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Comments 3621

ozgasmic February 1 2010, 05:27:22 UTC
[ Player Name ] : Kat
[ Personal LJ ] : ozgasmic
[ Age ] : 17
[ Timezone ] : Eastern Standard Time (EST)
[ Other Characters ] :

[ Character's Name ] : Carlton Lassiter
[ Character's Age ] : 30s
[ Series ] : Psych
[ Canon Point ] : Right after his ex-wife says she doesn’t want to work things out, and signs the divorce papers. The end of that season.


ozgasmic February 1 2010, 21:10:19 UTC
[ History ] :

Carlton Lassiter has been working for the Santa Barbara Police Department for ten years now. In short, he’s a veteran who has spent many years climbing the ladder of power. He’s the youngest Head ever to have been named, and therefore takes much pride in that fact. It is rumored that Lassiter was originally a close friend to the former Police Chief who eventually lead Lassiter into enrolling in the police academy ( ... )


ozgasmic February 1 2010, 21:18:42 UTC
[ Personality ] :

Carlton Lassiter, nicknamed "Lassie" by the ever-popular Shawn Spencer, is head of the Santa Barbara Police Department. Not only does he take his job seriously, but his job has grown to be his life.

When it comes to emotions, Lassiter is a metaphorical "stone-wall". He refuses to back down from a challenge or to be proven wrong. If Lassie believes he is right, he will go to hell and back to prove his case. He hates accepting failures but adores the sensation of victory. Nothing can break through his "stones" and get to what lays beneath. The wall is there to keep unnecessary people from getting too close. The people he has met in the police department are coworkers and nothing more. There is no point in them knowing anything more than his name. He could be considered to be a rather "closed-off", static character ( ... )


ozgasmic February 1 2010, 21:25:31 UTC
[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :
Carlton is great with a gun, great at being able to tell a liar from an honest civilian, and he’s pretty quick on his feet. Police Academy taught Carlton everything he knows about a gun and fighting crime. He’s knowledgeable, resourceful, and sometimes witty. He's goal-driven and refuses to back down from a challenge, even if the chances are slim of coming out victorious. He is rarely frightened, and would rather laugh at fear in the face than show his own personal weaknesses.

His downfalls are his stubbornness, his inability to compromise, and his sometimes deadly attraction for trouble. As stated previously, he has issues with saying what he means, and he comes off as a stiff and unfeeling man. Quite the opposite is true. Although he plays by the books, he is still capable of a good laugh. Oh, and one of his major weaknesses? … fake psychics.

[ Other Important Facts ] : He’s sensitive about the Mother issue, watch out.

[ Sample ] :

[ There’s a distinct noise filtering in through the SFC ( ... )


Shawn ♈ 1 laenavesse February 1 2010, 10:15:13 UTC
[ Player Name ] : Laenavesse
[ Personal LJ ] : laenavesse
[ Age ] : 23
[ Timezone ] : CST
[ Other Characters ] :
None~ ..What above format-- ooooh...

[ Character's Name ] : Shawn Spencer
[ Character's Age ] : early 30s
[ Series ] : Psych
[ Canon Point ] : post-Season 4 Episode 10; some time after Abigail leaves for Uganda


Shawn ♈ 2 laenavesse February 1 2010, 10:16:51 UTC
[ History ] :
Shawn's story begins when he was but a wee, young lad. Before his parents were divorced, his father, Henry Spencer, a then police sergeant of the Santa Barbara Police Department (now retired), would vigorously train him to study his surroundings and train his observation skills. His father basically wanted Shawn to follow in his footsteps to become a cop, but much to his chagrin, that didn't happen despite scoring a perfect score on the detective exam at age 15. Shawn was always a troublemaker and this carried over to his the present day ( ... )


Shawn ♈ 3 laenavesse February 1 2010, 10:17:52 UTC
[ History (cont'd) ] :
Throughout the series, Shawn becomes involved with a number of cases. One of the most important cases is his "face-off" with Mr. Yang, an exiled serial killer who directly challenges Shawn to catch him. This is most stressful case to date, as he had to figure out clues within a time limit. It becomes personal when Mr. Yang takes his mother, who had been in town for a short time. He manages to catch Mr. Yang, only to discover that he is really a she ( ... )


