Fic: DG and Leo's Excellent Adventure (Which Turned Out to Be a Bogus Journey)

May 05, 2008 00:06

Title: DG and Leo's Excellent Adventure (Which Turned Out to Be a Bogus Journey)
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: DG, Leo, Mo and Lona (mention of Popsicle, Kory, Aybol, Fitz, Zek, Av, Kory's GF, Carter, Fitz's dad and grandfather, the residents of Milltown and the Queen)
Rating: PG
Summary: DG is so good at corrupting Leo, he doesn't even realize she's doing it. Poor kid...
Warning: post-series *takes place during the events of Ever Wonder What Would Happen if the Sheep Hit the Finaqua?. More filler. Also, DG gives a brief outline of The Princess Bride - if you haven't seen it yet I'll sic Gibbs on you, you'll be spoiled.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

Scarecrow | The Cafeteria Boys | Dinner Conversation | Cafeteria Food | Stallone and Rabbits | Rabbits - and Cain - Can be Scary | Why Eat Crow When There's Pie? | No Laughing Matter | Only in the O.Z. Would the Bible Be Funny... | There's Something About Wheelers | Ever Wonder What Would Happen if the Sheep Hit the Finaqua? | DG and Leo's Excellent Adventure (Which Turned Out to Be a Bogus Journey) | What Happened When the Sheep Hit the Finaqua | Preparations of Titanic Proportions | Boys are Cute When They're Flustered | Checkmate | The Blue and the Gray | Times They Are a-Changin' | Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Cain? | Subterfuge | Royal Guards Don't Dance

“Oh, come on,” DG said with exasperation. “You won’t get in trouble,” she added with a stern whisper as she neared the door frame. Peeking into the hallway, she quickly muttered: “I may get in trouble, but-” She turned quickly and pointed to Leo, who looked like he was about to be sick.

“You’re just following orders,” she stated with a nod. Leo’s expression didn’t change. “All else,” she said with a wave in his direction. “Tell ‘em I beat you up.” Leo’s face eyebrows went up slowly and his face took on a ‘did you seriously just suggest that?’ look.

Sighing heavily - ‘Same as Cain does,’ she noted. ‘It must be part of their training.’ - Leo shook his head an frowned then stepped around DG and looked into the hallway. “Come on,” he said in a soldier-tone. DG smirked.

“So,” DG started a moment later, as the rounded a corner and moved down an empty hallway. “This girl who wasn’t impressed by your ladies’ man-brother...” Leo turned with a raised eyebrow and let out a slight chuckle.

“Dena,” he said simply.

“Right. She and Kory still-” Leo stopped and turned to face DG. “I mean: do they still see each other? She live nearby? She run off and join the circus?” Leo blinked and shook his head before turning and continuing down the hallway.

“We haven’t been home in a while,” he said as he stopped in front of a large tapestry. DG watched as he pushed the heavy fabric aside and pushed on the wall.

“So she’s still- What part of the Zone are you from, anyway?” DG asked, realizing she really didn’t know anything about the boys except Av was a punk.

“You’ve heard of Milltown, right?” DG nodded. “North of Milltown but-” Leo shrugged and made a motion with his hands. “...more-” He held up a finger. “If you drew a line from Milltown to here, and here to... the Northern Palace?” he said with a half-shrug. “And back down to Milltown.” DG smiled as she watched Leo describe the location with his hands. “It’s not the middle, but-” DG squeezed his arm and stepped past him into the passage.

“I’m with you.” Leo stepped in behind her and let the tapestry drop before he closed the hidden door. “And ‘Just Aybol’?”

Leo smiled. “Aybol’s from the north. He and Kory went to school together, and I met him here.” He pointed ahead of them and nudged DG down the passage.

“So, what do you do for fun around here? When you aren’t working, I mean,” DG asked as her hand ran along the stone wall. Leo threw a glance in her direction and she waved to him. “You know: movies, football... when you aren’t learning how to guard me.”

Leo laughed. “We’re always learning.”

“You don’t get a day off?” DG asked, shock on her face. Talk about unfair labor laws...

“Well, we get time for ourselves each day. Aybol and Kory run; Zek hits on the girls in the kitchen... and the laundry... and probably sneaks out into the city and hits on the girls there, too.” DG bit her lip to hold back the laugh. “Fitzy’s always fiddlin’ with gadgets from the labs - sometimes I think he’d rather be there than a soldier...”

