Title: My Kitty Pet (Epilogue) Author: riina8chi Pairing: YamaChii Rating: PG-13 Genre: fluff, romance, fantasy Summary: How is their happy ever after like…?
Title: Chinen Yuri Baking Author: riina8chi Pairing: YamaChii Rating: PG Genre: Fluff Summary: As Yamada Ryosuke’s boyfriend Chinen wants to bake a cake for him. Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as he may think.
Title: 4th anniversary Author: riina8chi Pairing: YamaChii Rating: NC-17 Genre: Romance, Smut Summary: Chinen had to made up somehow for forgetting his and Ryosuke's anniversary. A/N: Sequel to ‘‘ Something Forgotten’’. I wasn’t planning to make this but Rei-chan kind of demanded for this. (Was there a time when she didn’t demand for anything… *
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