Title: 10 Songs meme Focus: YunHo, JunSu Word Count: 1300 Rating: G - PG-13 Notes: I am out of practice. This is even worse than when I tried to do it with YehWook.
1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like
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Title: In Cold Blood Pairings: JunSu/ChangMin, JaeJoong/ChangMin, JunSu/Dana Notes: Part of coyotecolored's night!verse. Thank you so much for beta-ing and forcing me to write more and think more and fix up my plot holes. There were many of them. ♥! I hope the final result was worth it~
Title: Blind (cont) Pairing: YooChun/JunSu Notes: For yoosu_yongwonhi's FOAF challenge. A remix of shienri's " Blind." I'm sorry if this doesn't live up to the original. ^^; I tried!
Title: Possessive Focus: YunHo, JunSu, Jin Word Count: 126 Rating: PG Notes: It's been a long time since I've written HoSu. ^^; Hope this turns out okay. Oh yeah, I blame this entirely on Kou.