The Many Uses of Snow

Jul 27, 2006 01:29

Location: Southern Bowl
Time: Late Afternoon on Day 14, Month 2, Turn 2
Players: Roa, J'cor, Naros, Perilan, Tavaly, Kiana, Tialith, Karth, and Immath
Scene: An odd sight causes folks to stp in the bowl and chat.

It's cold and biting outside, but in High Reaches, cold and biting becomes a way of life. You either hibernate or you get used to it, and Tialith isn't a hibernating sort. So this gray and blistery afternoon finds Roa outside in the snow, wrapped up in her flight leathers and a thick red scarf for warmth. She's carefully rolling a large ball of snow in an attempt to make it larger yet while the golden dragon sits coiled in a pile of the whiteness, seemingly protecting similar large balls of snow from theft of vandalism.

Karth sits a ways away from the gold and rider, curled up outside the infirmary while he waits for J'cor. At last, the weyrleader does so, frowning distractedly at the ground as he navigates, by instinct, back towards his bronze. A small rumble of greeting, then Karth looks up at Roa and Tialith, evidently pointing out their presence to his rider. J'cor follows his dragon's gaze and blinks a few times, clearing his thoughts, before he smiles and leans a hand on Karth's paw. Whatever their game is, he doesn't want to interrupt right away.

Naros has bundled himself up in an extra cloak that definitely doesn't look new. He shivers in the chill lowering his head to avoid occasionall pebbles. Still, it's not often one sights one of the big creatures loitering in the cold, and passing by that's just what Naros spotted. He seems to have produced a small tablet that looks like nothing more than a piece of spare rock and he has a small chisel that he uses to scratch something. He tries to find a spot near the bowl where the wind is slightly less cutting and watches the dragons at rest scratching marks onto his tablet. Occasionally a curious look of surprise at whatever Roa is doing but otherwise he seems content with his taking notes.

Roll, roll, the large ball of snow is pushed over to nestle with the others. As Roa approaches the protective circle of gold dragon, head lifts to allow her rider entrance with this latest acquisition. Giving the snowball a fond pat, and then tucking reddened hands under her arms, Roa huffs out a breath and peers up into the face of her dragon. "That's twenty and perfectly respectable. Besides, my hands are freezing." Tialith peers down at her rider, at the lumps of snow, and then lowers her head with a faint rumble. The girl steps over the gold's nose to note that she audience which she peers at sheepishly. "Afternoon, Weyrleader," she calls, and then, "afternoon, Naros."

J'cor raises a hand to Roa's greeting, thhough he abruptly turns his face away to avoid a harsh gust of wind whipping snow at him. Once it's passed, he says, "Good afternoon, weyrwoman. Do excuse me for not saying anything, but I didn't wish to interrupt." His gaze continues over to the second person she greeted, and he offers Naros a polite smile and a nod.

Naros raises his arm as well waving the stylus, "Afternoon Roa." He calls out in response making a few more scratches glancing between the two again, and returning J'cor's nod politely returning a placid smile. He seems content nitched just a bit off to the side and studying the rather large creatures.

Roa leans against a golden shoulder and tugs her scarf up a little higher on her neck. Nose and cheeks are bright red from the cold and after the slight adjustment, hands tuck back under her arms. "We're finished now. It wasn't all that much to interrupt, really." And then she notices those scribbles Naros is making and she has to ask, "what is it that you're recording?"

J'cor nods to Roa, declining to investigate any further. He glances up at Karth, but the dragon's attention is on the snowballs - more inquisitive than his rider, it seems. The bronze snorts at something, but as he seems unwilling to remove his gaze J'cor lets himself be distracted, as well, looking back over at Naros as he listens in.

Naros admits at Roa's comment, "I'm trying to study their shape... how they fly. It's a start now. Later on hopefully I can see them while they're flying if there's a simple way to do just... soaring." He admits to the Rider, continuing to make small marks, "It doesn't seem very easy." He admits to the woman.

