rinn mi seo!
Bha anmoch san oidhche. Chan eil Eilidh na cadal. Bha i na dùisg. Bha an t-eagal oirre.
Dh'èirich Eilidh. Chaidh i anns an t-seòmar aig Mairead a bha a piuthar nas sìne. Dh'fhosgail i an doras.
"A Mhairead? A bheil thu na dùisg?" ars' Eilidh.
Cha tuirt a piuthar smid. Dh'fheuch Eilidh a-rithist.
"A Mhairead? A bheil thu na cadail?" fhreagair i.
Thionndaidh Eilidh bhon doras. Bha i a' gul. Bha eagal mòr oirre.
Rinn Mairead osna. Shuidh i suas. "Tha mi nam dhùisg, isein. Trobhad an-seo," ars' ise. Thilg i a' phlangaid dhith.
Ruith Eilidh anns an t-seòmar agus leum i ris an leabaidh. Tharraing Mairead a' phlangaid orra. Bha i na sìneadh.
"Ceart ma tha, isein. Dè tha dol?" dh'fhaighnich i.
"Chuala mi fuaim," ars' Eilidh. "Fuaim san oidhche. Chuir an t-eagal orm. An fuirichinn leat?"
Rinn Mairead osna. "Fuirichead," ars' ise. "Dèan cadal."
Dhùin Eilidh a sùilean. Rinn i na cadal. Ach bha Mairead na dùisg a-nis.
* fuaim, fuaime, fuaimean (mf) = sound, noise
* anmoch san oidhche = late at night, late in the night
* cadal, cadail (m) = sleeping (used reflexively with the augmented pronoun of "ann")
* dùisg, a' dùsgadh (v) - wake up; (used reflexively with the augmented pronoun of "ann")
* eagal, eagail (gen) (m) - fear, afraid (used idiomatically with the prepositional pronoun of "air", see TAIC #18)
* èirich, ag èirigh (v) = rise, get up
* seòmar, seòmair, seòmraichean (m) - room
* seòmar aig Mairead = a room belonging to Margaret, Margaret's room
* fosgail, a' fosgladh (v) = open
* doras, dorais, dorasan (m) = door
* arsa/ ars' = said (defective verb, used for direct speech in reported conversations)
* cha tuirt i smid = she didn't say a word, she didn't utter a syllable
* feuch, a' feuchainn (v) = try
* a-rithist (adv) = again
* freagair, a' freagairt (v) = ask
* tionndaidh, a' tionndadh (v) = turn, revolve, change direction
* guil, a' gul (v) = cry
* mòr, nas mò (adj) = big
* osna, osnaidh, osnaidhean (f) = sigh
* dèan osna, a' dèanamh osna (v) = heave a sigh
* suidh, a' suidhe (v) = sit
* suas (adv) = up, movement up from the pov of the person moving
* isean, isein, iseanan (m) = chick, brat
* trobhad = come here (defective verb, an imperative verb)
* tilg, a' tilgeadh (v) = throw
* plangaid, plangaide, plangaidean (f) = blanket
* ruith, a ruith (v) = run
* leum, a' leum (v) = jump
* leabaidh, leapa, leapaichean (f) = bed
* tarraing, a' tarraing (v) = draw
* sìn, a' sìneadh (v) = stretch out (used reflexively with augmented pronoun of "ann")
* ceart ma tha (idiomatic phrase) = all right then, okay
* dè tha dol? (idiomatic phrase) = what's up? What's going on?
* faighnich, a' faigheachd (v) = ask
* cuir an t-eagal air, a' cur an t-eagal air = frighten
* an fuirichinn = may I stay (conditional tense of fuirich, a' fuireach)
* fuirichead = yes (conditional tense of fuirich, a' fuireach)
* dèan cadal = go to sleep
* dùin, a' dùnadh (v) = close, shut
* sùil, sùla, sùilean (f) = eye
* a sùilean = her eyes
The TAIC grammar lessons are found at
http://www.taic.me.uk/taic.htm The reflexive use of the Augmented prepositional pronoun is covered in TAIC #17
I used the possessive pronoun for "her" in this. Possessive pronouns can be found in TAIC #13
The conditional tense can be used to indicate being able to do something. Conditional tense is covered in TAIC #29
The past tense of irregular verbs (rinn, chuala, chaidh) is covered in TAIC #25)
Simple prepositions are covered in TAIC #5, 6, 7
The other day, someone set an earworm at me of "Frere Jacques". I translated it into Gaelic, which then inspired this story snippet. I decided to let myself respond to the inspiration because (1) I like to practice and stretch my language skills, and (2) the big problem I have with my Gaelic textbooks is that while they provide dialogues, there are no stories, no reading practices that repeat the points of the lessons. (And dialogues are all right when you have a rl learning partner, but not so much when you're on your own.)
And for those who are curious ...
' Bheil thu nad chadal? ' Bheil thu nad chadal?
A bhràthair-bochd. A bhràthair-bochd.
Tha cluig na maidne ' clagadh. Tha cluig na maidne ' clagadh.
tiong tiong tiong. tiong tiong tiong.
¡Fray Felipe!¡Fray Felipe!
¿Duermes tú? ¿Duermes tú?
Tocan las campanas, Tocan las campanas
Tan, tan tan. Tan, tan, tan
Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques,
Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?
Sonnez les matines! Sonnez les matines!
Ding, dang, dong. Ding, dang, dong.
Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?
Brother John, Brother John,
Morning bells are ringing, Morning bells are ringing.
Ding, dang, dong, Ding, dang, dong.