happy, wolves

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  • Wolf Skull: Brand (aka Handsome)

    naamah_darling Apr 24, 2010 02:09

    I haven't done one of these in a while, and I have had this most of the way written up for a long time now. So here. Have some pictures of pretty pretty bones.

    This guy is gorgeous. He's yellowed quite a bit since I took these pictures, but is still beautiful and just impressive as hell.

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    bones, bone pics, pics, wolves, animals

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  • Of Wolves and Women.

    naamah_darling Oct 18, 2009 21:08

    I was reading this article yesterday about the wolves of Denali National Park in Alaska. The narrative is unflinching in its description of hunting practices, and it's also very long. It's worthwhile though: thought-provoking, sad, and beautiful. It's from January, but the central conflict - conservationists vs. hunters* - is one that is still ( Read more... )

    philosophical, feminism, wolves

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  • Another Werewolf Sex Dream?

    naamah_darling Dec 30, 2008 04:20

    I don't really need this interpreted, as the symbolism of it is pretty apparent to me even if I don't know what it means. But it was a very cool dream that description will hardly do justice, and so I reproduce it here so that I won't forget it. I am not usually me -- as in, this body -- in my dreams but this was an exception ( Read more... )

    lycanthropy, sex, dreams, wolves

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  • Werewolf Specimen Jars

    naamah_darling Dec 16, 2008 04:43

    Hey, remember that vaguely embarrassing wolf penis question I asked a while back? About the penis bones? Well, part of that was motivated by me actually coming into possession of one.

    But you can't expect me to just leave my wolf baculum just lying around! Heavens, no!*

    I made it a bottle! And a story to go with it!

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    bone art, glass art, art, lycanthropy, bones, bottles, wunderkammer, wolves

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  • Happy Halloween!

    naamah_darling Oct 29, 2008 23:24

    I'm not going to be around on LJ for the actual day so I thought I'd share the sentiment early, and while I'm at it, share a creepy bunch of photos ( Read more... )

    bones, bone pics, pics, wolves

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  • Wolf Skull: Diana Silverkiss

    naamah_darling Oct 23, 2008 04:07

    I bring you another one of the pack at chez Darling ( Read more... )

    bones, bone pics, pics, wolves, animals

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  • Wolf Skull: Grendel

    naamah_darling Oct 06, 2008 04:02

    You have to look closely, but this skull is, indeed, deformed.

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    bones, bone pics, pics, wolves, animals

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  • Wolf Skull: Grond

    naamah_darling Sep 23, 2008 04:00

    One of my new acquisitions, this is the skull of a very large male gray wolf (Canis lupus). He does not have a name, but I'm enthusiastically open to suggestions! (Edit: Got it! He's Grond. Thanks, crows_warning and tripleransom!)

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    bones, bone pics, pics, wolves, animals

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