lady_tavington Dec 20, 2010 12:07
monday night raw, lolersk8z, john cena, slash, yayness, raves, ppv, shits and giggles, gay is the way, cody rhodes, angels and demons, randy orton, barriel, unf, 2010, geekdom, justin gabriel, y so hawt, wwe, wade barrett, sheamus, centon, wwe raw, gayness, horny, fangirling, stream of consciousness, raw
lady_tavington Oct 01, 2010 00:18
piczes, raves, cody rhodes, unf, gleekdom, 2010, lolrsk8z, ted dibiase, centon, wwe raw, ooooooooy, fangirling, monday night raw, hhh, marciana, lolersk8z, john cena, slash, angrbooa, maryse, gay is the way, rants, randy orton, geekdom, y so hawt, wwe, sheamus, maribiase, gayness, horny, raw, stream of consciousness, fandom wank
lady_tavington Sep 23, 2010 23:39
monday night raw, marciana, lolersk8z, john cena, macros, slash, angrbooa, raves, maryse, trailers, harry potter, gay is the way, randy orton, 2010, y so hawt, lolrsk8z, love of my life, wwe, twitter, ted dibiase, sheamus, centon, maribiase, wwe raw, ooooooooy, horny, fangirling, stream of consciousness, raw
lady_tavington Sep 13, 2010 00:08
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horny, ted dibiase, unf