“And you?” DG asked as they reached a staircase. Leo started down the steps and held out a hand to help her down the steps.

“I read, mostly. What did you do? On the Other Side...” DG smiled and threw Leo a shrug.

“I worked at a diner; waitress; drew pictures, helped my dad fix stuff... rode my bike all over the county.”

“County?” Leo asked with a frown as they reached the bottom of the steps.

“Uh... I guess it’s like a Guild. Counties make up the states; states make up the country. Who are those other two you mentioned?”

“Fitzy and Zek? They’re friends of ours. They were on duty the other night.”

DG nodded. “So: Kory, serious; Aybol, serious; You, serious; Fitz-y?” she said slowly. When Leo nodded, she added: “Nerd. And Zek... movie star?” Leo shook his head, assuming her comparison for the two of them was correct. “Or your brother.”

Leo turned and frowned. “No,” he stated and DG shook her head.

“Sorry, I mean with the girls. He thinks he’s hot stuff.”

“Oh,” Leo said with a smile. “Yes.”

DG grinned. “And Fitz?” DG asked as they reached a second set of steps.

“Fitzy’s a Milltown boy,” Leo said with a nod.

DG’s eyes went wide. “He’s a robot?”

Leo made a face and looked at DG. “Oh, no,” he said quickly, realizing what she was thinking. “Up until about twelve annuals ago, humans lived in Milltown. Well, they didn’t all live in Milltown, but...” Leo shook his head and glanced back to DG as he reached the bottom of the steps.

“Fitzy’s father and grandfather were the mechanical techs in Milltown,” he explained, seeing the look of confusion on her face. “The folks in Milltown could fix anything in the Zone... just, not themselves.” DG nodded - the ‘folks’ she saw while there were in all states of disrepair. Maybe she could work with Fitz, Glitch and her parents to get a human presence back in the town.

For whatever reason, DG’s brain finally caught up to the party and she stopped short, looking around the small passage. “Where are we?” she asked finally. For a quick shortcut down to the cafeteria, this seemed awful complicated - not to mention that she really hadn’t been paying attention to their route.

“If we have to get in during a fight, or, y’know... get you out,” Leo started to explain.

“Don’t you think that’s the kind of thing I should know about? I mean, we are talkin’ about my safety here.”

“Somehow, I doubt you need protecting,” Leo snapped dryly. A second later, his eyes went wide and he turned. “Sorry, I-” DG squeezed his arm and smiled.

“Are you kidding?” she asked with a laugh. Waving at him, she added: “This is the you I wanna talk to. Not some stuffy soldier.” Leo couldn’t stop himself.

“Yeah, if you wanted stuffy, you should’ve asked Kory. Not that he would have-” he trailed as his brain caught up to his words. DG gave him another wave and leaned against the wall as she realized they’d reached a dead end.

“Kory was fine.”

Leo made a face. “No, he was freaked out.” DG smiled at the word. Kory had looked rather disturbed at the sight of her. “We’re trained to be in your area, not the other way around.”

“Well, if it’s worth anything,” DG started quietly. “I’d rather be in your area than mine.” Leo didn’t respond; he knew what it felt like to be out of place. Taking a deep breath, he hoped that his timing was right and pushed on the wall behind him.

The last thing they needed was to pop out as a patrol was passing by. Peeking out quickly, he looked back to DG and nodded. “Go down, about a hundred yards. Stay against the wall,” he said, pointing to his left and DG’s right.

Taking a deep breath, he waved her out and followed, quickly pulling the hidden door shut behind them. Nodding to her to move, Leo stayed a few steps behind and kept glancing over his shoulder.

If his mother ever found out what he was doing...

As she reached a large wooden door, DG turned to Leo and pointed. He nodded, but waved for her to hold still. Stepping around her, Leo took a chance at looking around the open door and into the building. Sucking in a deep breath, Leo straightened and backed up against DG as a cart came rolling out. DG ducked behind Leo, thankful that the open door blocked them from view and cursed herself.

When her mother found out what she was doing...

Leo took another chance to look around the door and nodded to DG. It didn’t even occur to him that he’d, once again, held out a hand for DG, which she’d, once again, taken. Pulling her around the open door, they popped in to what she assumed was a service entrance for the palace and shot across to the opposite wall.

