I've decided to start enjoying hurricanes again. I am having SO much fun getting all doomy over Isaac. The smell of ionized, low-pressure air; the suspenseful-theme-music feel of shopping for batteries and canned ravioli; the TV perpetually set to Weather Channel coverage*. I'm fucking tired of feeling WRONG for this
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Here are some of the incredibly pretty Indians on Claiborne Ave today for Super Sunday. The rest of the photos are in this Photobucket Album. No cut- Scuse plz for taking up your whole friends page. :P
Hey- they're talking about /b/: "Often dismissed as little more than a gang of anonymous bullies, there is some truth to the notion that the site is simultaneously the best and worst of the internet, and that when they put their collective minds together, there is no stopping them."
"homosexual alliances may even be adaptive, helping individuals defend territories, advance their social status, or get help with parental care." So... that'd be like on Xena??? .