Shawn ♈ 4 laenavesse February 1 2010, 10:18:50 UTC
[ Personality ] :
Despite his age, Shawn lives very much like a childish, rambunctious, reckless adolescent. He’s always out trying to find ways to entertain himself and it usually comes at the expense of others. Jokes and pranks could be considered one of his fortes. Many times he’ll be off to the side goofing off, sometimes even playing with some random object. This includes during serious discussions. When in the Chief’s office, he’ll sometimes play with the strange glass fish that’s sitting on her desk ( ... )


Dominic | 1/6 myfarewells February 1 2010, 19:45:40 UTC
[ Player Name ] : January
[ Personal LJ ] : myfarewells
[ Age ] : 16
[ Timezone ] : GMT -5
[ Other Characters ] : N/A

[ Character's Name ] : Dominic Sorel
[ Character's Age ] : 20
[ Series ] : Psalms of Planets: Eureka SeveN (anime) / Eureka Seven
[ Canon Point ] : Episode 48, right after Anemone accidentally knocks him out


Dominic | 2/6 myfarewells February 1 2010, 19:47:52 UTC
[ History ] :
Dominic's backstory is a large blank, especially in the anime. However, there are a few things that are known: First, that he's a war orphan, thanks to the "Summer of Love"--which, for the record, isn't nearly as happy as it sounds. Simply put, his town was devastated in the war, his parents were killed, and Dominic was left all alone. Secondly, at one point, he joined the military. He also rose quickly through the ranks somehow, and by the start of the series, is a second lieutenant. He's loyal to a man known as Lieutenant Colonel Dewey Novak, despite the fact that the man was thrown in prison a few years before canon. Thirdly, he's the caretaker of the military's top pilot, Anemone, which is crucial to his story ( ... )


Dominic | 3/6 myfarewells February 1 2010, 19:50:40 UTC
[ History (cont'd)] :
That isn't the only sign of Dominic's rebellion. He expresses distaste over Dewey's methods--especially when they involve the death of thousands of innocents. More specifically, Dewey intentionally causes Kute-class Coralians to form, which in turn causes Antibody Coralians to come and slaughter whatever they can. Dominic even admits to himself later, while surrounded by corpses, that although he thought he was prepared for this, there's something about it he can't stand. At that very scene, he notices a certain flower: an anemone. He gives them to Anemone upon his return, unintentionally insulting her--the meaning of "anemone" is "lost hope." This leads to a moment in which he promises to save her and proceeds to kiss her. She rejects him, claiming that he doesn't understand anything about her, as she feels that he's only trying to make himself feel better ( ... )


Dominic | 4/6 myfarewells February 1 2010, 19:52:46 UTC
[ Personality ] :
Overall, Dominic has many sides, and which one he shows depends on the circumstances. None of them are "hidden," so to speak--they're all a part of who he is. One could say that he's a bit ordinary because of that, as he has no default reaction to everything. He's also fairly open with how he's feeling without putting up masks, as he's typically honest with himself and with others. That's not to say he won't lie or act, as he will if he has to. However, he won't try to fool himself about his emotions, limits, and whatnot ( ... )


oz vessalius ☆ 1 / 5 ozgasmic February 1 2010, 21:43:03 UTC
[ Player Name ] : Kat
[ Personal LJ ] : ozgasmic
[ Age ] : 17
[ Timezone ] : Eastern Standard Time (EST)
[ Other Characters ] : Not applicable.

[ Character's Name ] : Oz Vessalius (Bezarius)
[ Character's Age ] : 15
[ Series ] : Pandora Hearts
[ Canon Point ] : After Chapter 10


oz vessalius ☆ 2 / 6 ozgasmic February 6 2010, 03:15:28 UTC
[ History ] :
Oz Bezarius, son of the noble family of Bezarius ( ... )


oz vessalius ☆ 3 / 6 ozgasmic February 6 2010, 03:15:54 UTC
[ history cont. ]

Pandora, as he learns, was made to protect the abyss. And illogically, he is the key. To what exactly, he isn't sure, but Pandora has made it clear that they want him--they even tried to save him from the abyss, having made preparations to do such just before the boy returned with Alice. Forced to become a 'subordinate' of the odd organization, Oz and his 'following' are sent out into the capital to explore, eat, and the works. Eventually, these rendezvous lead the group to the old mansion where Oz's coming-of-age-ceremony was held. Vines have grown over the old building and time has taken its toll on it. Oz wonders how the place could change so suddenly in just a few days. However, while sharing a conversation with Alice outside about friendship, gunshots are heard and Oz's confusion is finally cleared. Concerned as to what is going on, Oz rushes inside with Alice at his side, only to find a hooded Baskerville at the top of the stairs, with a horribly familiar chain dubbed Doldum ( ... )


oz vessalius ☆ 4 / 6 ozgasmic February 6 2010, 03:17:27 UTC
[ Personality ]

