Title: The End Rating: Teen Pairing/s: Tara/Willow Character/s: Tara, Willow Summary: Willow’s mind went a little blank when it happened. Warnings: major character death
Working Title: Chicken Soup for the Soul Author: Kat Lee Character/Pairing: Buffy, Willow Rating: G/K Challenge: Bed Warning(s): None Word Count: 100 Summary: ( It's more than a cold that's kept the Slayer in bed. )
Working Title: Beginnings Author: Kat Lee Character/Pairing: Willow, Dawn Rating: G/K Challenge: Tease Warning(s): None Word Count: 100 Summary: ( It's another new beginning for Willow. )
"Everything is ready for the invocation," Giles announced as he motioned them toward the basement, the place where they all pretended he didn't practice magic he'd expressly forbidden even Amy to try
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Title: Mistrust Author: Kat Lee Characters/Pairing: Willow, mentioned Buffy and Willow's parents Rating: Mild PG-13/T Challenge/Prompt: Culture Word Count: 100 Warnings: None Summary: ( She can't forget. Post Gingerbread. )
The best part of having a boyfriend who'd been a best friend since age four, was that when you dragged him to bed and dropped your head on his shoulder, he understood it wasn't about romance
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