Aire Libre: Untitled ficlet

Jun 04, 2009 12:38

Title: (So far) Untitled Aire Libre ficlet
Author: thedeepeekay
Fandom: Aire Libre
Pairing, Characters: mentioned Bonpland/Ana, failed Bonpland/Humboldt
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: …For what? It's one movie.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never has been, never will be.
Length: 936 words
Status: Complete
Summary: Bonpland comes to a decision, doubts, comes to the same decision again, and then there's an alligator.
Author's Note: For my dearest tootsiemuppet, who desperately wanted fic for a fandom that only the two of us are in. And I'll have you know that I did not chicked out, the cock-blocking alligator is canon. Not that I'm too familiar with canon. I need to get my hands on this dvd. And establish a personal canon. As always, not beta'd.
Written: May 2009
Crossposted to / originally posted at: Only here. Since there isn't even a community where I could put it up. Over at dearphilos, here!

The air was rich with the smell and sound of the Venezuelan flora and fauna as Aimé splashed about in the water, elated and strangely unworried, now that he had made up his mind. He gazed at Alexander standing next to him, smiling, in the water, as his friend told him of his childhood. He swam in closer circles around him, in smooth, non-hasty movements, the way he would move a wild animal - carefully, gently, so he would not startle a creature that was not familiar enough with man to fear him, but cautious because of this same ignorance. And ignorant Alexander was. How one so hungry for knowledge could be so innocent was a mystery to Aimé. A mystery, like the man himself.

Oh, he knew Alexander, knew the man more intimately than a lover, knew him better than a brother. They travelled together, learned together, lived together. The lanky body, growing more sinewy as their voyage progressed, its movements less and less awkward the more comfortable its owner became with scrambling through the jungle and climbing on trees. It was a joy to watch as Alexander left behind the rigid restrictions of his upbringing and allowed himself to relish the wonders of discovery. He did not laugh as freely as Aimé, never would - it was not in his nature, but his ever-questing eyes had, for the most part, lost the doubt and unease that had been present all too often in their early days on this new continent.

Now, when this look resurfaced, he thought it mostly directed at himself, a possibility which both shamed and excited him. Shamed, for how could he scare Alexander, who, despite all his knowledge, sometimes resembled nothing as much as a child to be sheltered from the harsh, ugly truths of the world. Excited, because now, Alexander looked at no one the way he looked at Aimé.

And Aimé wanted to be special to Alexander, as Alexander was special to him. He wanted Alexander beside him, wanted to share all the joy in the world with him.

His only thought upon finding that new species of orchid in town had been to show it to Alexander, to share his elation with the only soul he knew who would share in it, the only one he cared to share in it. Ana, and that he had left her standing in the street, had not entered his mind again until later, when Alexander's drawing of the orchid reminded him of her. And later, during the unfortunately timed birth of Pedro's firstborn, Alexander showed nothing but fascination. No fear of the earthquake, his concern and unease blown away by a thrill of discovery stronger than the inappropriateness of the situation and the prospect of surgery. That very dialogue had also revealed to him that Alexander had no interest in the pleasures to be found between the legs of a woman aside from a scientific aspect.

This gave him hope that maybe Alexander might be more receptive to pleasures of another kind. Had his attitude towards Ana been mere disapproval, or had there been more to it? Alexander had acknowledged his exclamation that night, and Aimé was certain that his friend been affronted by it or even disgusted. Quite the contrary, it had been Alexander, who, quite out of character for him, had put his hand on his shoulder, initiating physical contact. And his question… Had he only asked after the women, or had there been more to the inquiry? He desired Alexander, there was no doubt to it. Would he love him any less if he possessed him that way? He could not imagine ever loving Alexander less. If anything, he thought he would love him more.

And Alexander did love him, of that he was certain. The man had not blinked an eyelash as Aimé had called out his name in ecstasy, had cold-shouldered an eclipse because Aimé has been dealt a by comparison minor injury, was now looking into his eyes telling him about his youth. But would he be willing to go against his deeply-ingrained morals and inhibitions? Or, god forbid, what if he approached Alexander, and it turned out that the love his friend held for him was not of that nature? What if he lost Alexander?

He pushed back for a moment, diving under to hide his face as fear gripped his heart and he lost the confidence that had previously filled him. He would not be able to bear that, losing Alexander. Should he offer, and risk being rejected? Should he be content with what he had, with having Alexander as a friend, and bury the longing in his heart?

No, he decided as he resurfaced. They were friends, companions, brothers, if nothing else. He would approach Alexander and make his feelings clear. If his advances were unwanted, they would not speak of it again.

As he turned to swim back to Alexander, though, a movement further downstream caught his eye, and all other thoughts fled his mind as he saw the alligator lazily swimming towards them. He distantly registered the confused look in Alexander's eyes as he interrupted the other man's hesitant monologue about a childhood sweetheart and - virility, of all things! But whatever importance his words had, they could wait. This was one way he would not risk Alexander, no childhood memory was worth facing an alligator.

" Sorry to interrupt you, but if you want to keep your memories and virility, do your best to get out of the water. I see an alligator intent on enjoying his own anthropophagical memories!"

aire libre

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