Title: Lake Guppy
Pairing: Yoosu
Genre: Fluff, Crack
Rating: pg-13
Length: Oneshot
Summary: Yoochun and Junsu are colleagues who take up their vacation days together. They head out to a cabin with a lake~
AN: Ficcu for
bitingsu ~~~~ I hope you like it ^^
Lake Guppy
"I thought you said fishing was supposed to be relaxing. I'm not relaxed, Yoochun. I'm hungry and I'm tired. And god I'm starting to get a headache. When is this going to end? Are we even close? Are we lost? If we're lost-"
"How about you shut up and I don't punch you in the throat. Does that sound good? Sounds great to me," Yoochun said without turning around to look at his friend who was clearly struggling to keep up in this woodsy area.
"Harsh!" Junsu wailed. "I was just- You know what, never mind. Just take me to that freaking cabin already so I can take a shower and sleep until next Monday."
"We're almost there, asshole. I told you to put on hiking boots and your stupid ass thought you'd make it on your sneakers."
"You said we were going by car, why the hell would I take hiking boots? Was I planning on hiking? No. Was I planning on doing anything slightly intensive? No. So why the hell-"
"Shut up, we're here." Yoochun had to admit that after having walked for half an hour he was beat. A shower and a nap didn't sound like such a bad idea, really.
"Oh," Junsu said and gaped at the stunning sight before him. The cabin wasn't big, but it looked like on of those cabins you see in movies, usually with a happy family having a barbecue on the lawn and the kids playing in the lake a few yards away and a big dog running around.
That was what it was, Yoochun thought, fond childhood memories coming back, all the summers they had spent here when they were all still a family. They had come back with only their mother a couple of summers after his parents had split, she tried her best, but it just wasn't the same.
"Dibs on the shower,"Yoochun said and walked on. Junsu quickly followed, wailing that it wasn't fair.
"So what's up with that guy you're seeing."
Junsu turned his head slowly and shrugged. "Nothing special. He's good in the sack, I guess."
"And that's what counts right," Yoochun laughed. "Where did you say you met him?"
"He came free with the Sony case. Financial adviser."
"Sounds exciting."
"Only problem is though..... no, never mind I shouldn't tell you this."
Yoochun looked at him and pulled up an eyebrow. "What?"
"It's sex-related. You don't want to hear that."
"I'd love to hear that, actually. You just said the sex was good, though. So what's the issue?"
Junsu hesitated before standing up from his side of the small wooden boat and flopping down next to Yoochun, making the whole thing rock. "Great, we'll be eating seaweed tonight if you keep this up."
"Listen," Junsu said. "I've never met someone who refuses to....you know."
"What, suck you off? I've had girls who didn't want to do that, it's not that weird I guess," Yoochun shrugged and repositioned his fishing rod.
"No, not that. And that's because girls don't know how good that feels. Guys are much more willing."
"Anyway. He doesn't want to...you know. Receive."
"Oh. Well. Maybe he has bad experiences with it. Don't you like it?" Yoochun asked, feeling a bit uncomfortable after all.
"Sure I like it, but like hell I'm going to be a bottom for the rest of my life."
"I see...well get rid of the guy and find someone who gives you whatever you want. It's not like you love him, right? You said it was nothing special."
"Breaking up is hard though," Junsu groaned. "And what would I give as a reason? 'You don't let me fuck you so bye'. That would be rude."
"Just lie, man. Tell him you've met someone else, tell him you're still not over your ex, tell him you're becoming a priest. Whatever, just get rid of him," Yoochun shrugged.
"What if he cries?"
"If he's a decent dude he wont cry in public. If he's an asshole, just break up with him in his house where he can cry all he wants and you can just leave."
"You are such a bastard," Junsu snorted. "Is that what you do?"
"Sometimes," Yoochun shrugged.
"But I mean," Junsu said and plopped his feet onto the floor of the boat heavily making it rock again.
"Damnit, Junsu."
"I mean, it's not that bad right? Being on the bottom can be really good if the person you're with knows what the hell they're doing. You said you experimented in college, what exactly did you do?"
Yoochun looked at him. "Did I say that? When?"
"Don't deny it, you weren't that drunk," Junsu rolled his eyes. "And neither was I."
