Title: Promise To The Wind
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: 91 ~ Vengeance
Word Count: 252
Summary: At a funeral Severus believes he is alone, only to learn how untrue that is.
Warnings: Character death
Note: For
100quills Severus alone remains in the open field, perfect sun and clear sky a total contradiction of his mood. In his hands he rub his fingers across her wand, almost feeling her in the process - he felt her everywhere in fact. The closing of his eyes brings her face to view, smiling gently at him, pure of life, pure of everything. Not forced to her knees, eyes holding back the emotion and evidance of fear (or trying to) refusing to beg, because that's what they wanted. Once a Gryffindor, always a Gryffindor. Severus opens his eyes after a few passing moments and her image still remains. He just stares.
“It's not your fault.” Her voice was calm, attempting to sooth him.
“Yes it was. I told you getting involved with me would only create your downfall! Why did you do it!?”
“As I have told you before I loved you. I still love you. Just promise me you won't do anything rash and seek vengeance for this. Please promise.” He raises from the chair, throwing her wand in at the ground, hard.
“Don't tell me that Hermione! He took you from me! I can't sit around and do nothing, what kind of a husband would I be if I didn't?”
“What kind of father would you be if you did?” He looks away ashamed, the verbal slap of reality a sting on the soul. When he looks up she is gone but her presence in the wind still remains.
“I promise.” He whispers.