Title: Drawings
Pairing, Characters: Humboldt, Bonpland. If you are wearing your slash goggles, could be one-sided Humboldt/Bonpland
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, never has been, never will be.
Author's Note: Written for
latin_cat for the drabble meme. The prompt she gave me: Aire Libre (because there is not enough of it), and "drawings".
As always, not beta'd.
Crossposted to: my meme round-up post
Alexander was very particular when it came to his notes and drawings. Everything had to be done just so, and sometimes Bonpland mocked that he spent as much time taking them out of their carefully wrapped maps, looking at them, and putting them away again with just as much care, and that he not dare touch them in fear of upsetting Alexander's mysterious system.
When he told Alexander that his drawings were perfect he sounded sincere though.
Alexander knew that one motif he never got quite right, no matter how hard he tried. But those drawings Bonpland would never see.