe?” Kory asked, setting down his fork, giving Aybol his full attention.

“I’m not talking about the Queen, or even the King,” Aybol said shifting his weight so that his elbows were now leaning on his knees. “Well, he’s different around them, too. But when he’s around other soldiers, he’s all soldier.” Everyone nodded, waiting for the point.

“You ever seen the way he changes when the Princess is around? Princess ‘G, I mean.” Aybol looked at his best friends, hoping he wasn’t the only one who’d ever noticed. Kory didn’t move, but the look in his eye told Aybol that he wasn’t alone. Fitz nodded as well.

“Well,” Leo began. “They worked together to save the O.Z. and all. And, besides, they didn’t know she was the princess then. They’ve told all the O.Z. as much, haven’t they?”

“But, I’m talking ‘different’ different. Like he’s not head of the Royal Guard. Like she’s not the Princess.”

“Yeah, like he’s trying to be the model soldier when others are around, but he tries too hard.”

“Next you’re gonna say that they’re madly in love, right?” Kory said with a groan. Aybol raised an eyebrow and leaned back in his chair.

“I’m just sayin’ that Zek has a point.” Zek grinned broadly as Kory shook his head.

“I think you all just need to grow up and listen to what they’re telling us. Cain and the others know that one day we’ll,” he motioned to the five of them, “be responsible for the royal family’s protection. If it was me, I’d be giving the same speech. If the man didn’t know what he was doing, the Queen wouldn’t have chosen him.” Pushing his seat back from the table, Kory rose and picked up his tray.

“He’s the best. And he want’s us to be the best.” Kory sighed. “We’re all here because we were deemed capable of protecting the royal family. I suggest you listen to what the man has to say. And remember it.” He walked to the back of the room and placed the tray on the dish cart, then moved to a small counter with an array of deserts.

Zek huffed loudly and frowned. “I still say the man spent time alone in a field; other end of that stick in the ground, scarin’ everything away.”

An hour later, everyone had eaten, and moved on to a more cheerful conversation. Heading back to their quarters, the group stopped when they heard a roaring laugh coming from one of the many galleries within the palace. Finding the door cracked open, the five boys could see their commanding officer, the Queen’s advisor - the one who still wore a hat indoors, and the younger Princess. The three were sitting in a circle in the large room, deep in conversation.

When Cain let another laugh go, Aybol looked to Kory, then to his friends. Sharing a smile, the boys continued on their way.

Tomorrow, they would endure another lecture about emotion.

series: cafeteria boys, fic: tin man

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