Title: Accented Pairing: HeeChul/KiBum Notes: Based upon the hooker!verse by out_of_words24 and sugarless_666. :D; This is for taylormercury, which is why it's KiChul. And then I realized KiBum was already used as a character. Whoooooops. xD I guess it's not really hooker!verse after all~
Note: Due to some confusion on our multiple DongHae's, the one featured in this fic has been
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Title: A Tender Gesture Focus: KiBum, HyukJae Word Count: 144 Rating: G Warnings: allusions to homophobia Notes: This was written for my SuJu Pairings Challenge. Prompt provided by addandsubtract. Only 59 pairings left to go!
Title: Retracing the Same Footsteps Focus: KiBum Word Count: 425 Rating: R Warnings: vague smut, spouse abuse Notes: This was written for my SuJu Pairings Challenge. Prompt provided by addandsubtract. Only 60 pairings left to go!
Title: Nothing Focus: KiBum, HeeChul Word Count: 851 Rating: PG Warnings: death Notes: This was written for my SuJu Pairings Challenge. Prompt provided by nekura_hime. Only 61 pairings left to go!
The only thing horribly AU is the KiChul relationship. >>; They're not as close in this as they are in real life. *cough* And that's an understatement.
Title: Giving In Focus: KiBum, HanKyung Word Count: 256 Rating: G Warnings: none Notes: Notes: This was written for my SuJu Pairings Challenge. Prompt provided by xhotarubi. Only 63 pairings left to go!
Title: Not So Blind Focus: KiBum, DongHae Word Count: 226 Rating: G Warnings: none Notes: This was written for my SuJu Pairings Challenge. Only 68 pairings left to go!