alternate 'Anne'
Buffy wanted to simultaneously haul him in for a proper kiss and strike him for barging in. She'd told him that she needed these weeks in L.A., she'd explained how much she wanted to share this time with her father, just a normal girl visiting her dad over the summer holidays.
But of course Angel hadn't listened.
Ask for the impossible, and he broke all rules to please her. But something as simple as a few weeks of privacy?
He probably expected a delighted welcome, too.
"You've got to be kidding," she said.
And she turned her back on him.
alternate 'Dead Man's Party'
Willow fidgeted with the border of her sweater. "I'm not mad at you," she told Buffy, rolling the cream-colored fleece between her fingers.
"Good," Buffy said, relieved. Willow sounded nervous, but sincere. Didn't explain her behavior since Buffy's return from L.A., though. "Then... what's with the avoiding?"
Willow sat down on her bed. "It's complicated."
Buffy's lips twisted in wry amusement. "You do remember who I am, right?" Between her Calling and her love life, 'complicated' was the tip of the iceberg - and that was according to what her friends knew. "Whatever it is, you can share it with me."
alternate 'Faith, Trick, and Hope'
Buffy sat cross-legged on the ground, sipping on a cup of hot coffee - the only beverage to be found in Angel's home - and studied the statue before her. "God, you're ugly," she said, chuckling a little.
If hideousness alone could send the world into a demon dimension, this one would do the job.
But Angel insisted - and Giles had now corroborated - that the portal existed, though neither was sure how to open it.
"And you're not sharing your secret, eh?" It was difficult to picture this piece of rock doing much damage, but just in case... "Thanks for the break."
alternate 'Beauty and the Beasts'
Buffy woke up in the nastiest mood she'd been in since the times Angel had refused to get rid of Drusilla and her big-mouthed boyfriend. She hated fighting with Angel, and she really hated waking up alone in the apartment.
If it was true that successful couples always patched things up before bedtime, then they were doomed.
(Buffy groaned at that thought.)
But... she was right. Rules were needed. Lines they both agreed not to cross.
A burden shared was a burden halved, and their relationship had never been an easy load.
She couldn't keep carrying it all by herself.
alternate 'Homecoming'
Willow was the first to spot them.
She was relieved, but she still planned to lecture Buffy on punctuality. Then she took in her friend's appearance and her hand flew to tug on Xander's sleeve.
"What's- Oh, god." His eyes widened at the sight of their friend, but he looked aghast when he recognized the brunette at her side. "Cordelia?" He hurried to his ex, taking off his jacket to cover her ruined dress. "What did you two do to each other?"
"They shared a ride," Oz answered from behind the girls.
And the three of them broke into grins.
alternate 'Band Candy'
"I'll be applying to UC Sunnydale, but..." Buffy searched for the right words. "What if they don't take me? Should I look for another place within driving distance? Can I leave the Hellmouth at all?"
Giles looked puzzled at her line of questioning, but he realized that she was in earnest. "Of course. Few Slayers have settled on a Hellmouth, after all, and in any case Faith seems content to stay."
"Right." Buffy sighed in disgruntlement. "She's certainly said nothing against two Slayers sharing the same town."
"Is that a problem?"
"No," Buffy said unconvincingly. "The more, the merrier. Right?"
alternate 'Revelations'
Buffy swore silently when she recognized the presence behind her. "Hey," she greeted the other Slayer.
All movement froze behind her, as if Faith was surprised to have been noticed. It didn't last long, of course. Unlike the other supernatural beings in Sunnydale, she wasn't afraid of Buffy. "Hey yourself." She nodded to the apartment building a few doors away. "Going to bed early?"
Buffy wasn't sure why it made her uneasy that Faith knew her current address. It was no secret. "Nah. Just going for-" not the scythe anymore "-some supplies."
"Cool." Faith grinned. "Don't mind sharing, do you?"