Fic Masterlist

Feb 11, 2009 18:52

My fic masterlist, sorted by fandom. List last updated December 2010 because I'm a horrible list-keeper. Every fic is tagged though, so if in doubt click on the tag of your choice.

Be warned, the quality of the fic here varies as some of it is from my early days in fandom. Still, I hope my meager offerings entertain you, dear reader.


IM Fic, A Puppy!demons'verse, Supernatural, Torchwood Crossover, co-written with rahmi Here.
Pairing, Characters: implied Jack/Ianto, team, faeries, Sam/Dean, puppy!demons,
Rating: PG-13 for crack and mention of incest
Spoilers: For Torchwood up to Small Worlds, for Supernatural, mh, let's just say S3.
Length: 2124 words
Summary: American faeries seem to have a different definition of "child" from Welsh ones.
Author's Note: IM!crack!crossover of doom, co-written with my wonderful rahmi, both of us half asleep and flinging instant messages at each other. We keep changing accents, PoVs, and what not. Be warned.
Written: January 2008

An Interlude for my Wee!Dean Series, additionally crossovered with rahmi's Puppy!demons 'verse, see Supernatural fics.

Aire Libre:

Drawings: Here. (Crossposted to dearphilos here.)
Pairing, Characters: Humboldt, Bonpland. If you are wearing your slash goggles, could be one-sided Humboldt/Bonpland
Rating: G
Spoilers: Naturalists draw?
Length: 100 words
Author's Note: Written for latin_cat for the drabble meme. The prompt she gave me: Aire Libre (because there is not enough of it), and "drawings".
Written: October 2009

To Look: Here. (Crossposted to dearphilos here.)
Pairing, Characters: One-sided Humboldt/Bonpland, implied Bonpland/Ana,
Rating: G
Spoilers: none
Length: 528 words, 8 screen caps
Summary: The scene in which Bonpland climbs a tree to reach an orchid, Humboldt's thoughts (or, what according to dPK!canon went through his mind).
Written: December 2009

Constellation: Here. (Crossposted to dearphilos here.)
Pairing, Characters: Aimé Bonpland, Alexander von Humboldt, Pedro Montanar, Villahermosa (at least I think that man was him)
Rating: PG (someone gets hit on the head and bleeds)
Spoilers: Well, the movie up to the… 40-somethingth minute.
Length: 1754 words (For my standards, a veritable epic!)
Summary: The corona scene, and its aftermath.
Written: December 2009

Untitled Aire Libre ficlet: Here. (Crossposted to dearphilos here.)
Pairing, Characters: mentioned Bonpland/Ana, failed Bonpland/Humboldt
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: …For what? It's one movie.
Length: 936 words
Summary: Bonpland comes to a decision, doubts, comes to the same decision again, and then there's an alligator.
Written: May 2009

Master and Commander:

Aftermath: Here. (Crossposted to perfect_duet here.)
Pairing, Characters: Stephen, Jack, Pullings
Rating: PG-13 for drug use
Spoilers: None
Length: 426 words
Summary: Post-battle, Stephen doesn't feel like celebrating.
Written: November 2008

Alternative Medicine: Here. (Crossposted to the meme post here, and perferct_duet here.)
Pairing, Characters: Stephen, Jack (if you are wearing your slash goggles Stephen/Jack)
Rating: G
Spoilers: none
Length: 100 words
Author's Note: Written for the_elb for the drabble meme. Prompt: Stephen being sweet!
As always, not beta'd.
Written: October 2009

Comfort Here. (Crossposted to perfect_duet here.)
Pairing, Characters: Stephen, Jack, crew
Rating: PG-ish. Indirect mention of drug abuse, and, if you squint, slash.
Spoilers: None. Hints at Diana, but doesn't mention her.
Length: 889 words
Summary: Stephen is grumpy. The Surprises despair.
Written: January 2009

Coupling: Here. (Crossposted to here.)
Pairing, Characters: Jack/Amanda Smith, Stephen/Diana (well, -ish)
Rating: PG
Spoilers: The Surgeon's Mate
Length: 327 words (not including lyrics)
Author's Note: For the Aubreyad Song Fic Meme, to a verse of The Films' song Belt Loops. At Lady Harriet's ball in Halifax, Jack and Amanda Smith, looking at Stephen and Diana. As always, not beta'd.
Written: March 2010

Dialogue!Snippet Here. (Crossposted to perfect_duet here.
Pairing, Characters: Stephen, Jack
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Which was the book with the sloth? HMS Surprise? Spoilers for that.
Length: 300 words
Summary: What kind of animal is Stephen allowed to bring aboard?
Written: May 2009

