11-month update

Jun 03, 2012 22:09

Here we are...in June.  Already.  My baby turns 1 this month.  At this time last year, I was impatiently awaiting her arrival, trying to ignore all the emails and Facebook messages from people saying, "Had that baby yet?!"  I was very big, trying to walk every night, eating spicy foods, and playing a lot of Warcraft.  A lot has changed.  :)

Well, before I go and write the post for her year-birthday....

11-Month Update:


Yep, we chucked the paci.  I've read a bunch of stuff about the pacifier and normally, they tell you to get rid of it around 6 months.  Well, Anya didn't seem to be ready to give it up at that time.  So, I waited.  But, during her 10th month, I started noticing that she just didn't need it as often anymore.  It wasn't such a need anymore.  So, I decided to "cold turkey" the paci when she hit 11 months.  Her daddy left for a trip right after she had her 11-month birthday, so we used that as a goal.  So, the morning after daddy left, she woke up, and the paci disappeared.  She hasn't had it since.  There was a couple of tough spots.  She did have trouble taking her naps and falling asleep at night, but that really only lasted a couple of days.  There were a few times during the day that were also tough, but I was able to redirect her.

So now, about 2 weeks after, I think she has settled without it.  She does whine a bit more, but it also coincided with her being able to communicate what she wants as well, so I'm not sure that it's related.  It is more difficult to keep her entertained, but again, she might just be growing up and needs more stimuli.  The toughest part has been the car.  She used to be so great about the car, but now gets annoyed within 10 minutes.  Which didn't help when we drove up to Austin last Monday.  And I had to drive home by myself with her in the backseat...without any help...  Yeah, that was brutal.  But, we got home.

Anyway, I'm calling it a success.


We've got a crawler!  She figured out full-fledged crawling this past Tuesday.  I guess she needed a day being cooped up in the car to get her moving.  She is getting very good at cruising around furniture, so I'm sure she'll figure out walking here soon.  It's cute now to see when she sees me walk into the room and starts crawling towards me.  Tonight, I was in the room next to hers (I had put her on the floor of her room with some books) and was talking to her through the doorways.  I heard her start to crawl towards me and she was at the door of the other room in no time.

Crawling = cute.


Goodness, Anya is small.  I think right now, she is 17.5 pounds and 26.25 inches (I haven't weighed her in a few days).  I was a bit worried there that she had dipped below the 1st percentile (which would have given her the title of "Failure to Thrive"), but right now, she's just hanging in there.  I keep feeding her as much as she'll eat.  She's always been picky about when she was done eating.  She knows when she's done!  We had to move our next doctor's appointment to the beginning of July, so we'll see where she is when she's "officially" weighed.

Still working on it!


We still go to the Aquarium as much as we can.  She loves watching the seahorses and all the people.  I took her swimming at a local pool earlier this month with a friend and her daughter.  The kiddie pool was great.  It had the perfect height for her to cruise around the edges and she loved it.  We took her to the beach this weekend.  We set her down just where the waves came up.  She loved playing in the sand and when the waves gently came up to her.  She had a great time.

See all the things!


We're working on this one.  I really need to be better about her naps during the day.  She really sleeps best on me or Daddy.  So, we need to start working on napping in the crib.  I'm dreading this a bit, because every time we've tried, it has failed miserably.  So, I think after next week, we will give it a good couple of days.  I also need to work on getting her to fall asleep for the night in her crib.  She still falls asleep on me, then we transfer.  But, we have gotten rid of the swaddle, finally!  She had been half-swaddled (just legs) since 7 months.  I tried using a sleepsack at 8 months, but it was bad news.  But, the past week, she has been squirming her way out of the swaddle by morning, so I figured I'd give it another try.  Sure enough, it's just fine and she slept wonderfully.  So, there's one thing I don't have to worry about anymore! :)

Still on the agenda!

So, all in all, we're doing pretty well.  My little girl is nearing 1 and learning something new every single day.


crawling, anya, parenting, sleep, food

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