[12 days 6/12] [arashi] [aibajun] the first five times [3/?]

Jan 01, 2008 23:55

TITLE: The First Five Times
PAIRING: Arashi, AibaJun, Ohmiya secondary
DISCLAIMER: Not mine. Oh god, not mine.
RATING: R because I freaking made Matsujun a freaking hooker you guys. Please note that the rating is mostly because of the language so far, and will probably continue that way. It's actually more of a screwball comedy .... about hookers.
SUMMARY: Aiba has everything all planned out.
NOTES: I guess I don't have any dignity left after all! Thanks to acchikocchi, beckerbell, honooko, lady_gemma, nyonyo and wintersjuly for putting up with my whining, iluguys ;___;♥

Illustration by amei, who did not smack me as I richly deserved when I popped up and started whining at her. ;_;♥ I'M SORRY. I LOVE YOU.

Also, I had a conversation with lady_gemma that went something like "Aww, Jun has a little crush on Oh-chan!" "Dude, you could write them as one celled organisms, and Jun would still have a little crush on Oh-chan."

Also, you know how Aiba's usually a big dork, and then he goes to a photo shoot and someone's all BE SEXY at him?



In the four hours since Jun had met Aiba, Aiba had nearly touched him ten times and brushed his hand across Jun's shoulder twice. Jun flinched and Aiba took his hand away, shooting a troubled look at him. Jun took a deep breath and said, "So what would you like for me to do?"

Aiba brightened. "I planned it all out," he said.

Aiba's idea of a plan involved several large sheets of paper colored with crayons. Jun looked it over, his eyebrows rising higher and higher. First Aiba proposed a meeting at a zoo (drawing of giraffe and penguin -- "Did Ohno help you with this?" said Jun, and Aiba nodded. "I thought so," said Jun, a little grimly), to last an hour, at lunch time, and then a shopping trip in the fashionable district at six, after work.

That was followed by another trip to the large City Park (drawing of ducks, with 'QUACK.' in neatly drawn speech bubbles, also squirrels), and then ???? ("I thought I'd find out what you liked to do," explained Aiba) and finally, 'COMPANY PARTY + LAUNCH = GOAL!!!!'

"Um," said Jun, staring at the sheets spread over the table. His eyes might have been a little wide.

"Because if I just show up with you at the launch, nobody will believe you're my boyfriend," said Aiba, and Jun was a little worried that it made sense to him. He shifted away from Aiba leaning in his space.

"'Launch'?" he said next.

"I'm a model," said Aiba, and a nagging feeling of familiarity explained itself to Jun.

"Wait," he said, "Rainbow Storm? The jeans? The one with the campaign with the wild animal babies and the --" really hot guy, he did not add.

Aiba looked pleased. "You've seen them?" he said, as if the pictures weren't posted all over the subways and about a third of the billboards in the city. Jun stared at him. It didn't seem possible that he could be the guy lounging with panther cubs and hugging lion babies to his face, and, in one shot that Jun had seriously considered removing from the subway and tacking to the ceiling above his bed, sprawled with several leopards, shirtless and with his jeans scarcely clinging to his lean hips. He looked harder, and realized that it was entirely possible. The eyes were the same, even without the makeup, and Jun could easily imagine his hair smoothly and expensively styled.

"How can you not find a date?" said Jun blankly.

"Well," said Aiba, ducking his head a little, "people kind of want to date the model, right? That's not very nice when they just get me." He stopped for a moment. "And I don't really like that type of person, so it's just a nuisance."

"I ... see," said Jun. "I have a few other commitments, but I should be free for most of this." He paused.

Aiba said readily, "I'll understand if you would like a deposit, of course; should we count it as one unit of time or each time as separate units, in case one of us has to cancel?"

Jun let out a breath he hadn't quite been holding, and said, "Separate units of time would probably work better. You must be busy."

"It's important to relax, too," said Aiba, and looked so firm that Jun didn't have the heart to point out he was talking about paid dates with a hooker. He got up and said, "Shall we go?"

Jun, exquisitely aware of Ryo lurking around just at the edge of earshot, said, "That sounds like a good idea."

As they walked out of the bar (Akanishi stared at them with wide eyes until Kamenashi hooked his finger into his collar and dragged him off, muttering something that sounded like 'he's not going to do it here, asshole'), Aiba said, "I'll call you tomorrow, then?"

Jun nodded. He turned and faced Aiba. The other man was just a little taller than Jun was, but slouched a little as he stood. In the half-light of the street and bar signs, he looked older and Jun could definitely see that he was the model in the advertisements. "That would be good," he said. He added, formally, "It was a pleasure to meet you, and I'll look forward to --"

"Can I kiss you?" blurted out Aiba.

Jun stared at him.

"Because it's like our first date and all!" said Aiba. "And we should practice, right?"

There were a lot of things Jun could have said. You're paying for it or just a simple refusal or even something to turn it into a joke. "What, you want to?" he said.

Aiba took another step closer to him and Jun realized that he was holding himself back just so much to let Jun make the first move, to leave the decision for him to make. "I really do," said Aiba.

"Fine," said Jun, and leaned forward to put a cool, closed kiss on the side of Aiba's face, smooth and professional. Aiba turned his face as he did and the kiss landed on his mouth. Aiba's lips were slightly parted, and very soft. He put one hand on Jun's shoulder, holding him steady, and tilted his head into the kiss. He didn't try to make Jun open his mouth, just breathed out a low sigh and kissed him again. Jun's eyes fluttered closed and he reached up to put his hand on the one Aiba had on his shoulder. He didn't know if he wanted to pull it off or hold it there, and the thought unnerved him so much that he took a slow step back, lifted Aiba's hand off his shoulder and held it for a moment before letting it go.

