Spire on Fire

Aug 21, 2006 15:12

Location: Spire
Time: Afternoon on Day 10, Month 4, Turn 2 (Roa's Birthday!)
Players: Tavaly, Immath, Roa, Tialith
Scene: Roa needs to stop pissing off greenriders. (P.S. To fully understand what's going on, make sure you've read this log.)


This is one of the largest spires that ring the bowl, reaching towards the sky like an angry finger. A platform has been carved out of the rock near its tip to allow one or two dragons to perch upon it, provided they squeeze in close together. The Weyr itself stretches out below, the bowl reduced to an oval of grey ringed with the darker black of stone, with the Star Stones visible to the east. In poor weather, any unfortunates on this ledge are assaulted by high, frigid winds but in the better months, it's beautiful up here.
The only word to describe a spring day such as this one is soggy. Rain falls in a constant shower of silver from the skies above, sometimes retreating into a misty drizzle, sometimes strengthening into a downpour that threatens to soak anyone who ventures outside.

Early afternoon over the Weyr brings little joy. Heavy sheets of rain fall gray upon the place of dragons, yet still those with duties to perform do them. Some without complaint, even. The shelf that serves as watch point and perch both gets hammered. Heavy rain spattering against the rock, slipping down the sides in waterfalls. Here, head held aloft, is Immath. She, at least, enjoys the downpour. Green wings nearly reaching their full growth, by now, spread out, one over empty space, the other over her rider who crouches in the wet, jacket pulled tight and eyes skirting over the grounds and into the air.

Up from the bowl comes another dragon, this one larger and somewhat less delighted with the downpour. Tialith circles the spire once, tightly. A trick she has observed from Uneth and modified to suit her increased bulk. We are hiding, is the gold's jovial greeting. May we join you? Because if not, it seems that circling and circling the spire will be the order of the day.

We cannot stop you. Perch where you will. Neutral. Not something that Immath is overtly famous for being, but the usual cheerful gleam, today, is tarnished. Her head curves , sending a dark space beneath her chin where no rain permeates. Watching. She's good at watching. One wing curls against her side while the other stays aloft. Her rider, two, remains uninterested in company and does what she is meant to do. More watching. Oh look. A herdbeast pooping. Awesome.

If Tialith notes something is off-kilter with the green, she seems too keen on landing to really mind. Touchdown is a dainty affair, with care given so that wings don't bump the smaller female. Much. And despite the river of water that streams down neck and muzzle and wingspars, there is no shaking off. Roa unstraps and climbs down, equally unaware. She ducks under Tialith's chest to move closer to the watchrider, and maybe to the dry spot underneath Immath's wing. "Hey, Tavaly," she says with a small smile. "Sort of makes snow preferable, doesn't it." One hand is held out, palm up, to capture raindrops.

Down below, there is a very soggy and unhappy guard.

Subtly, the green's wing is pulled juuuuust out of Roa's range. The pale girl beneath it stiffens as she's spoken to. "Either cold, damp season makes my joints ache." She responds negatively, standing and stalking over to the other edge of the spire to look down. Hood up, it's hard to tell the difference between Tav and a bear. Aside from appearance, mannerisms don't give much hint either way, to boot. Immath's head follows her rider's gaze, and the keen green gaze whirls nonchalance.

The Telgari stops as Immath withdraws her wing, just a little, and she slides backwards. Tialith cannot lift her own wing for fear of thumping the green, so Roa gets rained on. Pushing hair from her face she studies Immath, squinting a little to see if, perhaps, the other dragon is a bit brighter in coloration than normal? Arms crossing loosely over her chest, water sliding off of her riding jacket, the goldrider queries lightly, "Everything all right?"

"How could anything be wrong, Roa? You've got the run of the weyr's men. No one bats an eye when you throw yourself at them, these days." The greenrider says without looking back. Pure venom drips from the girl's fangs today, but not spat out like a snake. Placed in the air like a feather just to see how it will fall, this time. Immath is not, in fact, any brighter than normal. At this point. "They fawn over you and scrape against the ground to make you happy. How /could/ there be anything wrong?"