"Fine. It wasn't much. A guy sucked me off, big deal. I regret nothing."
Junsu laughed and shook his head. "So that's all or should I know more?"
"Some kissing if that counts."
"You fucking fag," Junsu gasped jokingly. "All this time we could have been fucking and you tell me this now?"
"Harrharr," Yoochun rolled his eyes. "Even if I did swing that way, I could have men much better looking than that tragic face of yours."
" Clearly you know nothing about manly goods. If you did you'd know I'm the biggest catch in the Korean gay community."
"Shut up, man. You're voice is scaring the fish away. Or maybe it's your face. Either way just stay still or eat ketchup for dinner."
"Fine. You catch the fish, I'm just gonna sit here and do nothing."
They were barely ten minutes further when Junsu fell asleep. Yoochun sighed and zipped the young lawyer's thin coat up. He grabbed a blanket from under the bench he sat on and draped it over their knees.
"Let's call him Guppy," Junsu said. "Guppy Saint Lake Park. He died in honour to feed two young men on a much needed vacation. Amen."
"Cool. Now move and let me gut Guppy Saint Lake Park so we can eat it and not starve," Yoochun said and whipped out his gutting knife from his backpack.
"You do that and I'll start a fire," Junsu nodded. "I'm good at that."
"Really? I wouldn't have guessed you were that good at turning things on," Yoochun snorted.
"I'm actually very very good at that. So you should watch yourself mister I-Fuck-Everything-On-Two-Legs."
Yoochun laughed and watched Junsu walk away. He had to admit, Kim Junsu was a perfect catch. Not only was he good-looking, built and funny but he had a good career at that. And a nice ass.
Yoochun sat on the porch, gutting the three fishes he had caught while Junsu was fast a sleep that morning. Junsu was gathering fallen wood from around the yard and throwing it on a big pile.
Yoochun watched as Junsu turned his back to him and slid a box of matches out of the pocket of his jacket.
"This moron," he chuckled softly. "Thinking he's being subtle."
Junsu lit the match and threw it on the pile of wood.
"You could start a forest fire like that," Yoochun said loudly. "And I will fucking testify against you."
"Shut up, I know what I'm doing. I was a boyscout," Junsu said and threw some dirt and stones around the edges of the fire before returning to the porch.
"How are the gups?"
"Dead as can be. They're done. How do we prepare them?"
"....I don't know. Put them on a stick and in the fire?"
"We have a pan, you moron. Just...just go get it before I start gutting you."
"Such a mean macho straight man. Or so he declares," Junsu said and slapped Yoochun on the back of his head lightly before disappearing inside and coming back a minute later with a frying pan in his hand.
"Hold it over the fire. Not too low or you're burn yourself and not too high or it'll take forever to cook," Yoochun instructed and they huddled around the fire trying to fry a fish.
When it was done, they realized that a fried fish with no spices at all is disgusting so they simply drowned them in ketchup.
"This is much better," Junsu said with his mouth full. They sat on a blanket near the fire, eating their ketchup-fish straight out of the pan. "Still sad that Guppy Saint Lake Park had to die for this sad meal. He was worth so much more."
"Pass the water," Yoochun said.
"He could have lived a full life, he could have met the fish of his life and have had little baby guppies," Junsu continued as he handed over a bottle of water. "Sad sad moment, this is."
"Yeah, we'll go into town tomorrow and get normal food."
"When I get home I think I'll take a pet. Since I'm not going to have a lover much longer unless he decide to let me stick it to him. I doubt it. A goldfish is a sad pet. A cat just...sounds sad. A dog is too much. Maybe a hamster or something." "And you don't think it's sad to have a hamster as a twenty eight year old dude? A hamster is a 12 year old girl's pet, man. Just get a dog. A big one. Like mine."
"Hamsters are super manly okay. But fine. How about I just visit your dog more often?"
"Okay then how about I buy a dog, give it to you so you can take care of it and then visit that one?"
"Yeah maybe."
"So much fitting comebacks, so little time. Sigh sigh sigh."
"I hate you," Junsu said and continued eating. They sat there talking about everything and nothing for a long time, not realising that hours had passed and morning had come.
