Fic: Boys are Cute When They're Flustered

May 11, 2008 23:12

Title: Boys are Cute When They're Flustered
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Kory, Aybol, Leo and Cain (mention of DG and Av)
Rating: PG
Summary: Kory, Leo and Aybol pay a visit to Cain's office
Warning: post-series *takes place at least an hour after the events of Preparations of Titanic Proportions. This one is really short.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

Scarecrow | The Cafeteria Boys | Dinner Conversation | Cafeteria Food | Stallone and Rabbits | Rabbits - and Cain - Can be Scary | Why Eat Crow When There's Pie? | No Laughing Matter | Only in the O.Z. Would the Bible Be Funny... | There's Something About Wheelers | Ever Wonder What Would Happen if the Sheep Hit the Finaqua? | DG and Leo's Excellent Adventure (Which Turned Out to Be a Bogus Journey) | What Happened When the Sheep Hit the Finaqua | Preparations of Titanic Proportions | Boys are Cute When They're Flustered | Checkmate | The Blue and the Gray | Times They Are a-Changin' | Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Cain? | Subterfuge | Royal Guards Don't Dance

Cain was sitting at his desk, sorting through papers, when he heard the knock. His eyes shot up just enough to see who was standing in the doorway, then back down to the current page facing him.

“Mister Hale.” Kory took an uncomfortable breath and stepped into the room; Aybol and Leo were right behind him. Cain looked up at the sight of the other two in his peripheral. “And Mister Tigg and Mister Aybol.” Cain crossed his arms and leaned against the desk. The boys stood at the end of the desk and looked extremely uncomfortable.

Cain, of course, just stared at them. “What can I do for you, gentlemen?” he asked with a polite smile. Kory opened his mouth to speak then promptly shut it and glanced at Aybol.

“Um,” Kory stuttered. “We, uh... wanted to-”

Aybol stepped forward. “We wanted to apologize, Sir.” Cain blinked, took a deep breath and looked back at his desk.

“Do I want to know what you’re apologizing for?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. Aybol and Kory looked at each other and then to Leo, who shrugged. “Gentlemen,” Cain said, giving them a moment to focus on him.

“Go away.” Kory looked at Aybol again then tilted his head. Cain looked back at the stack of papers and forced a smile away. Leo and Aybol backed up and Kory turned, but stopped at the door frame. Turning back, Kory moved swiftly over to the chair on the other side of Cain’s desk and sat.

“We shouldn’t have- We just- And-” Kory breathed heavily, useless at finding the right words. Cain looked up to Aybol and Leo, who had moved back into the room and were now standing behind Kory, then to Kory.

“She’s very good at that,” he said simply. Kory looked at the desk, but Cain saw a smile on Aybol’s face. Leo, Cain noted, looked terrified. Cain - or Aybol or Kory, for that matter - didn’t know about Leo and DG’s little excursion through the tunnels of the castle. At least, he hoped they didn’t know. That would surely get him kicked out and sent home.

Which was all Av would need to make Leo’s life Hell.

“Gentlemen,” Cain said again, even calmer than he realized he could be. The three young men gave him their full attention. Cain leaned back in his chair and sighed. “Go. Away.” He raised an eyebrow, for effect, and Aybol grabbed Kory’s arm, pulling him up from the chair.

“Thank you, sir,” Aybol said as he pulled on Leo’s sleeve and hurriedly pushed her friends to the door as Cain returned to the files.

“Don’t thank me,” Cain stated quietly, causing the boys to stop. No one looked up or back. As they cleared the doorway, Cain leaned back in his chair again and put his chin in his hand. He laughed slightly and shook his head before returning to the papers.

series: cafeteria boys, fic: tin man

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