
Feb 23, 2009 20:34


Solace is officially closed, but keep an eye out for our new game in September!

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♦ [C.C. - Reserve] debilitate April 20 2009, 08:09:55 UTC
NAME: Chaos | Keiosu
JOURNAL: keiosu
CONTACT: AIM: knight of cc - lamperougely; e-mail:

SERIES: Code Geass
CANON POINT: Turn 25, post-series


♦ [C.C. - Reserve II] debilitate April 20 2009, 08:12:36 UTC
HISTORY: Over six hundred years ago, a young slave girl had managed to escape from the harsh life of being someone's tool, and was hanging on an inch of her life when she was found by a nun. When asked if she didn't want to die, the nun gave her power that would ensure her survival - that power was Geass, and the girl's Geass manifested as "Absolute Love"; that is, people would love her immediately. This is what the girl wanted all her life, and she had done it for several years later. After a while, however, the proposals and the entranced people around her was starting to bore her, making her getting tired of it all, making her forget what "true love" was, and she wanted to end it all. Upon hearing this, the nun that had taken care of her all those years, the one who saved her from death, told her "too bad!" she was going to be afflicted with something even worse than death, and thus, betrayed the girl, forced the hell that is immortality on her, and died ( ... )


♦ [C.C. - Reserve III] debilitate April 20 2009, 08:13:48 UTC
PERSONALITY: Let's face it: C.C.'s a difficult character to pinpoint where her personality exactly lies. Her most notable traits are her arrogant, selfish, quiet, indifferent, sarcastic, jaded, cynical - all these traits and more are what people mostly get from their first time meeting her. Having been alive for so long, C.C. can come off as aloof and tired, having that sort of "been there, done that" attitude to most things, making her come off as passive - but can one blame her? She finds certain things about humanity amusing, and teases accordingly, regardless of how the recipient of her teasing feels about the matter entirely. When first meeting C.C., one can definitely see the veil of mystery about her, but, hers is a thick veil, and she's not one to give up secrets easily; most likely, she'll ignore you and move onto other topics. This pits her to be called a "witch" by some, and, hey, she doesn't deny it - it's not like she hasn't been called that before ( ... )


♦ [C.C. - Reserve IV] Complete debilitate April 20 2009, 08:14:45 UTC
WEAPONS/ABILITIES/ETC: From the get go, people learn about C.C.'s regenerative abilities. She is immortal, living for over hundreds of years, and cannot die by any conventional means, such as being shot in the head, guillotine, iron maiden, burning at the stake - you name it, she'd most likely revive from it. As an immortal, C.C. can induce a series of violent and chaotic images in one's head through simple contact, no matter what is in-between, called Shock Image, causing the victim to go through a panic, and, essentially, the act is simply a merging of consciousness ( ... )


♦ [ reserved ] Momiji Sohma » Fruits Basket undecipher April 21 2009, 21:24:16 UTC
NAME: Tsuki
JOURNAL: undecipher
CONTACT: cremation dance

NAME: Momiji Sohma
SERIES: Fruits Basket
CANON POINT: End-TV series, with Akito is still busy being nuts and the curse is still fine and dandy.
HISTORY: From infancy, Momiji's life was sufficiently as cursed as the clan he was born into. Both subjected to their mentally and emotionally unstable clan head as well as a mother likely suffering from severe postpartum depression, Momiji's childhood was tumulus and even traumatic for a child of his age. Not only that, but he had the misfortune of bearing the family's zodiac curse, causing him to turn into a rabbit whenever embraced by a member of the opposite sex, and so after he was born and handed to his mother, well. As he so calmly explained it, mothers of zodiac children would only react to their cursed infants in one of two extremes. Either they would become overzealously protective of the child, or they would reject the infant altogether. There was no in between, and his mother was one who rejected. She ( ... )


♦ [ reserved ] Momiji Sohma » Fruits Basket undecipher April 21 2009, 21:29:32 UTC
Meeting Tohru was possibly one of the healthiest things to happen to him in his life, though he managed well enough for himself before her. At the time of their meeting, Momiji had never met anyone like her before. Arguably he hasn't still, if only because there's no one else quite like Tohru in the world. She was the kindest, most empathic person he had ever known, who held no bias against their cursed clan and saw each of them for the people they were. It was in her that he confided that because of his mother's actions, he had decided for himself that he would hold on to all of his memories, even the painful ones, even the ones he would rather forget because he was so sure that there would come a day where they would become his strength. Despite all appearances, it's these words that showed how strong of a person Momiji managed to become through the tragedies he was born into.

