(Lesson 3 - the Verb "TO BE"; Past Dependent Tense)
Aithris-àichidh (Disclaimer) :-- Tha an leasan seo (agus leasanan sam bith a leanas) às an leabhar Gaelic Self-Taught le Alexander MacLaran (1923). Chaidh e air mo bheachd aon madainn nuair a bha mi anns an leabhar-lann agamsa. Thog mi e airson a bha mi a' saoilsinn dè a bha
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The book Còmhraidhean an Gàidhlig 's am Beurla : Conversations in Gaelic and English was published in 1892. It was written by the Rev. D. MacInnes and touches on a number of topics. The conversation which follows is the first half of the first conversation in the book. I've changed some of the words and phrases to ones suggested by my texts as
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