Roa blinks. Just...blinks as her mouth parts in what can only be called complete and total surprise. "Um...what?"

"Don't act like you don't know. Do not insult me in that way, at least." Tav turns, hood falling back and dark brown hair spilling over her shoulders, drenched. "First my brother.. He may be protective, but to allow someone to get that close.. oh, I should have seen that one coming. I thought it was Penny I had to keep an eye on. Makes sense to me now why you wouldn't tell me what was bothering Jen. It was you all along." The greenrider hisses. Her dragon shifts uncomfortably. "And if that's not bad enough, you've got to get all comfy cozy with the one man I've fallen in love with. Huh. I guess riding queen has its advantages, mm? /I/ certainly can't stop you."

"Wait," Roa's holding up her hands as if to ward off this onslaught of words. "Wait, wait, wait. Hang on a second. Jensen and I are not--, and T'zen and I...*T'zen*? Are you shelling joking me? Where on Pern..." The goldrider snaps her mouth shut and takes a deep breath. Or rather, tries to take a deep breath but ends up snorting rain water and sort of cough-sneezing instead. Wiping wetness from her eyes and face, the Telgari begins again. "Where on Pern are you coming up with this silliness?"

"Did you not see yourself yesterday?" Tavaly barks. "Perched upon his shoulders, his hands upon your legs.. Dear, that's hardly becoming of a proper queenrider, and yet not even our supposed Weyrleader said anything. No one cares what you do. At least no one who can put you in your place. And don't tell me you and Jen aren't /anything/. I /know/ what crying against his chest means. Especially to him. Not every cavern drudge has that high privilege, so don't you dare abuse it by saying it is /nothing/. She turns, again, looking outward as a a dragon wheels and dips over the feeding grounds. "Have they no restraint where you come from?"

"Crying against his..." Roa's eyes narrow and her lips thin into a tight line. "Tavaly," she begins slowly. "K'sar had just died. My oldest friend, in a fall he wasn't even supposed to be flying. I didn't mean to start leaking tears when I did, but it happened anyhow. What else would the Captain have done with a sobbing girl?" Brows are arched high, eyes blinking away the raindrops that trickle down. "As for sitting on his shoulder, I couldn't see. He picked me up That wasn't...for Faranth's sake, it took the man a seven to even notice you'd moved *in* with him. You really think he was doing anything more for me than offering leverage?" She turns as well, away from the greenrider and out into the bowl. "Ashwin's views on friendship begin to make more and more sense to me daily," is muttered.

"Were you aware that K'sar had feelings for you, even? Were you aware that he probably found out about your midnight excursions to various mens' dormitories? Who knows. Perhaps he /chose/ to take a face full of Thread just to avoid the shame of loving the Weyr Bed-warmer." Oh, cruelty. Forked tongue? Yea. Another dragon, a smaller blue, wings upwards with its rider. Tav spies this and takes a deep, deep breath. "He's a man. You're an attractive woman. Don't be so blinded by naivety that small gestures like that seem completely innocent. The chance for a man to touch you? They'll take it. You are your own weapon, you know. Just.. use it with more care in the future, mm? There are those you hurt through your thoughtlessness." With that the girl begins to run. And on a spire, it's not very far she has to do so. Reaching the edge, the girl flings herself from it, swan diving. Immath, at once, lurches forward and drops like a stone beside her rider. Hand finding straps, Tav pulls herself in and secures just as Immath's wings open and she skims across the weyr floor. The smaller blue lands to take his place as Watchrider for the hour.

Roa would, perhaps, have had some retort to the greenrider's tirade, but that dramatic exit cut off all opportunity. Perching on the spire, in the rain, beside an unknown blue, however, holds no real interest for the little rider and as Immath dives after Tavaly, Roa lingers only long enough to make sure the catch happens correctly before climbing back atop Tialith. "Let's go," she murmurs. "Somewhere else." Strapped in, Tialith launches herself off the of spire less dramatically to fly upwards until, at the apex of the upward motion, the pair wink out and are gone.

immath, tialith, tavaly

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