Roa blows softly on her hands, rubbing them together as Tialith lifts her head high enough to regard Karth stare for stare. Peeeeeeeer. "Studying how they fly?" the girl queries, brows lifting. "I suppose it is a bit tricky. It takes them a little while to really master the skill."

J'cor comes around to Karth's other side, where he's closer to the others' conversation. "Have you checked the records? There were a good many, I know, where I was a weyrling -" he leaves Igen's name out of it - "so I imagine there'd be many here. It can be a good start." Karth, finding himself matched by Tialith, gives his wings a little rustle and stretches his nose out towards the snowballs with a curious huff.

A walking bundle of wrapped clothes and scarfs makes its way across the sheltered area of the bowl, with an empty basket awkwardly held by huge mitts. Male? Female? Hard to tell until it stumbles on small hard drift and the cuss at his own clumseness is emitted through Perilan's usual tenor tones. "Bah!"

Naros smiles at Roa and laughs, "Well if it was easy just anyone might do it." He nods at J'cor, "I have a little bit, but not for long. Are they good readings? If you all use them I suppose the must be. I'll have to look into it thank you." He offers placing the stylus down for a bit. He waits a moment and then glances towards Perilan for a moment curiously before back to Roa, "What are you going to do with that snow?" He gestures towards the carefully guarded snowballs near the gold dragon.

The rustling of Karth's wings, Tialith stoically allows. It's when he swings a nose over to investigate her snowballs that the gold's head lowers and she coils more tightly around them with a low, warning rumble. "Tia!" Eyes wide, the look Roa turns on her lifemate is wholly offended, and while the growling ceases, she remains wrapped around the balls of snow as if they were something of value. Perilan's tripping earns a sympathetic wince, and then she looks back in Naros' direction. "Do with? Oh, I've already done it." A chilled hand lifts and gesyures towards the whole debacle of snow and dragon. "That's it."

Karth draws back quickly at the rumble, shuffling his paws back to give Tialith even more room. J'cor glances over at the queen, surprised at her response, but his words are directed to Naros. "It is extremely informative reading. We picked up many good pieces of advice from - sir, are you all right?" He has just noticed Perilan, and switched his formal mode into its highest gear. "May I offer my assistance?"

Karth projects, My apologies.

Perilan adjusts the scarf over his nose so he can get a better look and warily eyes the snowballs. The rumble garners a heck of a lot more attention though and the lad steps back, sensibly so, senisibly, that is, if it wasn't into the snow bank. Managing to keep his balance, he stays his ground, not bothering to disguise his curiousity. "Done? Must not have tossed them yet, they are nice and round. They usually fall apart when you throw them .. ma'am." He's swift to respond to J'cor, slightly surprised by the offer. "It's just me. 'Lan, from the living caverns? Just emptied this out in the compost."

The gold's response comes light and cheery, a sharp contrast to her coiled and terse exterior. It is all in fun, she explains, but I cannot let you see them now. Later, when the game is over.

Naros blinks at the interplay between the dragons. His head tilts to the side curiously before chuckling, "That's it? I'm not familiar... is this a custom or something?" He asks of Roa studying the snowballs dubiously. J'cor's words offer another nod and he scratches himself a little note on the bottom of the rock.

Karth pauses, surprised again by her response, and then says simply, Noted. I will let you finish your game.

Roa's cheeks grow a shade more red. Perhaps she's getting chillier yet. "No, this was..." her lips twist and her eyes dip down so that her boots might be more carefully studied. "We were talking, you see. About, ah, eggs. And Tialith got it into her head that she ought to practice, well, watching over some. So..." Hand lifts and again gestures to the snowballs. The queen seems not in the least embarassed and, if anything, appears rather proud, head lifting imperiously high. Behold how clever she is, to think of such things!

Tialith's reply is tinged with mild puzzlement. Yes, of course you will.

J'cor is unfazed by the knowledge of where the basket has been, simply nodding to accept Perilan's words. "Lan, from the living caverns," he repeats, apparently setting the name to memory. As he does so, he looks quickly over at Naros, blinks, and says, "Oh, excuse me, Naros. I've only just realized we'd met before, or I'd have greeted you appropriately. You undertake many projects, it would seem." He smiles, glancing over at Tialith - who has undertaken at least one curious project of her own. Karth is watching her, but he doesn't move toward her 'eggs' again.

