a year, almost...

Jun 16, 2012 21:37

Yesterday was the year-anniversary of my official due date.  Yep, one year ago, I was sitting...waiting...waiting...waiting...  She just didn't want to show up on time.  Ah well.  We were doing daily walks around the neighborhood, and I think we went to our favorite Thai place several times that last week.  Nothing helped much.  She came on her own time.

When I tell people that I had a c-section, they usually assume that I was induced.  Nope, I definitely counted several hours worth of 5-minute-interval contractions before going into the hospital.  And the nurses at the hospital told me I wasn't going home without a baby. :)  Though, I did get some pitocin, just not very much.

Anyway, some notes:

The past month, I've been stressing about Anya's growth.  I swore she dipped below the growth charts at 10 months.  But, I was looking at the old 2000 CDC charts.  Which are out-of-date!  The new charts that the doctors use are the WHO charts that came out in 2006!  So, Anya is at the 10th percentile in weight right now, according to that chart.  Now, I haven't measured her height since last month, so I honestly don't know where she lands there.  (Of course, she was still about an inch below the chart when I measured her last month, but then again, I might have done it wrong...)  So, I'm not worried about her anymore.  But, coming from a person that was actually given the title, "Failure to Thrive," I really shouldn't be concerned at all.  (Yes, I was "failure to thrive."  At 6 months, I hadn't gained any weight, but it was due to illness.  I weighed more at a year than Anya does.)

Looking through my old baby book is fascinating.  My mom kept pretty good notes about me as a baby.  I knew my mother breast-fed me, but I thought she did only through the first 3 months, but it turns out I was breastfed until 6 months.  Also interesting is the tooth chart.  Anya still doesn't have her front two teeth in (though, they are sitting right below the surface and have been for a few weeks...and looking at them tonight, they might be making progress).  I got those right after the bottom two teeth.  She has her bottom 4 in and two on top (I call them her "vampire teeth").  Anyway, when I hit a year old, I had 8 teeth.  And 4 more were within the next 2 months.  Anyway, the baby book is fascinating.  :)

I made Anya a dress for her birthday, tried it on her...and it was too big.  I guess she'll have to grow into it, but that kind of defeats the purpose of a birthday dress.  So, I whipped up another one a size smaller in stash fabric.  Good thing baby clothes don't use very much fabric.  It does make me sad, though, because the fabric I picked out was pretty neat.  She'll wear it eventually.  I went by the size/weight on the pattern, but I just need to start making it a size smaller than I think.  I've done it several times now.  Just remind me to always make a size smaller.  SMALLER.

anya, parenting, books, clothes

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