PERSONALITY: The best way to describe Momiji is probably to call him a persistent and determined optimist, someone who sees the best in people even despite ( ... )


♦ [ reserved ] Momiji Sohma » Fruits Basket undecipher April 21 2009, 21:35:45 UTC
It could be argued that even at his age he still acts and dresses as a child much younger than his years because he's still waiting for his mother to come back for him, that perhaps one day he'll be 'good enough' and have the childhood he was deprived of. He craves acceptance, craves to be wanted and cared for and loved. His love for his sister Momo is not quite out of sheer virtue. In one of the Fruits Basket episodes, completely unrelated to Momiji, it's shown that Ayame is dedicated and dutiful towards Hatori because Hatori is everything Ayame wishes he could be, and he admires that. Yuki comments how admirable he finds that, being able to love someone who is everything you're not and has everything you wish you had. This reflects in Momiji and Momo's relationship, in a way. He loves her because she has everything he wishes he could be.

WEAPONS/ABILITIES/ETC: Aside from turning into a rabbit? I got nothin'. He can write children's music if push comes to shove. Does being a trap count?

THIRD PERSON: It was Thursday again ( ... )


♦ [ reserved ] Momiji Sohma » Fruits Basket [ fin. ] undecipher April 21 2009, 21:39:27 UTC
A rustle in the bushes startled him from his daydream, and the next thing he knew he was looking into Momo's wide brown eyes, her ball rolling to a rest by his leg. He opened and shut his mouth a few times, gaze frantic as he tried to see if Mama was coming this way too. But Mama was fixing Momo's snack on a table and hadn't noticed yet, and for that Momiji breathed a sigh of relief ( ... )


♥ [RESERVE] sora; kingdom hearts. one. naiku April 24 2009, 21:26:30 UTC
NAME: (Ku)nai
JOURNAL: naiku
CONTACT: aim; soraisafag

NAME: Sora
SERIES: Kingdom Hearts
HISTORY: Sora, the protagonist of the Kingdom Hearts series, was born a normal boy, as far as we know. Destiny Islands was his home; it always will be, no matter how much he travels through other worlds. At fifteen years old, he and his best friends, Riku and Kairi, thought up the idea to build a raft and take off, to worlds unknown. Kairi is said to be the real reason Sora thought of other worlds in the first place, since the girl appeared out of nowhere and was washed on shore without any memory. They would build the ship and go--leave behind their pasts, their parents and everyone else for a grand adventure. It, however, didn't go as planned. A large storm hit the islands right before they were supposed to leave. Panicked, Sora ran to the play island where the raft was hooked up. Small, black creatures started to pop up. He had to run--and he did, until he found his best friend standing on one ( ... )


♥ [RESERVE] sora; kingdom hearts. two. naiku April 24 2009, 21:28:07 UTC
Riku became Sora's enemy, taking control of the darkness and attempting to get to Kairi before he could. Although Sora soon found out that Riku did indeed get to Kairi first, he kept fighting until the end, to get to Riku and somehow convince him that they were really still best friends, and that they could all go home together. Xehanort's Heartless, however, had other plans. In Hollow Bastion, the last real world Sora went to, Riku and Sora fought face to face. With force, Riku took the Keyblade Sora had--with the reasoning that since he was the original Keyblade Master, Sora was just the messenger boy. He completely possessed Riku. With Riku's body, he went through his own plan, to collect all the hearts of the seven Princesses of Heart and go through the final Keyhole, to Kingdom Hearts. To release the final Princess's--Kairi's--heart, Sora had to release his own as well, since her heart slept within him. With the Keyblade from Xehanort's Heartless, he pierced through his chest, releasing both. He turned into a Heartless, and Kairi ( ... )


