Banana (Drabble)

Mar 01, 2014 20:05

Title: Banana
Author: riina8chi
Pairing: YamaChii
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff
Summary: He only wanted a banana.

Bored, Chinen rolled on the bed. He stared at his smartphone in his hands. Unlocking it, he typed a message to his lover.

‘‘I want a banana’’ it said.

Few seconds after the sent message, the ichigo boy happily stormed inside the room.

‘‘Who wants a banana here’’ he smirked and leaned forward to capture his lover’s lips but the smaller one only dodged it, knowing what the older boy had in his mind.

‘‘Ryosuke!’’ he exclaimed.
‘‘What??’’ the older boy confusingly asked, softly kissing Chinen’s neck.
‘‘Not that banana!!’’ Chinen slightly pushed him away.
‘‘What…’’ Yamada stared at him for a while.
‘‘You meant… oh… gomen ne, I’ll bring it’’ the boy quickly hopped to the kitchen. Chinen's face burned pure red color as he slightly shook his head.


Ryosuke doesn't have anything else on his mind, does he?? haha
I hope you enjoyed this short fic! >W<
Feel absolutely free to leave your precious comment! :))

fluff, yamachii, pg

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