Karth is the image of politeness. Of course.

Perilan, caught in a quandry of wanting to laugh outright at the whimsy of the dragon and being respectful, does the best he can to quickly mask the guffaw that escapes despite his best effort. "Dry, don't you think..." He coughs again. "The weather, what with it being so cold? Wonderful that your lifemate is so enthuisastic in her studies of all that she will need to be when her time comes to be a Dam, ma'am." He says all this as he gingerly makes his way out of the snow.

Naros blinks several times. He rubs his chin, "Ah... is this how the dragons usually practice for that? I always thought it was something they just... did naturally. Like a snake waiting and then biting. Very interesting." He inclines his head towards J'cor, "It is of course fine. There are many people and I'm not so memorable." He smiles letting his drawl continue on towards J'cor, "But yes, many projects. That's why I'm here after all."

Although it seems Karth contnues to be intrigued by the gold's brilliant plans of preparation, the queen in question has lost interest in watching him. Instead she turns her focus back onto her snowballs and lifts a talon to tentaively nudge one. You're supposed to turn these things aren't you? The rolling is done with a single draconic finger to keep the snow from falling back into powder. "I, uhm, don't think most golds do. Practice. I mean." Roa steals a small look over at her dragon and she cannot quite bite back a smile.

J'cor seems to be considering something, as he watches Tialith, but his attention soon returns to Naros. "Well, your willingness to undertake them is admirable. Such diligence in your studies here can only be of good service to you later," he opines, "much as my weyrling forays into the records have influenced Karth's flight." The bronze glances down at his name, losing interest in Tialith as she loses interest in him. His wings shiver on his back and he makes a small sound in his throat.

Perilan's eyes narrow at Naros comparison but smoothly he explains. "Dragons are a wonder to themselves and golds, even moreso." He pulls his scarf away from his face as he speaks so his words are not muffled. "Well, then, she's got one up on the other dragons, then?" His basket is abandoned to rest beside him as he is utterly fascinated by the exhibition. "Never seen...egg rolling from this angle before, usually a lot further away."

Naros ahs at Roa's comment. He hesitates a moment before offering, "Well.. at least she clearly takes her duties seriously. That's good." He says carefully not sure quite what to say about the odd gold. He chuckles softly and smiles at J'cor, "Perhaps. But those who believed that seem rather in the minority. Most consider the attempts ill-advised and fool's errands. But then innovators and inventors have always faced ridicule or so I read. I enjoy it, so that's enough." He pauses and arches a brow at J'cor's comments, "Oh? How so if you don't mind me asking?"

Speaking of weyrlings.. "Shoot, he's big up close." A green has landed a few feet away, head thrown back to bellow her usual 'I'm /here/, guys!' greeting, and then stretches out towards Tialith to poke her shoulder.. but pauses. What's that? Atop her straps, Tav leans over, her gaze clearly on the bronze a few paces away.

There's just nothing like a dragon playing with snowballs to make a slightly ignorant Holder girl slow, stop, and stare as she moves through the bowl. Kianda shakes her head after a moment, continuing on her way, though she angles to approach the group with a polite nod for all before she addresses Roa. "Ah, she's not going to be throwing those at anybody, is she?" A surprised look turns on Perilan. "Egg rolling?"

Immath seems to process a coherent thought. Slowly. Why do you guard those snow balls? Is there a fight somewhere?

And just like that, it seems, the small audience has turned into a crowd. Tialith's wedge head swivels to regard Perilan as he watches her and, one eye on the lad, she lifts up anothr snowball and g e n t l y rolls it onto its other (lopsided) side. She puffs a bit of air and fog into the wind as the discussions happening seem to have much to do with her and her cleverness. Roa, on the other hand, sinks down a little bit against her lifemate and attempts another smile. "Hullo, Tavaly," she calls up at the girl on the honking green, and then, to Kianda, "We are practicing for when Tialith clutches."