"Is that the sun coming up?" Junsu asked. "And are those birds I hear singing?"
"We should get some sleep," Yoochun said. "You look like a panda bear."
"Panda bears are cute," Junsu laughed. "You look like a panda bear too."
Yoochun helped his friend up. "I'm too tired to even really register that you're shamelessly coming on to me."
"Aw, does that mean you won't remember when you wake up?" Junsu asked, wrapping an arm around Yoochun's waist for support.
"Probably-"Yoochun yawned," -not."
"I should take advantage of this moment, shouldn't I?" Junsu murmured.
They went into the cabin where the sofa bed was made up since the day before. They flopped down on it, the both of them.
"You probably should," Yoochun said.
"What?" Junsu asked.
"You should probably take advantage of this moment."
"Oh..." Junsu blinked. "Well, I'm not that desperate, so it can wait. I'd rather you remember," he smiled fondly and touched Yoochun's face. "Your eyes are closing on me."
"So are yours...I think," Yoochun murmured.
They laid each other down and fell asleep as soon as they were horizontal
"These canned peaches are so damn good," Junsu practically moaned. "Why have I never had these before?"
"Because you're a stuck up douche?" Yoochun suggested.
"Shut up, I'm not stuck up," Junsu said and popped another peach into his mouth.
"Said the wealthy lawyer," Yoochun snorted. "There is no need for denying it. We're all assholes."
It had been three days since they arrived. They had slept a lot. They had fished a lot. And they had done nothing a lot. It was what they needed. Absolute silence and absolute boredom for the first time in almost five years.
They had gone into town that afternoon and came home right in time to avoid the heavy downpour that suddenly started.
They sat on the sofa bed, their legs folded under them.
"I don't agree. I'm a nice person when I'm not doing my job."
"That's sad," Yoochun said.
Junsu smiled at him. He took a peach out of the can and held it up in front of Yoochun's lips. Yoochun opened his mouth and Junsu slid it in.
"You're nice too, there's no point in denying that," Junsu said, smile still set in place.
"Nice?" Yoochun scoffed after he had chewed down the incredibly sweet peach. "More like bitter and pissed at the world."
"Nah, I think you're nice. A nice asshole."
"You're flirting with me," Yoochun stated. "I's be acting the same if I was here with a pretty girl."
Junsu didn't let his smile falter. "Why did you invite me on this trip?"
"Why?" Yoochun asked. "Because we took our free days together, we were overworked together and two is better than one. You think I have the hots for you?" Yoochun finished when he realised that Junsu was leaning in.
"I think you do but you just don't know it yet," he said. "You think of me but when that happens you push the thoughts away."
Yoochun looked him straight in the eye. "Are you trying to make me confess like you try to make suspects confess in court? Make assumptions and bring it in a way that you can't go up against?"
"Why are you overanalyzing this?"
"Because you're making me nervous. How close are you planning on bringing that face of yours?"
"Do I make you nervous? In a good way? Do I make your heart beat and your dick-"
"Kim Junsu," Yoochun said softly. "You're not even kidding are you?"
Junsu looked at him and his smile made place for a pained expression. "I'm sorry," he said. "No is no, I get it. I just...you should know how I feel. It may not seem like it but it was killing me." He pulled back a bit, giving Yoochun more room to breath. The peaches were long forgotten. "And I'm not usually that forward. I was nervous too. Sorry about the throbbing dick thing, I don't know why I said that. That was strange."
"Wait, Junsu, are you in love with me? Is that what you're saying?"
"You are sharp."
"Did you think I asked you on this trip because I felt the same way?"
"I practically invited myself, so no. You can forget about this if you want. Straight it straight, I guess."
Yoochun was taken aback by all of this. He was looking for the right words and the right feelings.
"Kim Junsu," he started. "I don't know what to say right now. I don't not like you. I mean dislike you. Jesus, Junsu what did you do to my English," he said, starting to get even more flustered.
Junsu laughed nervously. "Are you trying to tell me you like me as a friend? That you love me as a brother?"
"No," Yoochun said quickly. "Not like a brother."
"Then what?" He asked softly. "It's okay. You don't have to spare me. I'm a grown man, after all."
