MandC: Coupling

Mar 19, 2010 11:26

Title: Coupling (I promise, it's a lot tamer than the title makes it sound.)
Author: thedeepeekay
Fandom: Aubreyad
Pairing, Characters: Jack/Amanda Smith, Stephen/Diana (well, -ish)
Rating: G
Spoilers: The Surgeon's Mate
Disclaimer: Not mine, never has been, never will be.
Length: 327 words (not including lyrics)
Author's Note: For the Aubreyad Song Fic Meme, to a verse of The Films' song Belt Loops. At Lady Harriet's ball in Halifax, Jack and Amanda Smith, looking at Stephen and Diana. As always, not beta'd.
Written: March 2010
Crossposted to: the meme post here.


She's like a devil in a dark shade of lipstick
An unassuming sort of X-rated misfit
Her bottle's shook up, all you've gotta do is twist it
Before you get a chance you'll already have missed it
He's got his arm around her looking like an actress
Agenda driven heathen posing like a baptist
Subtle proposition will you fit him in your track list
Maybe you'll just get right down to wearing out the mattress

Miss Smith was the most engaging creature, full of life, nicely plump, and a congenial conversationalist; Jack found he very much enjoyed her company and touch as they danced, and he was very much in high spirits when she pointed out Diana and Stephen.

True, they were an odd couple to look at, Diana a vision in blue and diamonds, with sparkling eyes and her head held high, and Stephen, small and unremarkable at best, his look cold even though he seemed to be enjoying himself well enough, not even wearing the regulation breeches to his surgeon's coat. Jack had to admit, his friend did not look like much. But surely the fact alone that he had one of the most beautiful women of the ball by his side must show people that, here, there was more to a man that met the eye? Diana may be a fine woman, but her charms lay in her looks, he did not much care for her character anymore. Stephen in contrast seemed a rather understated fellow at first glance, but upon a closer look revealed himself to be one of the most extraordinary men Jack had ever met. Not a mere surgeon, but a proper physician, a most learned man who knew nigh on every language ever spoken and could name even the smallest beetle, the most loyal friend, and in the fight against old Boney as dedicated and disregardful of his own comfort as any, comparable even to Nelson himself!

He could not speak of this to Miss Smith, of course, but she accepted his correction of her view easily, which was fortunate, for he later discovered that the young woman, despite turning out to be not quite as young as she seemed, did not only feel strongly for the navy, but indeed admired and adored Lord Nelson herself! He told her of the time Nelson asked him for the salt, and they went on to spend the most entertaining night.


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