MandC: Horns

Mar 19, 2010 11:26

Waiting for the printer at work to give me my lists, might as well put this up instead of twiddling my thumbs...

Title: Horns
Author: thedeepeekay
Fandom: Aubreyad
Pairing, Characters: Harte (Harte/Molly, mention of Jack/Molly)
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Master and Commander
Disclaimer: Not mine, never has been, never will be.
Length: 289 words (not including lyrics)
Author's Note: For the Aubreyad Song Fic Meme, to a verse of The Films' song Belt Loops. As always, not beta'd.
Written: March 2010
Crossposted to: the meme post here.


He's been waiting in the alley for an hour
She's been powdering her nose in the shower
I've been tryin' to figure out where it went sour
But I think the ringing in my ears is getting louder

He had known when they married that others would continue to look at her and see her. Had know, and had not cared. She had chosen him, for his strength of character, his intellect, his single-mindedness in rising through the ranks, for the promise of respect and status, which he had delivered and still was. But that this would not be enough to keep his wife from returning the looks given to her, that he had not know. That he would have to endure the humiliation of his wife, his wife, accepting advances from his own subordinate, meeting with a man barely more than a common sailor fresh in from a cruise, whoring herself out like a common wench, for what he did not even know. The gall of the man to cuckold him, time and again, under the eyes of half of Minorca, under his very nose!

Whether Aubrey was dim enough to believe him unaware of his transgression, or counted on his simple charms, luck, and his father's influence to keep him from any consequences of his misconduct he could not fathom. That action with the Cacafuego may have endeared Aubrey to the rubble clogging the lower ranks and those fools that did not understand the workings of the navy, but Harte was by no means impressed by further evidence of the buffoon's boastful presumptuousness, and he would not reward him for risking the navy's ship and men in a mad stunt to appease his pride. That night Aubrey would attend the Governor's dinner, celebrated, fawned over, watching Molly play.

The next day he would be shown his place and informed that the Cacafuego had not been bought, and as for the Gazette, Harte would see to that.


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