Replaced (Chapter 3)

Oct 20, 2014 18:03

Title: Replaced
Author: riina8chi
Pairing: YamaChii, YabuNoo (slight)
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance, Mystery, Fluff, School-life,
Summary: When Yamada transfers to a new school, in Shizuoka, he meets a nice boy named Chinen Yukito. The little boy seemed to get a lot of attention from other students yet he seemed so lonely. These two become very close but there are things of which Yamada is not aware. Something happened in this school, students act weird and he wants to know why.

Chinen sighed once again, looking at the candy in his hands. He wrapped his hands around it and few seconds later he gazed up at the boy beside him. His face was as gentle as ever. Why is he so kind to him, Chinen wondered.

The boys stood up as they heard the school bell ringing. Yamada walked up ahead to the exit door, and held it open for the following boy.
‘‘Thank you’’ Chinen whispered, but loud enough for Yamada to hear it. He stepped a first step inside and already saw a bunch of people downstairs talking to each other. He stopped his movements. He was so tired of it. He just wanted to escape from this; he wanted to be the invisible boy he always used to be.

Students were not allowed on the roof, though Chinen was a special occasion. That is why everybody always waited for him downstairs during break time. Yamada walked inside as well as he wondered why did the boy freeze all of the sudden. He realized him staring at the public downstairs. The people were still chatting; nobody cared to go to their classrooms even though the bell rang already. Nevertheless, nobody realized the two boys standing upstairs, and before anybody noticed them, Yamada quickly pulled Chinen behind a small corner on the right.
‘‘Wait here’’ he said and left. He walked down the stairs when suddenly all the heads turned around his way. Everybody smiled brightly until they realized that it wasn’t the person everybody expected to see.
‘‘Where is Chinen-kun?’’ a girl in front row asked. Yamada shrugged his shoulders and said.
‘‘I don’t know. He wasn’t on the rooftop.’’
‘‘Wait a minute, what were you doing there?’’ somebody asked in a slight angry tone.
‘‘I have a teacher’s permission. It’s too personal so I can’t tell you more than that, sorry.’’
‘‘oh…’’ afterwards everybody just left but only one person remained until everybody was gone. This person, she walked to Yamada who looked innocent.
‘‘Don’t get close to Chinen-kun or you’ll end up regretting it.’’
‘‘You heard me. We don’t need nuisance here.’’ She sharply stared him right into the eyes so her point would reach him.
‘‘Was that a thread?’’ Yamada asked frowning. The girl glared at him without giving an answer and walked away.

‘‘What’s up with that?’’

‘‘Ah, Chinen-kun. You can come down now.’’ Yamada exclaimed and the little boy peeked from behind the corner. He saw Yamada standing all by himself and brightly smiling at him, so he felt safe to walk down to him.
‘‘Arigatou... um… uh…’’ the older boy giggled. Latter really was not paying attention back in classes.
‘‘Yamada, but you can call me Yama-chan, ne?’’
‘‘Uh… un’’ the latter slightly nodded and tilted his head down. Yamada smiled as he enjoyed seeing Chinen being all shy like this. He stroked his head and took a first step towards their classroom.
‘‘Let’s go back to class, or we might get scolded.’’ He looked back at Chinen.
‘‘Hai…’’ Chinen answered and slightly smiled. However, he made sure that the older boy would not see him smile.


For today, the school was over. Yamada walked outside school and spotted the little guy walking all by himself towards the same white limousine that brought him to school on yesterdays and probably this morning as well.
‘‘Chinen-kun!’’ Yamada screamed and successfully caught the boy’s attention. Chinen turned around and looked towards Yamada who was running to his direction with a smile. The little boy stopped walking and looked at him a little shocked, wondering why was he so happy to see him. It’s not as if they are very close now.
‘‘Hi again’’ he said and the little boy greeted him back.
‘‘Are you heading home?’’ he asked and got a nod by the smaller guy.
‘‘Can I accompany you?’’ he rushed with the next question.
‘‘Umm…’’ Chinen still a little bit shocked pointed at the limo few steps away from them.
‘‘Oh, right…’’ Yamada looked down as he blushed while a smile formed on Chinen’s face.
‘‘I’ll walk you till there then…’’ he said shyly and made an eye contact to know that Chinen was fine with it. The boy next to him only smiled wider and Yamada felt as if his heart would stop beating. He was stunned. This smile, it was different from the ones he saw on him earlier. It seemed more genuine, and it was.

Chinen slightly nodded and they started walking silently towards the limo. Chinen already cherished this short moment with him. It was the first time somebody sincerely wanted to spend time with him.
‘‘Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then.’’ Yamada said as they were standing before the limo, and the driver walked out.
‘‘Un.’’ As always Chinen nodded in response. The taller guy waved his goodbye as he started walking towards his home.