Today the queen is cheerful. Bemused. I am guarding a clutch, she informs Immath, as if it should be obvious. And then, a spark of light like a bulb burning out. Inspiration! You can Search for candidates. Because what fun is a game if your friends can't play too?

J'cor nods sedately, untroubled by the nearby green's roar of greeting after he's given her a glance - Karth greets her with a more subdued rumble. "How has it influenced our flight?" He pats the bronze's shoulder, his eyes pausing on Kianda for a smile and a nod of greeting, but he's in conversation just now. "Well, to be frank, Karth is quite small for a bronze, but with his wings -" the bronze spreads them obligingly - "he's extremely well-built for gliding. The records introduced us to new methods of using the currents, and it has become something of a specialty." Karth snorts his agreement, folding his wings back down again.

Perilan nods, taking step toward Kianda. "Well, snowball rolling more or less butthe lovely Tialith is only demonstrating her great skill and means us no harm." His smile is warm as he looks down on the girl beside him. "No need to fear." Startled that the dragon would pay him any mind, his nod is much more respectful and curteous in her direction. "Talented indeed." The green's honk barely causes him to turn but he calls his greetings out to her rider as well. Now the bronzes display must be aknowledged with a genuine, if not completely awestruck whistle of appreciation.

"Practice," Kia echoes uncertainly, watching the queen. "I take it she's not had the practice of a real live clutch before?" She looks around at Perilan, tilting her head with a fleeting smile. "I think I can stave off panic, no worries."

Having discarded her rider in a snow drift (Tava fell off. HAH!) Immath tromps over, her footsteps growing considerably more cautious as she nears Tialith and her 'clutch'. The green croons giddily, and bumps her nose against the gold's shoulder, for real this time. Then trills. bobbing her head. Her gaze sweeps out over the gathered, considering something. Whirling green eyes fall on Perilan for a moment, green nose looming closer to him. IF he doesn't step back in time, she might just bump him.. Ignore her, will you? Haharr! Meanwhile, Tav has become a weyrlingcicle. And pops out of the snow like a daisy. Brr. Trudging through the snow, she joins the group, peering with a smile at Tialith's charge. "Well, she's doin' a right fine job of it!" the girl remarks to Roa, then turns her head to each person in turn with a greeting nod and smile. To J'cor, she pauses, them pops on a grin and chucks a salute in his direction. "Weyrleader." The actions of her lifemate suddenly attract the girl and she giggles. "Looks like you get to stand at Tialith's frosty hatching."

Naros suddenly has images of Golds loitering around with giant snowballs and bronzes running around throwing snowballs at each other. He shakes his head, "Strange Strange Strange." He takes a bit of a step back blinking at the Green's not so subtle arrival, shaking his head for a moment. His head snaps around towards J'cor then, "Really? Well you must show me this book. I think I mentioned before I'm working on a glider. Well not really on one but on designing one. It would undoubtedly be an important thing to study how to do it best. After all, a machine probably wouldn't have a dragon's strength so It would probably rely on just gliding as long as possible."

Roa observes as there is warbling and bumping and egg turning abound. "I suppose she is," the girl replies to Tavaly. "Except, of course, for the part about keeping them wa--" and then she stops because Tavaly mentions search and brows high, she looks abck to Tialith. "You didn't..." But the gold emits a self satisfied rumbled and then turs to Perilan, dipping her head in the deep arched bow she observed Karth to perform the other day. He is worthy for a frozen snow-egg it seems. As this goes on, Roa struggles to catch up to the rest of the questions sent her way. First Kianda, "No, Tialith hasn't risen yet. She's still fairly young." As if her antics didn't give that away. And then, towards Naros, her tone quite curious, "A mechanical dragon?"

Kianda glances around to give the greenrider an amiable nod, then, "Naros, are you /still/ going on about that?" Bemused, she shakes her head, and her gaze moves to look back and forth between Tialith and Karth. "Interesting. Couldn't tell he's a day older 'n her. Hmmm."