"I'm not saying yes," Yoochun finally said. "But it's not a complete no, I guess."
Junsu piped up and his eyes widened. "What?"
"Don't look at me like that," Yoochun frowned. "I'm not confirming anything, I just...I may or may not think you look kind of cute sometimes."
"Oh my god," Junsu gasped. "You are so in love with me."
Yoochun rolled his eyes and Junsu laughed. "Just kidding. But honestly, Park Yoochun, I'm happy you said that."
"Are you going to spend the rest of this trip trying to get in my pants?"
"You bet."
"Hey, let's make out."
It was about an hour since that awkward confession.
"Get out," Yoochun sighed. "We're twenty eight, you know, not sixteen. You can't just start making out-"
"But we're bored and I'm trying to make you love so...I'm a great kisser, I'm pretty sure you'll be coming back for more."
Yoochun sat up straight, aligning his eyes with his partner's.
"What's going to happy if we kiss and I don't like it?"
"Oh..." Junsu blinked. "You're seriously considering this...well that won't happen. Like I said I'm a great kisser-"
"You're still a man," Yoochun reminded him.
"My skin may not be as soft as a girl's and I'm not wearing any lip gloss or lipstick or whatever, but I make up for it in technique en just overall sexiness."
"I see. But I'm serious. I don't want to lead you on with stupid things like this. It's not normal-"
"How about we just do it," Junsu said sounding a bit impatient. "You start and I'll follow."
"If you're afraid of breaking my precious little heart, don't be. I'm a grown man remember? I'll get over it..."
They were close. All Yoochun had to do was move in a few centimetres and they'd be doing it. He'd be lying if he said he didn't want to. So he did.
Junsu's lips parted slightly and his hands came up to Yoochun's shoulders, sliding up to his neck where one hand found it's way into his short hair.
For a moment Yoochun forgot the whole situation they were in. He deepened the kiss, tongues touched and low groans were heard. Junsu's fingers in his hair felt amazing for some reason as they tugged on the short strands softly.
Junsu broke the kiss, but instead of moving away he latched his lips onto Yoochun's neck, lapping at his collarbones.
"Jesus, Kim Junsu," Yoochun groaned, "Fucking asshole."
"Can you stop sniffing me? It looks strange."
"I love the smell of my washing detergent on you, though. No one is looking."
"At least close the door."
Junsu sighed dramatically before jumping off Yoochun desk, closing the door and going back to hovering around his partner. He sniffed him again.
"Seriously," Yoochun said. "I have work to do and I can't do anything if you keep sniffing me."
"Fine, be that way," Junsu said and went to sit at his own desk. They had shared an office for more than two years, but they were in the first week of sharing an office as /lovers/.
Yoochun snorted as Junsu stomped away like a little kid who didn't get what he wanted. He finished up the file he was looking over and shut off his computer. "Done. Let's go for lunch."
"Yeah right," Junsu replied indignantly. "We always have to do what you want, right? Well I have work to do so..."
"Fine, I'll go have lunch alone. See you in an hour." Yoochun grabbed his coat and left the office.
"Asshole!" He heard a wail behind him and Junsu had caught up with him a few seconds later, murmuring something about 'the worst boyfriend ever' and 'motherfuckers'.
They waited for the elevator, trying to act nonchalantly. None of their colleagues knew about the brand new relationship between the two and they planned on keeping it that way for as long as possible.
The elevator came and thankfully, there was no one in there. The doors closed and Yoochun turned to face his partner.
"Now you can sniff me all you want."
"Maybe I don't want to sniff you anymore," Junsu said and crossed his arms.
"I don't believe that," Yoochun said and pulled Junsu's arms away from his chest. "Don't you want a whiff of that detergent of yours?"
Not a second later Junsu's nose was buried in Yoochun's neck. Yoochun laughed and backed up a bit so that they could engage in a proper kiss.
The elevator dinged and they pulled apart.
"So how does it feel?" Junsu asked when they were walking up to the cafe at the other side of the street.
"What? My gay relationship with the dude who acts like a three year old most of the time?"
"No," Junsu said. "I mean how does it feel, having your butt cherry popped by the dude who acts like a three year old most of the time?"
ps: who the hell cares what happened to the financial advisor, not me.