Title: Unappealing Fandom: Harry Potter For: 31_days (july 11th), grangersnape100“What is it Hermione?” Her eyes don't break from the mirror as his voice comes closer with each word
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Title: Practice Fandom/original: Harry Potter Characters: Severus Snape, Hermione Granger Rating: PG-13 Word count: 285 Note: For 15_minute_fic & 100quills
Title: Adjusting Fandome: Harry Potter Word Count: 200 Rating: PG-13 Note: For 100quills & grangersnape100Severus found her by the window. At the doorway he stands silently watching, torn on what to do for her and what to do for himself. It had been two months. Was that long enough? Not enough time? Was the process of adjusting different for everyone? He had no
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Title: Promise To The Wind Fandom: Harry Potter Rating: PG-13 Prompt: 91 ~ Vengeance Word Count: 252 Summary: At a funeral Severus believes he is alone, only to learn how untrue that is. Warnings: Character death Note: For 100quills