New Digs

Oct 04, 2006 01:59

Time: Late Afternoon on Day 11, Month 7, Turn 2
Location: East Weyr
Players: Tavaly, Roa, Tialith, and Immath
Scene: Tavaly has a present and a little news.

East Weyr
This weyr has a tidy, friendly air about it. This is due in no small part to the walls having been washed in a pale but warm yellow. A slightly worn rug of dark greens and blues is spread out on the floor, the colors just a bit too dark to truly blend with the shade of the walls. The space lacks the sitting area of the larger weyrs that flank it but still boasts a desk with accompanying scroll-heavy shelves and a large, comfortable bed. Covering the sheets is a full-sized rabbit fur blanket, at its center the image of a gold dragon in flight, small dark-haired rider perched atop her. The entrance doorway is flanked by a pair of wardrobes meant for the storage of clothing and riding gear.
Opposite the doorway is an archway that leads out onto the ledge reserved for the dragon half of the occupant pair. It's large enough for a gold and a similarly sized friend, with room left over for a padded couch. Beyond the ledge is the open air of the northern bowl.

The weyr is, for the most part, as ever it was. Clean, cheery, and, uh, yellow-walled. But the rug is different, as are the sheets and blankets on the bed. As is, of course, the golden dragon occupying the couch out on the ledge. Inside, an equally new figure is seated at the little desk, head bent, hand with quill writing at a brisk clip.

The only warning given is the beating of Immath's wings as she alights upon the Eastern Weyr's wide, queen-accommodating ledge. And Tavaly's exuberant, "WEYRWOMAN!" As she comes running into Roa's territory. Glee! Sorta.

Immath is given a low and warbling greeting as the green descends on Tialith's ledge. Tialith's. Ledge. O, it is sweet, and if the way the queen is draped over the couch is any indication, a much needed respite from the barracks. Inside, Roa startles visibly at the holler, standing upright and pushing her chair back as she spins around, pen dropped to the desk. "Shells," she gasps as Tavaly appears. And then, a tiny smirk creeping the corner of her mouth. "You heard."

"Are you /KIDDING/?!" Tav shrieks in an entirely uncharacteristically girlish manner. "Of /COURSE/ I heard." Run run run run SQUEEEEZE-a-Roa in a big Tava hug. "Scorch me down, but I'm glad you finally transferred." BEAM! Happy Tavvy. "And! Also." Tav scuttles back to where Immath sits quietly in the doorway, digging in a satchel and coming out with something. Wrapped. Kinda nicely, too. "You were kind enough to think of me when I got my own weyr. Now, I return the kindness. Most gladly!" She holds it out for Roa. "Dunno if I got the fit right, but if it's not, I can adjust it. S'a riding jacket. Fit for a 'Reaches queen." If she may say so herself.

Oh. Dear. Running Tavaly becomes squeezing Tavaly which has Roa sort part stiffening and one part trying to reciprocate the hug, and then, as the greenrider moves away, smoothing her clothes. "Well, I'm glad too. I-" Uh. Present. The Reachian peers down at the package, accepting it gently and slowly opening it up. "You didn't have to do that," she murmurs. "You already made me a blanket..." Cheeks? A mite pink now.

"You can't really wear a blanket when you're flying." Tav says with a big grin plastered on her maw. Rosy cheeks? Yea. Only, she's been drinking. A little. "And this is a little more.. versatile." Within the crude, yet sort of worth-it packaging, the jacket is made of a light colored leather, smooth. Comparable to suede, almost, with downy, cloud-gray fur lining the inside. It's almost white, and the leather is thick, yet looks like it could easily contour with a curvy body. It sports a hood, wide and graceful - the kind that drapes like a cloak's hood, only way more warm. The cuffs, too, are heavily lined on inside and outside with soft fur. Upon one shoulder, a patch of many leathers cut and dyed, bear the crest of High Reaches. Blue and black.

The offering is held up and then held out, and turned slowly. Roa's eyes are huge as she takes it in. "Tavaly..." the name is a soft exhalation. "This is..." Wonderful. Gorgeous. Amazing. But then the weyrwoman's eyes narrow just slightly, her gaze moving from the coat to the greenrider, "...very intricate. I was transferred days ago." Eyes narrow more. "How long have you been working on this?"

"Well, see, the patch was the last part. I was gonna wait until the weather got colder to give it to you. It's been done for about three sevens." Sheepish scuffle of the foot. Ladeeda. Big. Cheesy. Tavvy grin. "Needed t'be right. Leather took a while to cure just right. That'll hold you at least a good handful of turns, if t'treat it right. Hang it on a peg near the hearth and it'll hold the warm in for a long while." And here Tav regards the goldrider with a much reduced, but still warm smile upon her features, eyes just.. watching. "How y'been, sister?"

Quite a while indeed. The coat is once again turned in Roa's hands before it's swung around behind her and slipped on. She shrugs it up over her shoulders, flexes her arms, and turns in a slow circle for Tavaly's perusal. "Been...just been," is her soft admission. "Have you spoken to T'zen yet? Have you written down your own memories? Time is...things are moving faster, now."

