Location: North Weyr Time: Night on Day 16, Month 7, Turn 3 Players: Roa, Tavaly, Tialith, Immath Scene: Tavaly comes to return a book. The Headmaster and Caucus get discussed.
Location: Tav'aly and Immath's Weyr Time: Evening, Day 11, Month 6, Turn 3 Players: Roa, Tavaly, Immath, Tialith Scene: A greenrider has come home, so a goldrider heads over to make sure she’s up to speed.
Time: Late Afternoon on Day 11, Month 7, Turn 2 Location: East Weyr Players: Tavaly, Roa, Tialith, and Immath Scene: Tavaly has a present and a little news.
Location: Guest Weyr Time: Early Evening 28, Month 6, Turn 2 (HRW Time) Players: Roa, Tavaly, Tialith and Immath Scene: Tavaly asks Roa about certain recent events. It goes much better than one might expect.
Location: Infirmary Time: Dinnertime on Day 14, Month 6, Turn 2 Players: Reyce, Miniyal, Tavaly, T'zen, Roa, Uneth, Immath, Tialith Scene: Roa pays a visit to the wounded bluerider. She and Tavaly have their work cut out for them as they learn just why T'zen's been having nightmares.
Location: Feeding Grounds Time: Sunset on Day 16, Month 4, Turn 2 Players: T'zen, Roa, Tavaly, Uneth, Tialith, Immath Scene: Don't tell T'zen a secret. Ever. (To really get what's going on, it's a good idea to read this log and then this one.)
Location: Spire Time: Afternoon on Day 10, Month 4, Turn 2 (Roa's Birthday!) Players: Tavaly, Immath, Roa, Tialith Scene: Roa needs to stop pissing off greenriders. (P.S. To fully understand what's going on, make sure you've read this log.)
Location: Southern Bowl Time: Late Afternoon on Day 14, Month 2, Turn 2 Players: Roa, J'cor, Naros, Perilan, Tavaly, Kiana, Tialith, Karth, and Immath Scene: An odd sight causes folks to stp in the bowl and chat.