Tutorial credit list

Oct 15, 2006 19:56

Here a list of all the tutorials I've used, found interesting, useful and ones I plan to use someday. I DID NOT write any of these tutorials. They were all written by other LJ users.

There are a few which I use everytime I make icons. They are ones inbetween the ♥'s at the end of the list. More will probaly be added to the list.

Clicking on the icons will take you to it's tutorial.

Just a small notice. All images are uploaded to my own Photobucket account. In other words I'm not hotlinking anyones images. I'm only linking back to the tutorials post.

<- See that? Please ignore it. It's just my little place holder for the HTML for a imge link. Since I'm too lazy to look it up each time I wanna update this list.

Two tutorials by painful_memento @ nasplasha
Another tutorial by painful_memento @ nasplasha
Manga Coloring Tutorial by onsensong @ thedimlightbulb
Basic Tutorial by saava
Header Tutorial by ana_sprocks
Ouran Coloring Tutorial by marlenem
Coloring Tutorial by heaveninjseyes
Coloring Tutorial by twinkletrees
Color Codes
How to make ♥
How to make image links
How to make text links

These are my favorite tutorials. Do I follow them step by step each time I make icons? Hell no! There's no fun in that. I just use some steps from one or two of them each time I make icons.

Manga Coloring Tutorial by onsensong @ thedimlightbulb

Just a small notice. All images are uploaded to my own Photobucket account. In other words I'm not hotlinking anyones images. I'm only linking back to the tutorials post.

I don't know if any of the icons for the tutorials are useable so it's best to ask the maker of said icon if you want to use it.

Updated 2/27/07 - This list is in need of a MAJOR UPDATE. That I am just to damn lazy to do. But I'll work on little by little.

resources, list of doom, tutorials, credit

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