And here Tav grows a little.. dim. "We were gonna talk about it. I wrote down what I know. What Immath remembered, and what Uneth showed her and then she showed me. T'zen.. Well. Like I said, we were gonna talk about it and then we were standing at the mouth of the weyr, and there was a blanket, and he was kinda.. not wearing a shirt and.. Um." Okay, now those cheeks are bright red. "I have everything from my end. When I take him for his soak and rub in the morning, we'll talk about it then." Depressed. And, judging by the look of her, she sincerely feels like she's letting Roa down. And that's much worse. "What've you found so far?"

A slow nod. "All right. Why don't you visit me again tomorrow night, and we'll go over my memories and yours. I've spoken with Penny, and I'm going to meet with G'thon for tea tomorrow. That leaves Ginella, and Issa...I can meet with her tomorrow as well." The coat does its job well and is quickly too warm. Almost reluctantly, Roa slides it from her shoulders and folds it over one arm. "Aida tells me...did E'sere give T'zen a tunic?"

Tav's face is.. not happy. "Yes. E'sere gave him a tunic. The one that matches the patch of cloth that T'zen took off of his and Issa's attacker. Several sevens after we gave him the patch of cloth. And the only thing he's provided is the wrong name and a tunic. And sayings like 'it's been taken care of'. I dunno about him and his, but I like t'see bodies when I hear 'it's been taken care of'." Tav says in a grouchy fashion.

"In this case, as it would be the wrong body, I rather hope there isn't one. Do you think, tomorrow, you might bring it, please? The tunic, I mean. I'd like to have a look at it." Roa lowers her head, stares down at her folded jacket. And then, very softly, "they want Tialith to question Morelenth."

Tavaly nods her head. "Yea. I'll bring it up." A pause. A digestion, and blue eyes go wide. "Do it! Have Tia grill him until his head aches." Tav agrees. Yes. A lot. "He won't be able to shut her out."

"Maybe," concedes Roa softly. "It's a risk. Tialith is nothing to Morelenth. It may not work, or if it does, it may not work particularly well. If there's nothing else at the end of the seven, then..." a small nod. "But if we catch E'sere without this girl...she goes to ground. We lose her. And very likely, we lose the proof of Jensen's innocence.”

"But she's a /queen/, Roa. And a 'Reaches one at that. Morelenth cannot block her out. Any time that Immath's come in contact with her, Tialith has been gentle. There is so much power in that gold's head she's just gotta know how to unleash it." Tav says, the excitement in her voice crackling like lightning. Tav paces a moment, feet thumping the stone floor. "What is precious to E'sere?"

Roa shakes he head slowly. "Reaches by name, not by birth. And it's complicated, Tavaly. People seem to think it's just a matter of a gold hide and a hairy eyeball but...there are levels of complexity and control. Nuances. What dragon will willingly obey a request that endangers his rider?" Roa shifts her weight back and forth. Foot to foot. It is not, however, an anxious motion, but a crisp, methodical one. Learning and relearning one's balance. A training exercise. "Morelenth will not consider Tialith his superior. She is younger, she is unproven, and she is, in his mind, foreign. He could fight her. She could lose. Precious?" A small, bitter laugh. "The weyrleader's knot." The words are bitter too.

"Second to that, J'cor can still take away his wingleader knot." Tav offers, pausing in her pacing to tap at her chin in thought. "Eh." Ponder. The pacing continues for a while until Tav pauses, exhaling steam.

"Yes. If there was reason..." Roa shakes her head slowly. "We need evidence. We need the memories you and T'zen and the others can provide. And the tunic. If we have something we can use against him, J'cor will be able to do more than simply take his knot."

Knuckles crack as one of Tav's hand slip inside the other. "Then let's make it happen. As I mentioned, I'll talk to T'zen. We'll write things down. Worked on my head and pried most everything out that I could find." Tav allows. And grows dark. "Can't believe all this.."

"It's unbelievable," Roa concedes. Shift. Shift. She turns to open one of the wardrobes and carefully hang up her new and superior riding jacket. It sits besides the old one and makes it look far older. "I...Tav...there's so much to do. I think I must go now, and begin to do it. Tomorrow, you said?" She's turning to face the greenrider again. "With the tunic?"

Tavaly nods her head. "It is, of course, up to T'zen, though when he finds out what it's for, I have a feeling no flight of stairs will stop him." Tav offers, then brightens her countenance with a smile. "Get some rest sometime, a'right? Can't save the Weyr without sleep." And she begins stepping toward the weyr exit.

A tiny smile. "I'll rest when I'm dead," Roa murmurs, but perhaps it's a joke. "Tell T'zen," she calls, "that if he mentions this to anyone...anyone...well, there's more than one woman at this weyr that can gut him."

OOC Note: ICly, the second meeting promised will have occured on the following day (the 12th) after dinner. OOCly, poor Tavaly was wiped out from playing pre-flight Tav and we decided to just say it happened and call it a day.

immath, tialith, tavaly

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