J'cor is surprised by Tavaly as she pops up from the snow, but he recovers himself with a formal salute. "Weyrling, good afternoon." His lip quirks at the pair's antics. "Karth would be displeased, I fear, if I stood for this one." The bronze lets out a huff, but his attention is on
Perilan, for whom he preens just a bit. That whistle has earned his affection, enough so that he doesn't even notice Tialith imitating him. To Naros, J'cor replies, "Well, I found the book at Igen," the name dragged out of him, "but they may have a copy of it here - S'vren's 'Guide to Currents.' An uninventive title, but a very observant and innovative man. I believe you would appreciate him."

Perilan is no fool and takes a step back, right into his old nemesis, the snow bank. Again, it's a balancing act and he frowns as snow shivers it way down his boot tops but the server stands his ground as he looks way up at the green. "Your lifemate looks fetching against the snow, Tavaly, ma'am." Barely catching Roa's question, he too echoes. "Mechanical?" He shrugs in agreement with Kianda adding. "The golds grow so quickly." All this attention by the dragons begins to unnerve him and his voice cracks as he shrugs in agreement with Kianda adding. "The golds grow so quickly. And so do greens. And bronzes" Even he winces at his own inaneness and he picks up his basket in hopes to get his composure back.

Immath is pleased, and rumbles in such a manner. The magnitude of Perilan's statement has gone, as figured, straight to her head. The green fans her wings momentarily and lets loose a high warrior's trumpet. Poor J'cor. He's not used to this yet. Heh. "She says you're welcome to say nice things about her anytime, Peri." Tav says, smiling at the younger fellow. "And call me Tav. I'm not old enough to be referred to as 'ma'am', yet. Shards, my mother's not old enough for ma'am, yet." She cackles. To Roa, the girl merely grins. "Well, someone has to greet the snow dragons."

Naros shrugs at Roa, "Perhaps... perhaps. Not right away of course. But I've got quite a few ideas of what to do with it once I get the idea working. To start with well it might just be for carrying things. Gliding is the easy part going up up and up is the hard part. He offers to Roa and then nods to J'cor scratching more notes into his 'notebook' which is actually a spare piece of stone with a sharp stylus used to scratch marks into it." He nods to J'cor, "It does sound an intriguing book I'm sure I will enjoy it. Thank you." He says seriously. He glances towards Kianda and sniffs mildly, "Well...yes. Is it so bad to have tenacity?"

The little goldrider crosses her arms and tucks her chin downwards towards her collarbone. "I am *not* making snow hatchlings," is her muttered response to Tavaly. Naros she glances over towards, curiousity still writ on her features, but she doesn't ask. Not just now.

Kianda just chuckles. "Now, now, Naros, I didn't say it was bad." And she leaves it at that. Roa gets a grin. "Won't your dragon be disappointed then?" She glances around to check on the progress of the Naros-J'cor conversation.

J'cor offers Perilan an encouraging smile, noting his awkwardness, and offers helpfully, "If you're not needed back in the living cavern, Lan, perhaps you could set the basket down and join us for a bit. Though it is, perhaps, cold." Perhaps? It's freezing. He nods graciously to Naros. "I'm pleased to help, if I can. Once you get this project finished, however, do be careful - the currents can quickly become unpredictable, and I would feel safer if you did not attempt it without supervision. Or permission from one of your supervisors in the Caucus," he adds, raising a brow.

Perilan chuckles in Tav's direction. "Always safer to be polite and told not to be so polite than to be all out rude, don't you agree?" Looking back over his shoulder toward then kitchens, the lad makes a face. "I am needed I'm afraid but this has to be one of the most interesting trips I've had to the compost pile for a few sevendays."

A decidedly amused 'Hah'. comes from the greenriding weyrling at Perilan's statement. "Clearly, you are not very learned in the art of being rude. Way more fun, within reason." Tav says, a wink flying in Peri's direction. With Immath nearing, the girl dusts the remainder of the snow from her shoulders, one far more gently than the other, and hops up onto the green's neck. "'Fraid I've got to take over elevatoring. Take care, all. Don't stand out here so long you become statues." With that, the pair trots a few paces off and lifts into the darkening sky.

