Higher Education

Apr 05, 2007 23:52

Location: North Weyr
Time: Night on Day 16, Month 7, Turn 3
Players: Roa, Tavaly, Tialith, Immath
Scene: Tavaly comes to return a book. The Headmaster and Caucus get discussed.

The nighttime finds the Reaches senior weyrwoman enjoying a quiet night at home. The pleasant summer weather allows the ledge curtain to be pushed back, despite the late hour. Tialith is taking advantage of this by dozing half in and half out of the weyr, stretched long and languid across the doorway. Roa has picked a less interesting place to recline, and she's reading through hides of Faranth knows what curled up on the couch. On the main table still rests the remains of a simple dinner for two, and besides Roa on the couch are a couple meatrolls on a napkin. She nibbles on one occasionally as she reads.

Nighttime, indeed. And who better to interrupt the Weyrwoman's quiet evening than the former insomniac herself? The greenrider is dropped neatly by Immath who pauses to croon in a friendly manner to the gold draped across the entrance. Tav stands still, then, peering at the obstacle she must either climb over or ask to move her shiny, highfalutin' carcass. She has Immath do it instead. Excuse me; mine wishes to see yours. Is this all right? The green asks, perched on the edge of the ledge, head tilting.

Tialith opens her eyes and then her maw in a wide and lazy yawn. Of course. The whipcord tail slithers up against the gold's highfalutin' flank, allowing a hallway' of sorts between wall and dragon that is wide enough for Tavaly to enter. Inside, Roa has set down her hide and lifted her head, peering towards he ledge. "Come in," she calls. "Tia'll move."

"She's arright. I got 'nough room, now." And Tav does. She slips against the wall, walking almost like a cat-burglar into the weyr. One hand empty, the other containing a book that will most likely look familiar to the woman. "Sorry to call on you so late, I just don' like to wait on returnin' borrowed things." She strides across, the book loaned to her held out to Roa. "Just finished it, finally. I sorta get what you meant about politics, now. Well written."

There is a faint smile as Roa sees the book in Tavaly's hand and she pushes up into a stand to reach out and reclaim it. "It's interesting," she agrees. "Some authors can be so dry when they talk about these sorts of things, but this fellow makes you want to know more, you know? Come. Sit. Tell me your thoughts. You're back to flying fall now, I hear?"

Nodding her head, Tav definitely agrees. "I like it. I haven't found a text book yet that can make me /want/ to read more. This fella does it. I like it." She bows in a shallow manner, finding a seat somewhere next to the weyrwoman, leaning forward and clasping both hands before her. The left, of course, mostly hidden under leather. "I am. It's good to be useful again." She says with a small smirk. "I like that he doesn't come right out and say that most leaderships are bunk." She begins, crossing her right leg over the left. "And that he wants change as much as the next person. Does not want to see failure after new hope is brought up. Progressive. I like that."

There is a soft snicker from the weyrwoman. "No, he doesn't come right out and say. And, I'm not sure he believes it is bunk, so much as it needs some adjusting, as does any established institution over time. It was written five turns ago, this book. And published two turns ago."
"Wonder what he'd say about how things're goin' now. Wonder what he'd think if he came to the 'Reaches and saw what /progress/ looks like." She sits back, the index finger of her left hand coming up to touch her lower lip. Thinking. "I like that he questions things. Doesn't take everything at a blind, face value. Kinda reminds me of a lot of folks." Her hands fold into her lap again, and Tav focuses on the Weyrwoman once more. "I'd like to learn more."

"Progress? I'm not sure. I don't imagined he thought of girls on blue as even a possibility. Although considering the way he constantly refers to those in power as 'he', I shouldn't wonder he'd be against it." Roa smiles, eyes crinkling in the corners. "Who does the author remind you of, then?" she asks with a little laugh.

"Just means even forward thinkers could do a little more forward thinkin'. Next will be seein' gals on brown. If Dara can Impress blue, anything is possible." Tav points out, grinning. "Who does he remind me of? R'vain, before he got his head out of his nethers. Always man-thinkin'. But thinkin' of the future, at least. A little." Tav suggests, uncrossing her legs due to protest of the left and leaning forward again. Fidgety tonight, she is. "Can I ask you something frank?"