As Chinen was at his own house, he threw himself on the bed. He closed his eyes only for only few seconds and already fell into a deep slumber. When he woke up it was already dark. He looked around his room as he was slightly panting. Then he covered his eyes with his hand to calm himself down, at least that much that his heart would stop pounding. Yet again, he had another nightmare or you could say so. Even still, his past memories haunt him in his sleep, even if they were good ones. He curled himself in a ball as he remembered the dream he had.

At evening when sun was setting down, a little boy played with some stones on the ground. Suddenly, he heard somebody cry aloud. He looked forward and saw his brother running towards him.
‘‘Ittai! Nii-chan, ittai’’ the boy cried. The older brother stood up and patted his little brother’s head. ‘‘Pain, pain go away, shoo~’’ the boy waved his hands as making his younger brother believe that this way he’ll get rid of pain.
‘‘We’ll go home and treat your wounds, okay?’’ he then smiled brightly.
‘‘Un.’’ The younger brother nodded and the big brother carried him home on piggyback.

‘‘Yu-chan…’’ Chinen whispered the name of his brother who he missed a lot as tears ran down his cheeks.
‘‘Where did you go? I need you…’’ he mumbled.


‘‘Wake up, Chinen-sama.’’ Chinen woke to the sound of a sweet voice. He opened his heavy eyelids and saw a maid gently shaking his body. He was able to fall asleep last night after all, he thought. As maid realized that he was awake, she walked up to open the curtains.
‘‘Ohayou’’ he greeted her while rubbing his eye.
‘‘Ohayou gozaimasu, Chinen-sama. The breakfast is ready soon.’’ The maid said with her usual gentle but cheerful voice.
‘‘Un. I’d like to take a bath first.’’ Chinen replied still was lying in his bed. Even after he took a nap yesterday and slept through the whole night, he still found it difficult to keep his eyes open.
‘‘As you wish.’’ The maid replied and walked out of the room to get the butler to help the little guy while Chinen struggled to stay awake. At least a nice bath would probably help him.

As Chinen was dried and had his clean school uniform on, he walked downstairs to get his breakfast. He looked at his right once he was already downstairs. There he saw his parents as usual.
‘‘Ohayou, okaa-san, otoo-san.’’ he greeted them. As always, they didn’t answer him, but for once, it didn’t make him feel bad. He was able to ignore this situation just as they ignored him. He walked in the dining room where he saw maids standing and waiting for him, just like any other morning.
‘‘Ohayou!’’ he greeted them with a wide smile and sat down to his usual place.
‘‘Ohayou, Chinen-sama! You look cheerful today. Did something good happen?’’ they all were suddenly delighted when they saw him being so cheerful this morning. Everyday he would be very upset, mainly because of his parents and the tragedy that fell upon this family. It was a great surprise to see the boy like this.
‘‘I-iie, betsuni…’’ Chinen responded while frowning. He doesn’t even remember when was the last time he felt this way. The reason was unknown to him. When he tried to think of it, a cheerful smiling face of the new student flashed in front of his eyes.
‘‘Eh…’’ he was shocked to find himself thinking about this boy.
‘‘What’s wrong?’’ a maid asked as she saw the jolt expression on the latters face.
‘‘Ah, iie’’ he embarrassedly responded. Even his face turned to a pink-color.

Soon another maid brought a typical Japanese breakfast in front of him and Chinen dug in right away.
‘‘Itadakimasu~’’ he yelled.


‘‘Ittekimasu~’’ Chinen said loudly when he was ready to face another day at school. Like always, maids were the ones that wished him a safe trip.
‘‘Ohayou, Chinen-sama. Ready for a new day?’’ the driver asked as he was holding door to the limo open.
‘‘Hai!’’ the younger responded as he walked out the front door. Then his gaze dropped from the man to the open door.
‘‘Um, anoo… Kuramoto-san, I wanted to go by walking today.’’ He said with a slight worried tone. He was afraid that the driver wouldn’t allow him to go by himself. The driver looked at Chinen quietly before he sighed.
‘‘I’m sorry, Chinen-sama but… your parents told me to always give you a ride to school.’’ He gave the little boy explanation, which made Chinen’s enthusiasm to fade away almost completely.
‘‘Wakatta… I don’t want you to get in trouble.’’ he pouted while looking down and gripped onto his school bag. Kuramoto felt bad right away. For the first time since the tragedy, he never saw Chinen as happy as today. How could he make him so upset with just few words. He thought for a while about a thing that could cheer Chinen up again.
‘‘Hmm, maybe you could go, if you will ask your parents.’’ The little boy frowned at this statement. He looked up at the driver.
‘‘But they-’’ he had to cut his sentence when he saw Kuramoto smiling. The guy winked and then walked inside the car. Chinen smiled as he got his hint and then walked back in the house. He peeked in the living room where he saw his parents doing the same routine.
‘‘Otoo-san, okaa-san, I’ll walk to school today, is that okay?’’ he asked. Of course, even this time there was not a slightest sign of response and the grin on Chinen’s face got wider.

