Fic: Only in the O.Z. Would the Bible Be Funny...

Feb 15, 2008 15:59

Title: Only in the O.Z. Would the Bible Be Funny...
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: DG, Cain, Az, Raw, the Queen and two OCs (mention of Ahamo and two or three OCs)
Rating: PG
Summary: There's something about Kory...
Warning: post-series *A few days after Why Eat Crow When There's Pie?. Maybe a week. Pure filler.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

Scarecrow | The Cafeteria Boys | Dinner Conversation | Cafeteria Food | Stallone and Rabbits | Rabbits - and Cain - Can be Scary | Why Eat Crow When There's Pie? | No Laughing Matter | Only in the O.Z. Would the Bible Be Funny... | There's Something About Wheelers | Ever Wonder What Would Happen if the Sheep Hit the Finaqua? | DG and Leo's Excellent Adventure (Which Turned Out to Be a Bogus Journey) | What Happened When the Sheep Hit the Finaqua | Preparations of Titanic Proportions | Boys are Cute When They're Flustered | Checkmate | The Blue and the Gray | Times They Are a-Changin' | Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Cain? | Subterfuge | Royal Guards Don't Dance

DG was walking the hall with her mother and her sister - half-listening to them go on about why the ball was a good idea and that, as a member of the royal family, of course DG would attend - when she spotted Kory. She hadn’t seen any of the boys since their impromptu get-together a few nights before - partly because Az, all of a sudden, showed up at DG’s door, wanting to talk about parties and dresses and proper ‘ball behavior.’

She smiled at the sight of him - he definitely did the uniform justice - and, as they neared, she gave him a nod. And it took all Kory had to not even blink. While his gut was screaming at him to not be such a jerk, his brain was reminding him that there were other guards present and the last thing he needed was to get them both in trouble.

DG’s brow furrowed as she was pulled along by Az. She threw a glance over her shoulder as her mother continued on about the difference between a ball gown and a dress. After they turned the corner, Kory closed his eyes and flinched as he cursed himself. He’d tell Mo or Lona to let her know it was nothing personal.


“As we are presenting you to the O.Z., you will enter from the staircase,” the Queen said with a wave to the staircase just outside the ballroom. DG bit her lower lip and turned to the wall, picturing the massive staircase on the other side. As she turned back, DG noticed the slightest smirk on Cain’s face, and a hitch of breath from Raw. Narrowing her eyes, DG stuck her tongue out at the ex-Tin Man when he looked back up.

Honestly, they’d probably all just imagined her taking a not-so-graceful tumble down said staircase. She wondered if either of them had seen her land on the buffet table or the large elderly man in the walker - as those were her two worst-case scenarios.

“Now, DG,” the Queen said with a semi-labored sigh. “We must discuss your attire.” DG frowned and sagged her shoulders.

“Do I have to wear a dress?” she whined. “Why can’t I go with nice jeans and a jacket? If I’m gonna be presented to the whole O.Z., might as well let ‘em see what they’re gonna get.” The Queen simply shook her head. Az moved over and put an arm around her sister.

“It’s okay, Deej. We’ll find you something.” At that, DG’s brain went into overdrive and she began imagining dresses from different movies she’d seen. At the flash of one - taking a moment to consider it in another color - her eyebrow raised and she pointed to her mother.

“You drop the ball gown charge and I’ll wear a dress. Deal?” she added, realizing she really needed to cut back on the Law and Order marathons. At the look from her mother, DG raised an eyebrow and put on her I’m-not-backing-down face.

“I’ll see that she’s appropriately dressed, mother,” Az said with a nod. The Queen nodded, deciding that if DG was offering, she might as well take the deal. She and Ahamo had been discussing the best ways to help DG acclimate to life in the O.Z. - Ahamo’s first suggestion being to let DG make the first move on most topics that were regarding her, specifically.


A few hours later, DG breezed back down the hallway, in search of Kory. Unfortunately, she didn’t see him. She had thought about it while not listening to her mother discuss protocols for the party with Cain, Glitch and Az, more than herself; Kory was on duty, and probably told by Cain to never speak to her. Well, not Kory, specifically. She considered asking Cain, but then realized that he’d just get mad.

Frowning, DG was about to turn back when she spotted Leo. Taking a deep breath, she moved down the hallway and stopped at the window just next to his post. Taking a moment to glance out over the O.Z., she quietly asked: “Is it safe?”

Leo shifted, ever-so-slightly, and smirked. “Just don’t turn around.” DG beamed out the window.

“So, you been ordered not to speak to me?” she asked, turning just enough to see his face. He looked at her with a confused expression and shot back.

“You specifically?” DG rolled her eyes and looked out the window again.

“I saw Kory earlier. He didn’t even blink,” she stated with a frown. Leo shifted slightly.

“Don’t take it personal. Kory’s all ‘soldier’ when he’s on duty.” DG nodded, understanding that they were all here to work, not chat up the younger princess. They stood in silence for a few moments, as a pair of guards moved through the corridor on their way to a shift change. As they cleared earshot, Leo turned to DG.

“In the year we’ve been here, Kory’s only ever deferred to two people: Cain... and Aybol.” DG was mid-snort when she tried to stop it and ended up cutting off her own flow of oxygen. Slapping her chest, she turned to the window and coughed and Leo’s eyes went wide.

“I’m good,” she said, coughing again and holding a hand up to him. “Got air down the wrong pipe, ‘sall.” Leo didn’t buy it, but turned back to his ‘station.’ She was trying very hard not to laugh - it wasn’t Leo’s fault. Again, one of those laughs she could share only with Ahamo. ‘Dad!’ she corrected herself with a mental slap.

The story would lose something in the translation anyway. And then she’d have to tell him exactly who Aybol was, and how she knew him. Which would get Cain involved. Which would bring trouble for all of them, and she wasn’t about to get anyone in trouble. Unless they deserved it, of course. And they didn’t deserve to be in trouble - she did, for invading their space - but she wasn’t about to get herself in trouble either.

If she could help it.

series: cafeteria boys, fic: tin man

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