Title: Center Of Attention Fandom: Christy Characters: Alice Henderson, Christy Huddleson (mention of Maragret Huddleson MacNeill) Prompt 1: 65 - Passing Prompt 2: Word #706 at daily15
Title: Hundred Bonus Points Fandom: Doctor Who Characters: Jackie Tyler, Peter Tyler Prompt: #46 necklace Word Count: 245 Rating: PG-13 Summary: Pete finds a way out of the dog house. Disclaimer: I don't own. I just don't. BBC does I believe
Title: Miss Vs. Mrs. Fandom: Doctor Who Characters: Jackie Tyler, Rose Tyler Prompt: #11 Bound Word Count: 244 Rating: PG Summary: Rose wonders why ten years later her mother never remarried. Disclaimer: I don't own. I just don't. BBC does I believe
Title: Reasons As To Why Fandom: Freaks & Geeks For: daily15Kim was always on edge when it came to Daniel, though he said he loved her, treated her well; better than anyone else ever had, still she excepted deceit at each turn. If he looked at another girl for an extended period of time, if she caught him gossiping to one of his friends about a girl she
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Title: Brave Friends Fandom: Law & Order: CI Characters: Robert "Bobby" Goren & Alexandra "Alex" Eames Rated: PG Word count: 203 For: Daily15Bobby always felt she was bravery than she allowed to be shown. He watched her thread a thin line of being a lady still, dainty, caring with a hint of innocences thrown in. On the other side was the toughness,
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Title: Feeling Whole Fandom: Christy Word count: 181 Note: For daily15 & fanfic100He quietly creped up the stairs cautious to avoid the fourth one in, for it squeaked like a mice dying. Their door was open, he smiles at her still figure sleeping beneath the quilt sewn by his great grandmother. Still in the hallway he removes his shoes, stetting them against the
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