‘‘Silence means consent.’’

He smiled and hopped towards school. Ever since he walked through their house gate, the smiled never left his face. All the buildings, trees and other man creations he walked pass seemed all different, in a good way. The scenery seemed much more beautiful to him. Even after, he used to gaze at these same things from the car’s window. He couldn’t be happier, or so he thought until he saw a familiar silhouette. He smiled even brighter.
‘‘Yamada-kun!’’ He yelled the person’s name. The person turned around to see who called his name. Even though, he already recognized the voice. As always, a smile formed on his face whenever he saw this little guy.
‘‘Ohayou, Chinen-kun.’’ He greeted him as Chinen was in front of him.
‘‘Ohayou gozaimasu’’ the little boy bowed and his wide smile turned into small one. A shy one. Chinen never tended to smile in front of the others’, which became very unnatural for him whenever he had to do it in front of the others. On the other hand, Yamada realized this right away but he didn’t mind it for he found it very cute.
‘‘It’s Yama-chan, did you forget.’’ Yamada said as if he was scolding him.
‘‘Gomenasai.’’ Chinen tilted his head a bit. The older boy giggled a little and patted his head.
‘‘It’s fine. Anyway, how are you?’’
‘‘I’m fine…’’ Chinen shyly answered with a slight smile. His head was still slightly tilting.
‘‘I’m glad to hear that.’’ The brown haired guy smiled brightly as ever at him and the latter couldn’t help but to blush a bit. Then they both just continued to walk towards then school.
‘‘Um…’’ Chinen tried to draw the latters attention after a while.
‘‘Hai?’’ Yamada responded.
‘‘How are you?’’ he asked back while his heart raced due nervousness. After all, he doesn’t get to interact with people a lot. May sound ridiculous and unbelievable for someone who is so popular but it was the truth.
‘‘I’m feeling great, thanks. Today, you came by walking.’’ Yamada wondered as he realized that the younger indeed just came out of nowhere.
‘‘Un, it’s my first time to walk to school’’ the little guy looked down, feeling the excitement again. It was indeed a special day for him and only because he got to walk to school. For many people it’s not a big deal but for him it was very extraordinary.
‘‘Really?’’ Yamada wondered a little shocked but then again, when he thought about it the students that follow Chinen like a tail behind him. It wasn’t so astonishing, but it wasn’t the main reason he never walked to school.
‘‘Un, my parents never wanted me to walk to school.’’ Once again, this information shocked the older but then he smiled.
‘‘Well, good thing they let you this time.’’ Chinen looked up at Yamada. As always, the older boy was smiling which makes the younger wonder, if he ever even stops smiling.
‘‘Um… un’’

The boys finally arrived to the school territory and soon they stopped as they heard a loud noise coming from the school’s yard.

‘‘Yukito!’’ ‘‘Yukito-kun!’’

Bunch of students yelled the name of a person who they were looking for. Yamada immediately looked at Chinen’s side to find a face of panicked person. He looked at the crowd that already headed their way and then at both of his sides, making sure nobody around them noticed the little boy beside him. He pushed himself against a wall and pulled Chinen with him into a hug, which was less likely for anybody to see him. The sudden action made the little boy surprise. His both hands and his left cheek were pressed against the latter’s chest. His face was flaming and his heart racing in his own chest.

Yamada lightly pushed Chinen away as the crowd passed. At this point, the little boy panicked again. He didn’t know what to do for his face was still burning. He was too nervous to face the latter at this state.
‘‘Are you alright?’’ Yamada asked and Chinen knew he’d have to look up at him. When he found slightest bit of courage to look into the older boy’s eyes someone yelled Yamada’s name which by all means, caused him to look the way where this voice came from.
‘‘Oi, Yamada!’’ they saw a tall man approaching them with a huge smile.
‘‘Ah, Yabu-kun! Good morning.’’ Yamada bowed and so did Chinen.
‘‘Morning.’’ Yabu replied the greeting. ‘‘Hi, Chinen.’’ He greeted the smaller separately as he noticed him. ‘‘Hey.’’ The shortest replied with a low tone.
‘‘Why are you hiding here?’’ he asked. The boys didn’t yet get to answer his question when he spoke again.
‘‘Oh, right.’’ He remembered the enthusiastic students constantly trying to find Chinen.
‘‘Well, you guys have to hurry. Classes will start soon.’’ He said and left very shortly.
‘‘He’s right. We should get going.’’ Yamada said as he looked at Chinen who seemed to be slightly confused.
‘‘Un.’’ Chinen nodded and silently thanked Yabu for showing up which gave him a great opportunity to cool off.