♥ [RESERVE] sora; kingdom hearts. three. naiku April 24 2009, 21:28:52 UTC
The process of chaining memories back together, however, isn't as easy as taking them apart. It took a year for Sora's memories to completely return as they used to be before they were tampered with, in which the real trouble began. Organization XIII was actually throwing it's plan into action, going around worlds and trying to influence major villains to give into the darkness, to become powerful Heartless. If they became powerful Heartless, Kingdom Hearts will be complete that much faster. After a trip to Yen Sid's (King Mickey's former teacher), acquiring a new understanding about their journey and the evil plot of Organization XIII (oh--also, some new clothes, which are very important!), Sora, Donald and Goofy set out to go on their second journey. The worlds they visit are both familiar and new, as new creatures and the plot of Organization XII are unraveled. Sora, however, never loses sight of his real goal--to find King Mickey and Riku, his best friend. Although he does find Mickey in Hollow Bastion, Riku is still lost--until ( ... )


♥ [RESERVE] sora; kingdom hearts. four. naiku April 24 2009, 21:29:38 UTC
Although for the first few battles, the group stays together... they're split apart, leaving only Sora and Riku for the absolute last battle against Xemnas. It takes place in a spiraling room of grey and white. Xemnas almost defeats them both, taking Sora into his hold and zapping his energy away from him--which Riku miraculously saves him from. They're holding out until their last moment... Xemnas comes at Sora with his own Aerial Blades. Riku jumps up in front of Sora, deflecting one blade and taking the hit from another one. Offering his Keyblade to Sora, he jumps--and with his friend's power and help, they're able to land the final blow. Xemnas disappears in flashes of grey, black and white ( ... )


♦ [ RESERVE ; Yuu Kanda ] airpress May 7 2009, 03:32:51 UTC
NAME: kira
JOURNAL: airpress
CONTACT: metrochrome AT live DOT com

NAME: Yuu Kanda
SERIES: D. Gray-man
CANON POINT: Chapter 186, when Kanda goes to meet with Old Man Zhu.
HISTORY: Kanda's past, in all attempts to not fall in a dramatic past cliche, is for the most part in the shadows. It is known that he has been in the Black Order since a very young age. When he was nine, he was involved in an experiment to create a group of "Second Exorcists", though it is unknown if he was created from it or was simply exposed to it. So far the process of the experimentation is shrouded in mystery except for it being performed by the Chan family. This experimentation, whatever it might have involved, gave as a result Kanda's super human healing abilities and, though not completely clear on how it is linked to his lifespan, ever since he's been "haunted" by lotus flowers (one which he actually keeps in an hourglass; it wilts as his life shortens or whenever he undergoes fatal wounds). The only other person who seems to know ( ... )


♦ [ RESERVE ; Yuu Kanda ] airpress May 7 2009, 03:33:50 UTC
Kanda is the first to "greet" Allen Walker. With Mugen branded at the boy's face. Immediately their personalities clashed. Their first mission together was in Italy, to retrieve an Innocence fragment from a doll. Albeit the mission being a success, Kanda specifically noted how much he hates the younger Exorcist for his naive personality. It is here where Kanda explicitly states that he cannot die until he "finds that person". After that mission he is sent to find General Tiedol and protect him, alongside Marie and Daisya, from akuma attacks that are starting to be centered towards the Generals. Kanda's team survives city raids and manage to fend off huge masses of akuma (though Daisya was killed by a Noah before finding the General). Instead of heading back to Headquarters, as ordered, the team travels towards Edo, where the Millennium Earl is grouping the akuma and the Noah members. Kanda's strength rivals that of Level 3 akuma, beasts that the other Exorcists had trouble with. He even challanged a Noah as soon as they joined the ( ... )


♦ [ RESERVE ; Yuu Kanda ] airpress May 7 2009, 03:35:16 UTC
PERSONALITY: This guy is not your ray of sunshine, and will never be. Everyone would like to think that someone "pretty" would have a personality somewhat fitting to their looks, if anything being a little snobby. Kanda? He doesn't swing that way. His attitude towards others makes him the perfect example of an antisocial individual, engaging in colorful bouts of conversation here and there if it's necessary or if a sarcastic comment is meant to be said. Otherwise, not many smart words (and a handful of cussing) will be leaving the man's lips. But it's not like he means to be a pain in the ass (everyone else is one though). A great deal of the reason of why Kanda is so uptight with relationships with others is because a) they are a waste of his time or b) he doesn't want to be held back in any situation--mainly on missions. Stating relationships with others usually makes one hesitate and think before acting, afraid of outcomes and collateral damage. Kanda's personality screams at him to such opposite needs that he doesn't find it ( ... )


