Title: Lovesick Author: marishaten Words: 214 Prompt: Hair or Hare Universe: Canon/Alternate Ending Rating: M Warning: Angst, character death Summary: What if the well hadn’t reopened one last time?
Title: Off-Limits Author: marishaten Words: 249 Prompt: Brewed or Brood Universe: Canon Rating: K Warning: Language Summary: Situations differ but his sentiments remain the same.
Title: Chrysalis Author: marishaten Word count: 249 Prompt: Bare or Bear Universe: Canon Rating: K Summary: She lives in the present and yet belongs to the past.
Title: Mayhem in the Palace Author: marishaten Rating: T Prompt: Grab and Go Word count: 250 Genre: Comedy (I hope) Warnings: Innuendo Summary: A daimyo is in for a world of trouble.
Title: Lonely Author: marishaten Rating: K Prompt: Muse or Mews Word count: 250 Genre: Romance/Introspection Warnings: None Summary: Inuyasha’s musings on looking at a sleeping Kagome.
Title: Domestic Disturbances Author: marishaten Rating: K Prompt: Raise or Raze Word count: 250 Genre: Family Warnings: None Summary: Sesshoumaru is pwned by his household of little ladies.
Title: As Family Author: marishaten Rating: K Prompt: Good and Ready Word count: 248 Genre: General Warnings: None Summary: Inuyasha looks at his family after seven years.
Title: As You Sow… Author: marishaten Rating: K Prompt: Sew or Sow Word count: 216 Genre: Humor Warnings: None Summary: The day they had their revenge on the monk.
A/N: Partially inspired from an old Sanskrit poem.
Title: The Raindrops Kept Falling Author: marishaten Rating: T Prompt: Wash and Wear Word count: 212 Genre: Angst Warnings: Character death, blood Summary: The rain had washed away all that was dear to him.