Just like the eldest told them, the boys headed to their class but unfortunately before they even got to enter the building a girl dumbed into Yamada, which caused him to fall on the ground.
‘‘I’m sorry!’’ The girl quickly apologized but kept on running to where she was rushing.
‘‘ouch’’ Yamada groaned as he sat on his butt and pulled his hem up.
‘‘Are you okay?’’ Chinen asked. Yamada was silent until he got to get a proper look on his knee that was hurting. He stared at the wound and then replied.
‘‘Yes.’’ The wound was small but easily could be infected, if not treated right away.
‘‘You’re injured!’’ the little boy yelled as he noticed his wound but the older boy only hid it back underneath his pants.
‘‘I had worse.’’ He said and stood up to continue their way.
‘‘We need to go to infirmary.’’ Chinen declared blocking the older boy’s way. Yamada wanted to deny the declaration but the way the small boy is so concerned about him, he couldn’t help but smile and let the guy pull him to the school’s nurse.

‘‘He’s injured!’’ Chinen yelled as soon as they got to the infirmary
‘‘You make it sound so dramatic.’’ Yamada chuckled to the fact that Chinen was just excessively worried about him. The latter only pouted looking at him. ‘‘Moou’’
‘‘Thank you, I’ll take him from here.’’ Inoo said and Chinen bowed to him before he took his leave. ‘‘Arigatou, sensei.’’

Yamada walked forward to sit on a chair near Inoo. Once again, his lifted the hem of his pants to show the wound to him. Inoo observed it for a while and then took out all the things he needed for treating it. Then he began the treatment.

‘‘I see you two are getting along.’’ he suddenly said as he covered the wound with bandages. Something about his voice made Yamada a little terrified. It wasn’t as cheerful as it was the first time he met him.
‘‘Yeah, pretty much.’’ Yamada responded without thinking too much about the way Inoo made his words sound.
‘‘They won’t like it.’’ He said again. Yamada was getting tired of all mysterious words everybody kept telling him. It was frustrating to keep guessing what do they mean and try to say. It seemed like everybody were careful about words that are spoken. Even too careful.
‘‘Inoo-sensei. Can you please tell me what’s going on here?’’ Yamada pleaded but Inoo didn’t even look at him.
‘‘I’m just a school nurse, Yamada-kun.’’ he said which made Yamada silent for the rest of the time he spent in that room. For some reason, he knew that Inoo wouldn’t tell him anything no matter how much he would beg for it.

Meanwhile when Chinen left the infirmary a girl stopped him on his way to the classroom.
‘‘Chinen-kun.’’ She said to capture his attention. Chinen looked at her waiting to hear for what she has to say. The girl did not sound cheerful which only meant that she wasn’t a ‘’fan’’ of his. When he looked at her, he realized that she was angry. She looked like she was badly pissed off.  She abruptly approached him.
‘‘What do you think you’re doing?’’ she questioned annoyed. Chinen was stunned, for he didn’t know about what she was talking.
‘‘Do you think you can make friends here that easily?! Do you want to ruin everything?!’’ Chinen wasn’t capable of saying anything. Moreover, tears were forming in the corners of his eyes.
‘‘Stay away from Yamada-kun. Got it?!’’ she furiously poked his chest with her pointing finger.

‘‘Thank you, sensei.’’ Yamada bowed before closing the door to the infirmary. As he turned on his right, he saw a girl poking frightened Chinen.
‘‘Oi, stop it!’’ He yelled and the girl looked at him and the poor little boy was too petrified to move. When Yamada walked closer, he realized the girl was the one who threatened him yesterday.
‘‘I’m keeping my both eyes on you.’’ She said as she looked at both of them and then left.
‘‘Are you alright?’’ Yamada looked at Chinen who suddenly wiped away his tears. ‘‘Hai.’’ he said still a little shocked from earlier. Yamada turned to look frowning at the girl who slowly walked away.
‘‘Let’s go.’’ He said still keeping his eyes on her and lightly pushed Chinen with him to their classroom.

It’s finally ready!
I’m sorry for keeping ya’ll waiting
Please, enjoy this chapter
I thought the whole story through so it shouldn’t take long until the next chappie is up ^.^

school life, fluff, yamachii, mystery, romance, pg

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