Something Forgotten (Ficlet)

Apr 03, 2013 00:03

Title: Something Forgotten

Author: riina8chi

Pairing: YamaChii

Rating: G

Genre: Fluff, Romance

Summary: Chinen forgot something important regarding to his and Yamada's relationship.

''Chii~'' someone patted resting boy's back. He was leaning on a desk in a classroom during break time.

''Un?'' the little guy looked up to see his friends' faces. Five of them were staring at him with curious eyes.

''What are you doing this friday?'' asked one of them. Chinen settled his gaze down.

''Hmm… nothing. You guys going somewhere?''

''Hai. To cinema, we thought to drag you along if you don't have anything planned.''

''Iie, I'm free.''

Chinen was heading home when suddenly his phone started playing a melody, a ringtone. He pressed a green button and brought it to his ear.

''Hi, my sweetest best in the world cutest and the most beautiful angel in the whole galaxy~'' he giggled. Before he could reply the guy on the other line already started with his speech.

''I'll pick you up tomorrow. Be prepared by nine o'clock. I want to spend the whole day with you~'' he said with sweetest tone.

''Ah, Ryosuke…'' he frowned with guilty.

''Hm, nani? What's wrong?'' the guy said worried.

''I already set up plans with guys… Gomen ne…'' after explanation followed silence.

''So they are they more important than me?'' Yamada said breaking it.

''Don't make a scene. You know that I don't hang out with them much anyways… We can see on Saturday.''

''It's not the same!''

''What do you mean?'' Chinen stopped the walking.

''Nothing, have fun'' the guy on other line said irritated and hung up.

''What's with him?'' Chinen thought as he closed his cellphone.


''I don't get it! Why was he so mad? We see each other every day. What's wrong with me going out with someone else at times.'' Chinen was still thinking about the 'fight' they had. He really didn't know why Yamada was being so dramatic over the matter.

Chinen threw a towel on his bed and started to dress a pajama. When he was done he received another call from his lover.

Did he cool down? He thought and answered the phone.


''I'll see you at the fountain. 6 o'clock, tomorrow, don't be late.'' Yamada suddenly said. He still could hear the annoyance in his voice.

''I told you I'm going out with--''

''You have time to be with them till then. Then you're mine for the rest of the day!'' Yamada cut him before Chinen could finish the sentence.

''Demo, that's the time when our movie will start…'' he murmured.

''I said don't be late.''

''I won't come so don't wait for me.'' Chinen said annoyed and ended the call.



Chinen and three of his friends were having couple of drinks at a cafe near cinema. They went there right after the movie ended. As the little guy declared, he didn't go to see Yamada. And he was sure that the older boy didn't even come there after he told him that he wouldn't come. But he was still a little worried if he was waiting for him. Even thought if he did, he should have gone home already...

''Yuri~'' Chinen turned at direction of a sweet voice which just called his name. He saw his sister approaching him with her friend while waving at him.

''Hey, Saya!'' he said while smiling and waved, too. Then a sudden change of expression on Saya's face made his smile to fade.

''Where is Yamada-kun?'' she asked tilting her head.

''At his place.'' he simply answered.

''Eh? Why?'' the expression she had was unbelievable. She was shocked to hear anything like that.

''What? If we're going out it doesn't mean we're supposed to be always with each other!'' the boy said annoyed and that made Saya even more surprised.

''Yeah, but isn't it your anniversary today?'' the words made his eyes to go wide. It really was. Their anniversary date. How could he forget?

''That's why…''

''Excuse me, I'll leave now. Thank you, Saya.''

he left the cafe as fast as he could and ran to the place where Yamada asked him to be at six. Because that's where he wanted to meet, he headed there first, wondering if his lover is still there.

The place at Fountain, it was where the two of them exchanged their feelings. That's why Yamada wanted to meet him there.

When he approached the fountain, he saw his lover sitting at the edge of it. Even thought it was cold, and night, the fountain was still working and the water hasn't frozen into ice.

Yamada was looking down. He had a scarf around his neck but his face was red due to cold weather. Warm breathe was coming as smoke outside his mouth and his bare hands were sticked together.

Chinen felt very guilty. Choosing his friends over Yamada, and moreover on their anniversary day. He was glad that he met Saya today, who knows what kind of fight they would get into if he didn't realize it this day at all.

''Ryo…'' Chinen called as he walked closer. Yamada looked up at the little boy.

''You're late!'' he exclaimed, mad.

''I said that I won't come!'' Chinen sulked.

''Then what made you to change your mind?'' the brown haired boy asked, his voice softened somehow.

''I realized it's our anniversary… I'm sorry, Ryosuke. I forgot… Now I completely understand why you were so cranky… I'm really sorry.'' the little boy explained with cracked voice. Couple of his warm tears poured down the smooth face skin.

The brown haired boy chuckled and stood up. He walked closer to his boyfriend and placed a hand on his chin, to lift his face up. He moved his face closer and their lips touched.

''Daijoubu.'' he said after their lips went apart. He wiped the tears away from Chinen's face and claimed for another sweet kiss.


Nyehhe, somehting fluffy~ >w<

Just dropping by
Jya~ I'm off again >3<

g, fluff, yamachii, romance

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