Hands settled in her lap, Roa considers that with another small chuckle. "I suppose I could see that," she agrees quietly about R'vain. "I'm waiting to see a boy on gold, myself. That'll really send them 'round the bend." But then the weyrwoman takes a moment to notice her guest's fidgeting and for the question, she nods and offers a soft, "Of course."

"Too bad K'rom already Impressed green, else I'd say it was most possible." Tav teases the fellow. Gently, of course, but it's still a tease. Then the smile fades and a sort of concentrated stare rests on the woman. "How do they pick people for Caucus?" She asks, lower lip disappearing between her teeth for a good chew.

"Oh," Roa sighs, peering down at her hands. "Well, a weyr or a hold or a hall takes a look at those that are likely to become future leaders and chooses one or two to come here. They write to the Headmaster and once they've gotten permission, the people that have been selected are sent. Which means, pretty much, it's blooded, bronze and goldriders and highly skilled journeymen and apprentices."

She chews her lip even more, eyes darting to the side, then back to the woman. "Do they.. I mean, would they ever consider perhaps.. making an exception? Or even sharing the course material with someone willing to learn, just.. not the afore mentioned folks?" The greenrider's stare is steady. Almost hopeful, but not quite so assuming.

With another small sigh, Roa shakes her head. "Currently...no. The purpose of Caucus is to make new leaders and the Headmaster is quite aware of that purpose. It's possible someone might be considered, as a special favor to someone else, but...doing so brings up a rather big tangle of things. I don't suppose you've actually spoken to Sefton, have you?"

"No, no. I.. Well, I figured talking to you first might be better. Last thing anyone needs is for me to make a complete idjit of myself in front of Sefton, anyway." Tav says, finding the fold of her hands very interesting, as she stares down at /them/ now. "Do you think he may loan out books to me, though?" She asks.

"Yes," Roa says quietly and with more confidence. "That, I think he might do. He likes good conversation partners. Ones who are intelligent and willing to debate. Willing to play his game a bit and enjoy a good drink while doing so. If you promise to be all of those things, I expect he very well may lend you books. For a price."

A brow arches high above one glacial eyeball and Tav tilts her head. "What sort of games?" And more importantly. "What price would he ask for?" She is totally not boning Sefton. Ever. She's heard enough stories about the Headmaster to turn her away from Caucus forever, but.. That's where the knowledge is.

What sort of games? "That's...hard to explain. Tests of character, I suppose. Little challenges to see what you will and won't, and what you will and won't do for him. Nothing bad, just...difficult, sometimes. He's not as frightening as I make him sound, really." Roa smirks and leans back, stretching out her own legs. "The price varies from person to person. Coming back to discuss a passage with him. Maybe writing something on what he gives you or asking the opinions of others. Things that will amuse him and make him think. And make you think, too."

The greenrider considers it, for a moment. Almost like rolling around a new culinary creation in ones mouth to best judge the flavor. "I thin I can do those things." Tav says, nodding her head. "If that's all it takes to get some books, I'll be more than happy to. Will, uh.. will you talk to him? Or do you think I should?" Tav talking to Sefton can go one of two ways: either very good, or dreadfully bad. XD

"I think you should. He'll think more of you if you ask him yourself," is the weyrwoman's advice as she rolls her shoulders and arches her back a little bit. Some joint somewhere pops in relief. "Be respectful, but let him know you've got spine. Answer his questions thoughtfully. Let him know you're not afraid of him."

"I'm not generally afraid of anyone." Tav says. Quietly. Not boastful; merely factual. "And if he wants to scare me off by using big words and things, he's got another thing coming. If I have to play with his head to get what I need, that's okay." Tav shrugs, sinking into the chair again with a yawn. "Thank you. I'll definitely talk with him, then."

"My pleasure," Roa says with a little laugh. "He's becoming complacent anyhow, and his head needs the exercise. Will you tell me how it went?"

With a smile and a gracious bow of her head, Tav agrees, "I will, yes. I'll do my best not to turn him into a ripe red fruit by the end of the conversation, but.. I can't make any promises. Thank you." She stands, bowing her head again to the woman, glance to her midsection, a small smile, and Tav is retreating from the innards of the weyr.

It is the glance to her midsection that makes Roa clear her throat and glance away, but all she offers is, “Of course. Have a good evening and thank you for the book back.” She opens up said writing even as the greenrider departs.

immath, tialith, tavay

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