MandC: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik

Feb 09, 2009 21:10

Title: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
Author: thedeepeekay
Fandom: MandC
Pairing, Characters: The only one mentioned by name is dear Surprise, but it's Jack/Stephen
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Not mine, never has been, never will be.
Length: 396
Status: One-shot
Summary:(…)Since in our fandom "playing music" is a euphemism for non-pg activities, or at least foreplay(…)
Author's Note: Rather… dreamy piece, written for tootsiemuppet's birthday. And she drew accompanying art! Go and look at it here!
As always, not beta'd.
Crossposted to: perfect_duet, here.
Written: December 2008

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik

The night was moonless, the sky, speckled with innumerable stars, gleaming brightly despite their seemingly insignificant size, melted into the sea at some faraway point on the horizon, thus turning the world into a closed-off cocoon of almost-darkness. Sheltered in this cocoon sailed Surprise, her masts held high and proud and reaching for the heavens, even though night muted the usual white, untouchable canvas of her sails and darkened the frigate until she herself became a phantom, inhabited by ghosts, man-sized shadows quietly and efficiently moving about a taller shadow that itself was gliding through the night.

Upon a closer look at this picture of otherworldliness though cracks appeared in the paint: Lanterns on board, few as there might be, cast a warm, reassuring, earthy glow over their vicinity, the circles of light swaying with the up and down of the waves. The men, contour- and colourless shapes in the ropes, became bright and alive on deck, crowding around, voices rising in talk, jest, and oh-so human laughter. The sights and sounds of sociability and companionability kept the silent darkness at bay, creating a small, self-contained world on the frigate.

From under this lively, sturdy bustle of back-slapping and roaring laughter though drifted up nigh inaudible snippets of music. Fragile sounds like woven glass, complicated, melancholic melodies that escaped towards the stars, fleeing the deck and it's occupants. Songs of yearning and longing, of wanting and needing, originated from a cabin at the stern of the ship, their meaning lost to all of Surprise's men but those two seated inside, distanced from everyone, avoiding the revealing, unforgiving light and it's uncomprehending inhabitants. Fingers gliding over their instruments, both sat in darkness, blending in with the night, their music saying what they could not express in words. Songs dancing, winding around each other, reaching out and touching. Nothing but the darkness and the stars, each silent, not caring, and not condemning, to witness hesitant fingers cease dancing over wood and string and start gliding over instruments of quite a different kind, continuing their song of yearning and longing, wanting and needing, but shedding their melancholy and the pace quickened and added reaffirmed trust, and love of a nature that could never be allowed to leave the night's protection to their concerto.

Up on deck friendly commotion drowned out the dark song and kept the two worlds separate.


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