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Here. (Crossposted to perfect_duet here.)
Pairing, Characters: The only one mentioned by name is dear Surprise, but it's Jack/Stephen
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None
Length: 396
Summary:(…)Since in our fandom "playing music" is a euphemism for non-pg activities, or at least foreplay(…)
Written: December 2008

Every New Beginning Here.
Pairing, Characters: Jack Aubrey, Stephen Maturin, mention of Harte and Molly
Rating: PG-13 for violent thoughts
Spoilers: Master and Commander
Length: 1925 words
Status: Complicated. I am toying with the idea of continuing this as a darkish fic, but then again, for me this is already a rather long fic.
Summary: Underneath that stiff uniform Jack always struck me as a strongly emotional person. Not all emotion is positive. For perfect_duet's Christmas Calendar 2010.
Written: December 2010

Horns: Here. (Crossposted to perfect_duet here.)
Pairing, Characters: Harte (Harte/Molly, mention of Jack/Molly)
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Master and Commander
Length: 289 words (not including lyrics)
Author's Note: For the Aubreyad Song Fic Meme, to a verse of The Films' song Belt Loops. As always, not beta'd.
Written: March 2010

Hug Here. (Crossposted to perfect_duet here.)
Pairing, Characters: Jack, Stephen
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Length: 401 words
Summary: The sea offers everything a sailor could possibly want.
Written: March 2009

Shameless Here. (Crossposted to perfect_duet here.)
Pairing, Characters: Stephen
Rating: PG (drug use)
Spoilers: HMS Surprise
Length: 553 words
Author's Note: Written for the Song Fic Meme at perfect_duet, four snippets on Stephen, to Alisha's Attic's song Shameless.
Written: March 2010

Sunshine Here. (Crossposted to perfect_duet here.)
Pairing, Characters: Jack/Stephen
Rating: PG - Nothing explicit, but definite lusting
Spoilers: HMS Surprise
Length: 959 words
Status: One-shot, prequel to Sunshine II here
Summary: Jack is hot. And it’s not only because of the sun.
Written: May 2009

Sunshine II Here. (Crossposted to perfect_duet here.)
Pairing, Characters: Jack/Stephen
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: HMS Surprise
Disclaimer: Not mine, never has been, never will be.
Length: 1908 words
Status: One-shot, sequel to Sunshine here or here.
Summary: Dusk. It is finally getting cooler. Or isn't it?
Written: September 2009

Temptation: Here. (Crossposted to the original meme post here and perfect_duet here.)
Pairing, Characters: Stephen, Jack, mermaids
Rating: PG
Spoilers: none
Length: 300 words
Author's Note: Written for grace_poppy for the drabble meme. Prompt: Stephen and mermaids, of course. Evil mermaids of temptation.
Written: November 2009

The Butcher's Bill Here. (Crossposted to the meme post here, and perfect_duet here.)
Pairing, Characters: Killick, mentions of Jack and Stephen
Rating: PG
Spoilers: none
Length: 100 words
Author's Note: Written for proskynesis for the drabble meme. Prompt: KILLICK.
Written: October 2009

The Christmas Play Here. (Crossposted to my personal journal here and perfect_duet here.)
Pairing, Characters: Jack, Stephen, mentions Babbington and Killick
Rating: G
Spoilers: Tiny one for Surgeon's Mate
Length: 294 words
Summary: Which role is Jack to play in this year's Christmas play?
Written: December 2007

Through Beady Eyes Here. (Crossposted to perfect_duet here.)
Pairing, Characters: Jack/Stephen, the sloth
Rating: R
Spoilers: HMS Surprise
Length: 2921 words
Summary: Prompt: Jack/Stephen, with the sloth watching - added request: as observed by the sloth... In its own words.
Author's Note: Written for the Aubreyad Kink Meme. My first smut fic. *waves another shred of her innocence good-bye*
Written: February 2009

World So Cold Here. (Crossposted to perfect_duet here.)
Pairing, Characters: Stephen, cameo by Jack
Rating: G
Spoilers: none
Length: 346 words
Author's Note: Written for the Perfect_Duet Christmas Calendar. Sadly rather short and plotless, as RL has been keeping me busy for weeks now, and unmerry, for which I blame my player prompting me with Three Days Grace's World So Cold (and that was one of the happier songs it gave me).
Written: November 2009

And not up yet, but somewhere on my harddrive…
Title: The Ev0l Sloth Fic
Pairing, Characters: Jack, Stephen, the sloth
Rating: PG - alcohol
Spoilers: HMS Surprise for sloth appearance
Length: 750 words
Summary: Debauchery.
Written: June? 2008


