Title: Tension Pairing: YunHo/ChangMin Notes: For minho_yongwonhi's fic exchange. ^^; butterflyweb, I'm sorry it's not very good... I'm going to try to make it up to you! The project I really wanted to do I didn't have enough time for... Prompt: I know you have a heavy heart, I can feel it when we kiss
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Title: In Cold Blood Pairings: JunSu/ChangMin, JaeJoong/ChangMin, JunSu/Dana Notes: Part of coyotecolored's night!verse. Thank you so much for beta-ing and forcing me to write more and think more and fix up my plot holes. There were many of them. ♥! I hope the final result was worth it~
Title: Blind (cont) Pairing: YooChun/JunSu Notes: For yoosu_yongwonhi's FOAF challenge. A remix of shienri's " Blind." I'm sorry if this doesn't live up to the original. ^^; I tried!
Title: A Fairytale Focus: ChangMin Word Count: 463 Rating: G Warnings: bad poetry Notes: This was a replacement entry for ChangMin’s diary in the SBSK Diary Project for DBSK this year. xD; It’s stupid, I warn you.
Title: Super x Heroes Series Focus: YunHo, ChangMin Word Count: 358 Rating: PG-13 (for now) Warnings: mentions of serial killers and murderers Notes: Part of coyotecolored's and my SMTown/Heroes AU crossover. :] X-over idea taken (and used with permission) from k0uryuu.
Title: Spat Focus: ChangMin, JunSu Word Count: 217 Rating: PG Warnings: dirty language Notes: Dedicated to ed_dicted, who requested this plot for my DBSK Pairings Challenge.