Oz, contrary to his age, is a highly complex character. The first layer is the side that many, to most, characters will see when they get to know Oz. On the outside, he emanates youthful happiness and naivety. From his actions, it becomes clear that Oz is extremely selfless and values others’ lives far more than his own. Typically, he's the average teenage boy that takes enjoyment in looking / flirting with pretty young girls and the occasional teasing of his servant. Oz is a playful person who usually always sees the bright side of the situation and often chooses to ignore the darker. Whether that's actually true or not is still debatable. Despite that, Oz is almost always smiling, even in the grimmest of situations. He’s a benevolent person who wishes to explore and learn as much as he can. Ever since he was little, he was fascinated by books and the knowledge they possessed. He apparently enjoys the piano and violin, as well as dancing and horseback riding. He's also quite academic and oddly enough, likes math ( ... )


Percy Jackson App 1/idek atrypical February 1 2010, 22:02:29 UTC

[ Player Name ] : Matt
[ Personal LJ ] : atrypical
[ Age ] : 20
[ Timezone ] : EST
[ Other Characters ] : N/A

[ Character's Name ] : Perseus “Percy” Jackson (occasionally called “Seaweed Brain” by certain friends)
[ Series ] : Percy Jackson and the Olympians (book series)

[ History ] :
Guy meets girl walking along the beach on Long Island, New York. Guy and girl fall in love. Guy and girl have baby together. Sounds simple enough, except that this guy is a god - Poseidon - and can't stay to raise the baby. The girl was Sally Jackson, who gave birth to Perseus Jackson, also known as Percy. She married a man named Gabe Ugliano, whom Percy later nicknamed “Smelly Gabe ( ... )


Percy Jackson App 2/idek atrypical February 1 2010, 22:03:22 UTC
And the fact that his pre-algebra teacher turned into a Fury, an ancient Greek monster. After escaping from her (and gaining Anaklusmos), Percy and his mother spent a weekend in a cabin on the beach where she met Poseidon - until they were attacked by a minotaur. Grover showed up, revealed himself to be a satyr, and tried to help Percy and his mother escape. His mother was about to be strangled by the monster, but turned into a shower of golden light. Injured, Percy and Grover managed to reach Camp Half-Blood, where demigods like Percy are trained and taught how to survive. “Mr. Brunner” showed up there, as well, revealing himself to be Chiron, the famous centaur. The camp is run by “Mr. D”, a.k.a. Dionysus (who's in banishment from Olympus and wine for a year for chasing after a wood nymph who was “off limits”). Among the campers he met there was Luke, a son of Hermes. At camp, he was claimed by Poseidon (basically it was revealed that he was Poseidon's son ( ... )


Percy Jackson App 3/idek atrypical February 1 2010, 22:03:48 UTC
Around winter break that year, Percy received an urgent distress call from Grover to help him rescue two half-bloods at a military academy where the vice principal was actually a monster (the Manticore). Percy, Thalia, and Annabeth went to the school, and almost managed to get the half-blood siblings out before Percy attacked the vice principal. The group was about to die, but the goddess Artemis and her Hunters came to the rescue. Annabeth fell off of a cliff, and Percy thought she was dead. Bianca, the older sister of the sibling pair, swore herself to Artemis to become one of her Hunters. Artemis sent the group to camp while she went to hunt an evil monster of old ( ... )


Percy Jackson App 4/idek atrypical February 1 2010, 22:04:23 UTC
At the freshman orientation at his new high school, Percy ran into the girl he had met at the Hoover Dam. Of course, monsters attacked, and he ran into Annabeth, whom he was supposed to meet up with later. Percy and Annabeth went to camp, where Grover was having a hearing with the Council of Cloven Elders, who said that his searcher's license should be revoked for finding no evidence of Pan after he claimed to hear the god. There was a new swordsman trainer named Quintus at camp ( ... )


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