"That was nice," said Aiba, a smile twisting up the corners of his mouth. "I'll see you," he added and walked off into the city night.

Jun let out a long, long breath. This was really a bad idea, he knew it, but he'd promised and now he had to do it. He turned and stopped, his eyebrows lifting. "Sakurai," he said.

""I was in the area," said Sho, smiling at him. "Aiba said this was where you were going to meet, so I thought I'd see if I could catch one of you."

"Jesus," said Jun, "he's your friend, he's scarcely going to attack me in Johnny's, and if he did, he'd die anyway." It was probably a vicious rumor that there was a trophy wall hidden somewhere with things from people who had tried to make trouble at Johnny's, but there was a large sign in the break room that said 'GO FOR THE BALLS'.

"That wasn't what I was worried about," said Sho dryly. "I'll walk with you."

"I don't really need --" began Jun.

"Humor me," said Sho. "Nino told me about last night."

Jun remembered that one of Sho's cases had just ended badly: the worst sort of badly, in a crime scene and blood and police tramping everywhere; Sho was handling it pretty well but Jun knew it had hit him hard. "Fine," he said.

The city streets were just beginning to really clear; the party-goers were just getting started and the workers were finally at home. The subway was still pretty full; they stood in a car full of teenagers and a lady who was having a conversation with the window and some workers off after the late shift, half asleep in their seats. They were standing between a poster for Rainbow Storm Designs -- not one of Aiba's posters, but a simpler one with the company logo and DONNA KOTOBA DE in hiragana below it -- and an ad for Love RevoluSHUN. Jun really liked Love RevoluSHUN because the host was funny and the people who called in were usually pretty crazy. Sometimes Shun, the host, would have special guests in.

Sho was silent for a while, a comfortable silence, and then he said, "Aiba-chan's really nice."

"Yes, he is," said Jun. The crazy lady told the window that her pills were poisoned, and one of the teenagers put on headphones.

"I really like him a lot," said Sho. He stopped for a minute, watching the flashing lights of the tunnel go by. "I really like you a lot, too."

"Do you have something to say, Sakurai?" said Jun, looking over at him.

"I don't like it when people I like are hurt," said Sho. He flashed a look over at Jun, his eyes steady and calm.

"I can't promise anything like that," said Jun, a little tired.

"I know," said Sho, and didn't quite bump his shoulder against Jun's. "Just be careful with him, okay?"

"Okay," said Jun.


Jun fell back on his bed, eyes closing. He opened his eyes again, staring up at the ceiling. He felt bone tired. He felt --

On the ceiling, Aiba lounged with leopards, one great feline head leaning against the shoulder with the birthmark. His jeans were indecently low-slung, and one of the leopards' tails was lying around his navel like a living belt. There was no doubt left about whether or not he was wearing underwear. His long, shapely fingers were sliding through one of the leopards' fur. His eyes were hooded and knowing, looking at the camera like he wanted to tell a secret. His other hand was resting on his hip, fingers sliding into the loose waistband of his jeans.

"GOD DAMN YOU, NINOMIYA," shrieked Jun.

"Don't you feel inspired to do your job now?" said Nino, leaning against the door.

"Your hair sucks and I'm going to steal your boyfriend!" said Jun hopelessly. "Don't you feel any shame about taking posters from subways!"

"I didn't take it from the subway," said Nino.

"Don't you feel any shame about making Ohno take posters from the subway for you?" Jun corrected himself.

"He's pretty easy to bribe," said Nino, and smirked, his eyes dropping a little. Jun could imagine -- Nino sliding up behind Ohno and saying something low, his fingers twisting with Ohno's to hold his attention, the way Ohno would tilt his head a little and laugh deep in his throat and eyes. Please? Nino would say, dropping his eyes to hide the mischief in them, and Ohno would say, Well, if you really want it that badly and Nino would smile, sharp and clean, and promise to make it up to him.

"Oh my God," said Jun, "Stop it, I mean it, if you don't I swear to God I'll blow Sakurai on the couch."

"AUGH," said Nino, and fled.

"How would you even manage that?" said Ohno, stopping by the doorway. There was a towel around his neck and he wasn't wearing a shirt, and Jun had a feeling he was wearing Nino's jeans. There was a dark mark on his shoulder that Jun tried not to look at. "Although Sakurai's pretty easy to trick, isn't he."

"I'd do it," said Jun. "I'd just have to shut him up about the ethical considerations somehow. And you shouldn't let Nino make you do things like that. You could have gotten in a lot of trouble."

"I don't mind," said Ohno, smiling at Jun, and Jun realized again there was an awfully sharp edge to his sweet-faced looks when he felt like it. "You'll like hanging out with Aiba," he added.

"I hope so," said Jun. Ohno came in and patted him on the head. Jun turned his head toward Ohno's hand and Ohno carded his fingers through Jun's hair. "I'd blow you too," said Jun, as tension left his scalp in crinkly shivers. Ohno sat down on the edge of the bed and Jun rolled over, burying his head on Ohno's warm thigh. He smelled of oil paints and clay and Jun's laundry detergent, because he really was wearing Nino's jeans. He also smelled a little like Nino's aftershave.

"What, to make Nino mad?" said Ohno. "Your gel feels funny." His hand moved from the top of Jun's head to the base of his neck, over and over again. Jun could feel the blunt tips of his fingernails lightly scratching his skin.

"No," said Jun, "not to make Nino mad at me."

BECKY: *stifles the urge to point and laugh* THAT'S AWESOME, MEG.
BECKY: You're going to write one of the longer Arashi fics on the net.
BECKY: And it's about hookers.
MEG: *starts crying*

fic, horrible things i've done to matsujun, aibajun, the first five times, arashi, 12 days 2007

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