wishlist for benefit of probably nobody =w=

Nov 18, 2008 22:38

I do not expect to get anything, mind you.

1. Stuff off Amazon list.
2. KnitPicks certificate now that they have FINALLY apparently gotten their butts in gear and done online gift certificates, because of course they don't do most of their business online or anything silly like that.
3. Fiction. :|b
4. While I'm dreaming, a slightly newer AlphaSmart or a sub-laptop.
5. Fiber! Also a new spindle. I like purple, and also green, and I really like rainbows.
6. Interweave subscription so I don't have to lurk irritably around Borders or Soft Horizons waiting for it to show up.
7. A month off and a tiny cabin in the woods to write in.
8. A new(er) camera that involves less luck in getting good shots.
9. A new knitting bag, but I don't know what type yet. I guess I'll know it when I see it. (I was looking at soft-sided fishing tackle bags yesterday at Walmart. Almost perfect, but not quite, to quote the immortal Shel Silverstein.)
10. To get all my meds straightened out and NOT wake up with stiff hands for once >_<;;
10a. To tell my doctor that I'll lose forty pounds when he loses sixty.

Who else has wishlists? Please advise.

Re: MatsuJun having one of those photo spreads that really makes me suddenly feel not so guilty over making him a hooker:
Meg: but he wants you to lube him. I mean love him.


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