Title: Lake Guppy Pairing: Yoosu Genre: Fluff, Crack Rating: pg-13 Length: Oneshot Summary: Yoochun and Junsu are colleagues who take up their vacation days together. They head out to a cabin with a lake~ AN: Ficcu for bitingsu ~~~~ I hope you like it ^^
Title: Wardrobe Malfunction Pairing: Yoosu Genre: Smut Length: Oneshot Rating: NC-17 Summary: Junsu is a loyal customer at the clothing store where Yoochun works. Sex happens. AN: junsumabushi SOBS ITS YOUR BIRHTDAY I HOPE YOU HAVE FUN AND THAT THIS IS TO YOUR LIKING MAN.
Title: Super (Hero) Author: suju_shinki Pairing: yoosu Genre: fluff, angstish kinda. Rating: PG-13 Length: Oneshot Summary: Yoochun is a bored soldier, Junsu is a star. ( Super (Hero) )
Title: Under God's Eyes Author: Suju_shinki Pairing: Yoosu Genre: Drama, Romance, Lurv Making~ Rating: NC-17 Length: Oneshot Summary: They have each other and that's what counts. Warning: Some religious themes. AN: For bitingsu
Title: You're my boyfriend and I'll cry if I want to Pairing: Yoosu Genre: Romance, fluff Rated: R Length: Oneshot Summary: Junsu is recovering and Yoochun is there every step of the way AN: FOR peachinlabel just because ,
Title: Fragments Pairing: Yoosu Genre: Crack, Fluff, Angstish Lenght: Oneshot author: Suju_shinki Summary: Some Fragments out of their lives An: peachinlabel, I love you thiiiis much 8D Don't think about it too much, just go with it.
Title: Painfull Break Ups and Hasty Make Ups (Sequel to Porn-Poetry and a Full Moon) Author: suju_shinki pairing:Yoosu rating: pg-13 Genre: Angst, crack, fluffeh. Length: Oneshot Summary: Maybe their parents were right.