Naros inclines his head at J'cor, "Of course." He nods, "We'll see how it goes. I intend to use models first and then... I imagine the first testing will be an... unmanned flight. As it were. Though I suppose if one of you dragonriders along might make it safer. I'll sort it out but it's a long way from having something flyable that's for certain." He admits to J'cor, "I'm still just gathering information, which is quite a project in and of itself. Especially when... well some people can be very... excitable about projects." He glances towards Kianda as if expecting her to understand that bit.

Roa's lips quirk a bit wryly. "In this instance, I'm afraid she may just have to be dissapointed. My fingers can't take much more snow rolling, and I haven't the artistic skill to do justice to iced hatchlings, no matter how much Tia may wish it otherwise." The dragon, for her part, seems to be growing tired of the whole thing and pushes herself upwards to give herself a little shake. Little being a relative term. And as much as she guarded the snowballs a moment ago, she seems not in the least concerned that the action of shaking sends a back foot sliding and crushing five.

Kianda gives Naros a nod and a smile- she most certainly does understand, though she teases, "An understatement, Naros." Then she laughs. "Iced hatchlings. Sounds like a summer treat."

Indeed duties call him by name, literally, and Perilan trudges back to the kitchens after a nod to the rest.

Perilan goes home.
Perilan has left.

J'cor nods to both Perilan and Tavaly as they leave. Karth shifts his feet restlessly in the snow, glancing after the green, and J'cor smiles at him. "This talk of flying has made Karth restless, it would seem." He adds a murmured comment, meant just for the dragon, and Karth obediently resettles. Turning back to the others, he lets his smile flick from Naros to Kianda, inquisitive, but not enough to comment. "Yes," he agrees mildly, "these things take time."

Naros wrinkles his nose mildly at Kianda but chuckles softly, "Yes... yes perhaps it is. Still. That's neither here nor there. Some people just don't have... a vision." He glances towards the large creature resettling looks mildly troubled for a moment before back to J'cor, "Well everything worth doing is worth taking the time to do right. Like you said this could be a very dangerous thing if done improperly."

"I think" murmurs the Telgari, "That I have had enough to wind and snow for a little while." Even as she speaks, Tialith is turning and moving towards the warmer dragon barracks, crushing snow eggs beneath her paws as she goes. "Something hot to drink and a fire..." Roa gives a definitive nod. "Nice speaking with you again. Neros, Kianda, Weyrleader." Each person is given a small nod in their direction as the names are spoken.

Kianda catches the Weyrleader's look and gestures toward Naros. "Oh, I've heard plenty of his project plans. And speaking of projects, yours is done, sir. Again." She releases a rueful little chuckle, and sends Roa a pleasant nod, calling, "We'll have to chat again. Soon."

J'cor nods to Naros, but Roa's departure distracts him and he offers her a smile, dipping his head in what could be described (with some generosity) as a slight bow. "Indeed, weyrwoman. It has again been a pleasure." Karth flicks his wings wide again and tilts them in a bow to Tialith, adding yet another gesture to his acknowledged formal repertoire. But the bronze's gaze moves curiously to Kianda, and J'cor follows where he leads. "Again?" he repeats with a querying brow, but he doesn't give much time for explanation. "My thanks. Now that I have permanent residence, if you would be so kind as to please stop by my quarters some evening, and I'll have the marks to pay you."

Naros inclines his head to Roa drawling, "It was pleasant to see you again. Take care." He looks like he might stick his tongue out at Kianda but thinks twice, "Yes well..." He then blinks at the again part as well. He then adds smiling, "Well they are ambitious plans no doubt."

Tialith pauses in mid-turn as Karth bows. After studying the gesture for a moment, she replicates it, wings spreading wide, head dipping low. And then she's gliding into the barracks with Roa trailing after her.

karth, naros, j'cor, kianda, tialith, immath, tavaly, perilan

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