Contrition Is For Commoners: Here. (Crossposted to the meme post here.)
Pairing, Characters: Merlin, Arthur, female character
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Length: 100 words
Author's Note: Written for rahmi for the drabble meme. Prompt: Merlin/Arthur, Arthur was just an idiot that Merlin had to save. Again. Written: October 2009

Explaining Eloquently, More Or Less Here.
Pairing, Characters: Merlin, Arthur
Rating: G. Teeny tiny almost invisible hint at slash.
Spoilers: None
Length: 1085 words
Summary: Merlin can explain. Or not.
Written: December 2008

Pastime Here.
Pairing, Characters: Gaius, Dragon, mentions Merlin, Arthur, and Uther
Rating: PG. Mentions possible future Arthur/Merlin slash
Spoilers: None
Length: 531 words
Summary: Why the Dragon really insists that Arthur is Merlin's destiny.
Written: February 2009


Just call me Sam: Here.
Pairing, Characters: Shawn, Gus
Rating: PG (kind of death fic)
Spoilers: None
Length: 706 words
Summary: Pineapples don't kill people. People kill people!
Author's Note: The result of bad fandom-withdrawal during excavation; scribbled down during one lunch break, forgotten for months, typed and altered here and there due to tootsiemuppet using a Psych quote and reminding me. I reserve the right to change or not change the title and / or continue or not continue this at some point in the future.
Written: August 2009 / January 2010

Stargate Atlantis

I Can See Clearly Now: Here. (Crossposted to the meme post here.)
Pairing, Characters: Rodney, John
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Length: 400 words
Author's Note: Written for tabaqui for the drabble meme. Prompt: SGA John/Rodney if you do, um...rain. Which, apparently I do.
Written: October 2009

Star Trek Reboot:

Eccentricity: Here. (Crossposted to the meme post here.)
Pairing, Characters: Scotty, mention of the crew and Enterprise
Rating: G
Spoilers: I'm assuming everybody knows Scotty ends up on the Enterprise.
Length: 100 words
Author's Note: Written for tootsiemuppet for the drabble meme. The prompt she gave me: Anything at all with Scotty. You can choose whether you want to make it TOS or Reboot, but Scotty doesn't get nearly enough love in fic, and this should be rectified!
Written: October 2009


Bitch From Hell Here.
Pairing, Characters: Sam, Dean, a hellhound
Rating: PG. Bad words.
Spoilers: S3
Length: 715 words
Status: One-shot, though with sequel potential. But don't get your hopes up, these days Supernatural just doesn't inspire me anymore.
Summary: So, the hellhound had found them. It wasn't what they expected, though.
Written: December 2007

Men Talk: Here. (Crossposted to the meme post here.)
Pairing, Characters: Dean/Sam
Rating: PG-13, but with incest
Spoilers: none
Length: 100 words
Author's Note: Written for kain_abel for the drabble meme. Prompt: Dean/Sam, Just talk about it! I'd prefer slash but it's mainly up to you.
Written: October 2009

Wee!Dean Series Here.
Pairing, Characters: Sam, wee!Dean, some wee!Jo, a bit of Ellen and Bobby
Rating: PG. Because at the beginning Sam is still using bad words.
Spoilers: S2
Length: 7445 words
Status: WIP, though currently abandoned. No bad cliffhanger, so it's safe to read.
Summary: Being the older brother is a lot more difficult than Sam always thought.
Written: November 2007

Wee!Dean Series Interlude Here, Sequel Here.
Pairing, Characters: Sam, Wee!Dean, puppy!demons
Rating: PG
Spoilers: S2
Length: 716 words, Sequel 229 words
Status: Interlude with sequel to a series? Consider it finished.
Summary: Whom would you let babysit your little big brother?
Author's Note: This is a crossover between my Wee!Dean Series here and rahmi's Puppy!demons 'verse here. That makes it doubly cracky. Be warned.
Written: November/December 2007


Death Glare, Times Two Here.
Pairing, Characters: Team, unnamed kitten
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Length: 446 words
Summary: This time, they'll have to clean up after themselves.
Written: July 2008

Feast For The Eyes Here.,
Pairing, Characters: Jack/Ianto (implied, possibly onesided), Ianto/Lisa (implied), team
Rating: G
Spoilers: Up to Cyberwoman
Length: 2215 words
Status: WIP, currently abandoned. No bad cliffhanger, though.
Summary: The Captain does pay attention to Ianto's suits.
Written: March 2008

Stains in a Coffee Mug Here.
Pairing, Characters: Jack/Ianto, team
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None. Implies an established relationship, though, so let's say set some time S2
Length: 1828 words
Summary: Jack can't bring himself to wash an old mug.
Written: July 2008

organisational, masterlist

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