She saw the small door and glanced at Leo, whose eyes were on the staff at the other end of the open space. He nodded and she reached for the metal handle. Leo caught the door as it swung open and DG was impressed that he’d never looked away from the men; she’d have fallen flat on her ass the second she’d reached the step if she hadn’t been looking at the door.

Leo pulled the door shut and collapsed against the wall. Moving a hand up to hold his head, Leo still had his eyes closed when he asked: “What was wrong with the way you’ve been going again?” DG didn’t respond, yet was really beginning to question this plan. “Come on,” he said after pushing himself off the wall and breezing past her.

“So, movies?” Leo asked a few moments later. “Those like training films?” The few training films he’d seen reminded him of the shows he’s seen at the theater in Central City when he was younger, and he assumed they were the same thing.

“Probably. Though, they’re more for entertainment than training on the Other Side,” DG said with a shrug. “There’s all kinds: action, drama, comedy, horror... I prefer action, especially car chases,” she said with a grin, which quickly became a frown. Leo felt bad for her - he knew that without access to the library, he’d go stir-crazy himself. And there was probably no way for her to get movies from the Other Side to the Zone.

“My favorite one has a little of everything,” she said, nodding for a moment. “Well, except for the car chases.”

Leo smiled. “What happens?”

“Oh, it’s a story of true love,” she said, rolling her eyes. “But there’s pirates, swordfights... intrigue, retribution... giants...”

“Sounds very-” Leo didn’t actually know what it sounded like, so he just shrugged.

“It starts out with this kid who’s sick. His grandfather comes to visit and brings this book. So, the story goes that there’s this princess who isn’t really a princess but is a princess - I haven’t figured that one out yet-” DG rambled until she caught herself and cleared her throat. “Anyway, there’s this farm boy she calls Farmboy; creative, huh?” she asked Leo offhandedly.

“So, they fall in love, but he doesn’t think he’s worthy of her so he’s gonna take off and see the world, be all he can be,” she said with a wave.

“Sounds like a kissing book,” Leo said as they turned a corner. “What?” he asked a second later, realizing DG had stopped and given him a funny look. She gave him a half-laugh and shook her head.

“So, the King decides he wants to marry her and she gets kidnapped by a Spaniard, a giant and an annoying little man. They’re being followed by a pirate and there’s a swordfight, then a smackdown and then a big ol’ brain teaser. The pirate kidnaps the princess and then she finds out that the pirate is actually the farm boy who she thought was dead.”

Leo gave her a look as they reached another dead end and he pressed on the wall. “So they live happily ever after?” he asked with a raised eyebrow and just a hint of sarcasm.

“Actually, he dies and she’s forced to marry the King,” she said with a shrug.

Leo blinked and took another look into the hallway before asking: “And this is your favorite?”

“Well,” DG said in a whisper as they moved into the hallway. “He’s found by the Spaniard and the giant and they get Billy Crystal to bring him back to life and save the princess. So, happy ending,” she said with a flourish as they reached the entrance of the cafeteria.


“No, no. What you want to do is go to the service closet off the dining room on the third floor,” Mo said with a nod to DG. "Take the stairs down two levels and that’ll put you just off the main ballroom. Across the hall... three doors on the right,” he said, glancing up to the ceiling as he remembered the proper location. “Three. That door should put you into the linen pantry. Stairs in there will bring you down at the end of the hall back here,” he said with a point to the door just off the kitchen.

Lona’s eyes went wide and she stopped slapping Leo with a wooden spoon and thumped Mo upside the back of the head with the back of her hand. “Dear, I love your visitin’, but you need to not be sneaking around. Your mother finds out what you’re up to and...” She knew she’d never convince DG to stay away, especially not with the puppy dog-pout currently plastered on DG’s face.

“You need to get back yet?” she asked Leo, a wicked glint in her eyes. Leo sighed heavily as DG smiled and moved around the counter to the cold storage. She returned a moment later with a collection of items that Mo had delivered a few days before.

As she pulled boxes open and reached for a bowl, DG stated: “I need to remember to thank Carter for insisting we only serve handmade ice cream.” She grinned and nodded and Leo shook his head and Mo leaned closer to watch the creation of a new recipe.

series: cafeteria boys, fic: tin man

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