Werewolf Specimen Jars

Dec 16, 2008 04:43

Hey, remember that vaguely embarrassing wolf penis question I asked a while back? About the penis bones? Well, part of that was motivated by me actually coming into possession of one.

But you can't expect me to just leave my wolf baculum just lying around! Heavens, no!*

I made it a bottle! And a story to go with it!

The label was handmade and applied with acrylic gel, then the top bound with twine and decorated with bone beads.

The label reads:
H. lycanthropus gallicus
Collected by: Severin St. Noir
Gévaudan, 1767

Note the little hard-ons on the illustrations.

It's mislabeled, by the way. All subspecies of H. lycanthropus can transform only into wolves, and lack the ability to transform into a half-man, half-beast. While it is rumored that some older or especially adept H. lycanthropus can arrest the shift at any desired point, it is agreed that this is both very rare and very painful. Those that can achieve a half-form as a matter of course are afflicted with contagious lycanthropy, or "melancholic lycanthropy," a sort of indelible, physically-transmitted curse. The sort of lycanthropy exhibited by H. lycanthropus -- an actual species -- is inherited, and cannot be transmitted by bite.

The Beast of Gévaudan may very well have been a melancholic lycanthrope, not a born one, but the inclusion of the rampant, empizzled wolfman is at odds with the classification of H. lycanthropus. Whoever labeled the specimen was either unaware of the difference, or did not care and simply wished to include a werewolf penis in the label art.**

In case you are curious, and want a better look at the bone itself, here it is:

Pretty impressive.

Okay, really impressive.

But wait, there's more!

I made one for my wolf knuckles, too!

The label says:
Thuringian Werewolf Knuckles
H. lycanthropus hercynus
Our Lady of the Snows Shrine
Northangar Abbey
Thuringer Wald
Collected in 1897 by Harlock Winter

Here they are with Grond, the big old alpha male. They make quite a pretty picture!

A nice back view. I intend to put these in my wunderkammer, my cabinet of curiosities. In the new house!

Quite the coolest thing you will see all day.

Okay, maybe that's the coolest thing you'll see all day. You decide. Freaking huge version is here.

That's what the shelf with all the assorted small bones looks like. It's the beginning of my cabinet of curiosities! I have an actual cabinet purchased, waiting for me in the garage of the new house.

So, my question for you all is, would you like me to post the short historical entries that go along with these? I think they're quite fun.

* It might find its way into someone's alcoholic beverage and become the beginning of a bad pub joke.

** I'm looking totally innocent, here.

bone art, glass art, art, lycanthropy, bones, bottles, wunderkammer, wolves

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