[arashi] [aibajun] the first five times 9/??

Nov 18, 2008 11:32

Happy birthday, nyonyo! I'm trying to get a chapter of the hooker fic out for you but right now my brain is like TIME FOR COFFEE AND LITTLE DEBBIES, BIAB and I'm screaming at its back like I CAN'T WRITE ABOUT HOOKERS AT WORK GOD DAMN YOU.

But I only have about nine hundred words to ... you know what, screw it, you dudes get a short chapter instead because there's a logical jumping off point and then I don't have to write two of That Type of Scene in a single chapter.

Also, if someone would like to write the Ohmiya/Sho omake, I would be, as the starlet said to the director, down with that. *stares really hard at honooko, still_ciircee and waxrose, for starters*

title image by meimi because she loves me even when I am crazy.

TITLE: The First Five Times
PAIRING: Arashi, AibaJun, Ohmiya secondary
DISCLAIMER: Not mine. Oh god, not mine.
RATING: R because I freaking made Matsujun a freaking hooker you guys. Please note that the rating is mostly because of the language so far, and will probably continue that way. It's actually more of a screwball comedy .... about hookers. ....but not this chapter, which is made of dirty dancing and UST!
SUMMARY: Short but rather porny, for nyonyo's birthday♥
NOTES: I guess I don't have any dignity left after all! Thanks to the usual suspects plus Tay. They made me do it.


As they pushed Sho on the dance floor, the deejay slid into a new song, something with a smooth throbbing beat beneath the main line of the song. Aiba turned around and pulled Sho close to him. Jun crowded up behind him, so close he could feel the heat of Sho's skin beneath his red shirt.

"Guys," said Sho weakly, "I'm not sure, is this ahhhh oh my God."

Jun lifted his mouth from Sho's neck, smirking.

"You think too much," said Aiba. He rolled his hips against Sho, and Jun copied the movement. Aiba looked at him, his lashes dipping down low and flirtatious against his cheeks, and Jun smiled back at him, all teeth and dare. Sho's body against his was all heat and hard muscle. Jun slid his hand down Sho's hip, enjoying the feeling of skin-warmed rough denim.

"Apparently I don't think enough," snapped Sho, with more spirit than Jun really expected.

"Sakurai," he said against Sho's ear, and Sho shivered but tried to control it. "Shut up and dance."

"You call this --" began Sho, and Jun caught Aiba's eyes and they rolled their hips against Sho at the same time. Sho moaned, low in his throat.

The dance floor was crowded and the beat was deep and hypnotic. There was nobody to notice or care if Jun slid his hand around Aiba's hip to curve over the hard muscle of his ass. Nobody paid attention to the way Jun bit down on Sho's shoulder, where it would be covered by his work shirt, or the way Aiba dipped his head just a little and kissed Sho open-mouthed. Jun lifted his head and watched, greedy to take it in. Sho's hands fluttered, trying to find an anchor. Jun captured one, his palm against the back of Sho's hand, his fingers twining with Sho's, and brought it back to his own hip. He wanted to slide his hand into Aiba's hair and pull his mouth away from Sho's and kiss him until he didn't breathe. He wanted to bite all the way down the skin and muscle of Sho's chest and stomach. He wanted everything, and there was an alarm going off somewhere, like this was bad, but he ignored it.

"Shit," said Aiba, pulling away from Sho breathlessly. "Jun-kun, my cell phone --" Sho growled and tried to kiss him again, but Aiba held him back, just barely. His eyes were dark and full of heat. Still he said, "The alarm--"

Jun returned to sanity with a thud. The alarm meant it was time for them to go to another restaurant and make an appearance for the campaign. "Fuck," he said.

"Are you leaving?" said Sho, leaning his head against Jun, exposing the hard plane of his throat temptingly. "Don't leave, I want dance more."

"Damn it," said Jun, with all his heart.

Somehow they got Sho off the dance floor and back to the table. Ohno and Ninomiya were curled up together on the bench of the booth, and Nino's sleek hair was very rumpled. "We have to leave," said Aiba.

Jun tipped Sho into the bench. "Take care of that," he said.

"Sho-chan," crooned Nino, as Sho half-fell, half-crawled toward them. He shifted around, agile like a cat, and Sho landed between Ohno's open legs. Nino curled around them, a smug half-smile on his face.

"They have to leave," said Sho.

"It's all right," said Ohno.

"We'll keep you company," purred Nino, his hand sliding up under Sho's shirt.

Jun fled before he had to watch Ninomiya molesting Sakurai, Aiba right behind him. They slipped into the staff room so Aiba could change into a sightly more respectable shirt. Which was to say, it did not have a filthy logo, but thin cotton, dipping in a low v past his collar bones and half-concealing his hands, did not a very respectable shirt make. Jun handed him a towel to wipe off some of the sweat and reached for another shirt himself, a shimmery, patterned silk thing that was heavy and cool against his hot skin.

He was still hard. He tried not to look at Aiba as he pulled off his t-shirt, his pants hanging low off his hips. Aiba was still aroused too. Jun wondered if he would find Sho after they were done and finish what they had started. A hot flare went through him a the thought, and he didn't know if it was jealousy or lust. He told himself to stop being stupid. Nino and Ohno would keep Sho busy tonight anyway, from the look of things.

"Hey," said Aiba. His voice was low and breathy, a sweet sound that curled all around Jun's spine and sent shivers up it. "Afterward ... do you want to --?" His lashes dipped and then rose, and his eyes met Jun's, honest and unafraid. "I really want to," he said. "With you."

Jun closed his eyes. A shudder went through him. He opened his eyes and stared hard at Aiba. "Don't have second thoughts."

"I won't," said Aiba. It was like a promise.

and will someone remind me if I don't crosspost to jent_fanfics et al today? I gotta start lurching toward the shower and I am le lazy.

the internet is for etc, horrible things i've done to matsujun, aiba/jun, the first five times, arashi

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