(no subject)

Jan 03, 2015 12:07

Hey everyone!

Unfortunately, I have bad news for you. Firstly, I’d have to apologize for leaving my fics unfinished. It seems that I just can’t find any time in my life to write the fictions anymore. Even on holidays. I never believed that this day would come. However, I still love coming up with different YamaChii story ideas in my head, and it’s sad that I can’t get to write them down into a full story. I'm not saying that I’m quitting this fandom. I doubt I ever will, however I may quit writing the fics but that is not 100% sure yet. Maybe there will be days when I can just sit down and write something but that will be most likely rare to happen.

I feel so bad for letting my readers down by un-publishing the rest of the chapters (which in fact are still in progress) of my current ongoing fic Replaced. I promise to finish it one day.

I’m truly thankful to everybody who spared some of their time to read my fictions and to those who supported me J. I love you all! Thank you so much! m(

I will come back now and then to say hi, so this is not a goodbye J

Love, Rii-chan
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