♦ [ RESERVE ; Yuu Kanda ] airpress May 7 2009, 22:23:33 UTC
WEAPONS/ABILITIES/ETC: As an Exorcist, Kanda's Innocence takes the shape of a Japanese sword--a katana--which he refers to as Mugen. The katana in itself has several abilities which he uses depending on the enemy he is battling against, though the interesting part is when the Innocence feeds off his lifespan to gain more power or release certain techniques, though this is not to be confused with a parasitic Innocence, since it's the curse on Kanda's left pectoral that allows his weapon to literally feed off his life. Weapons aside, Kanda has the ability to heal at a faster rate than normal, though this comes with a catch. His lifespan is linked to a lotus flower, which he keeps encased in an hourglass in his room, in which the wilting of the petals represent his "remaining" lifespan and a strange tattoo (ॐ) on the left side of his chest which expands and shifts in shape depending on how much of his lifespan he relinquishes for the sake of performing an attack with Mugen--or to heal himself from an otherwise deadly wound. Despite his ( ... )


( RESERVE ) ♥ Gaignun Kuaki, Jr. pt.1 mortuary May 9 2009, 09:22:48 UTC
tl;dr warning :|

NAME: Kikubedo
JOURNAL: mortuary
CONTACT: ( aim ) spiritual circus or its a kiku, ( gmail )

NAME: Gaignun Kuaki, Jr.
SERIES: Xenosaga
CANON POINT: Post-Xenosaga III
HISTORY: If you are looking for a happy childhood filled with glee and adventures up trees, this is not the place to look for it. Jr. was born into a world of war, although "born" wouldn't be the correct terminology. Jr. was created, a genetically engineered bioweapon, known as a U.R.T.V ( UDO Retro Virus ) created for war and to destroy the being known as U-DO. Jr and his brothers, all 699 of them, lived in the Yuriev Institute, where they spent their days training in the U-DO simulator and other assorted activities. Although for Jr. it wasn't all that bad, as he and the numbers beyond him were different, they were known as the Variants; a group of U.R.T.Vs who held their own consciousness and names, giving them individuality. Jr. ( who was known as Rubedo at the time ) spent most of his time with his twin, ( ... )


( RESERVE ) ♥ Gaignun Kuaki, Jr. pt.2 mortuary May 9 2009, 09:23:49 UTC
It was later when a wounded Nigredo found him that Jr. come out of hiding, only to end up carrying his wounded brother back to the very spot that started it all. Walking through bodies, the sound of distant guns being shot and destruction, there was no sign of Albedo but Jr. knew his twin had survived. He could feel it. Collasped with Nigredo in his arms, the pair were saved by Canaan and chaos, who in turn took them back with them to Helmer. Once recovered and healthy again the two decided to "disappear" as the U.R.T.V units Rubedo and Nigredo, adopting the names Gaignun Kukai and Gaignun Kukai, Jr. as he had remained in the form of a tweleve year old since the Militan Conflict ( ... )


( RESERVE ) ♥ Gaignun Kuaki, Jr. pt.3 mortuary May 9 2009, 09:24:30 UTC
Their plan failed when the Proto Merkabah appeared and began to fall into Second Milita's gravitational field, threatening to completely destroy the planet and everyone who lived there. So in order to stop it they infiltrated the Proto Merkabah to stop it, only to have to force the complex to separate so it would burn up in Second Milita's atmosphere. It was with the help of KOS-MOS they were able to enter Second Milita safely, for the moment their troubles seems over and they could finally get on with what they had originally set out to do, get MOMO to Helmer and KOS-MOS to the Vector Second R&D Division ( ... )


( RESERVE ) ♥ Gaignun Kuaki, Jr. pt.4 mortuary May 9 2009, 09:25:24 UTC
Exploring the land mass they came in contact with the Red Testament and a copy of KOS-MOS known as T-elos. All they could do was watch as KOS-MOS was defeated and a white light engulfed them all, transporting them to what appeared to be Old Milita just before the Militan Conflict was about to begin. With no choice but to watch as the events unfolded, they waited and tried to figure out a way to get back to their time And then thet were attacked by the Black Testament, who tried to take the sleeping KOS-MOS before she could awaken, however she did and with her help they were able to fend off the Testament ( ... )


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