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  • Here is an incredibly awesome thing!

    halfshellvenus Apr 12, 2021 13:44

    I've been wanting to post this info for almost a month now, but got sidelined by Idol craziness and the likelihood that my original link was probably behind a paywall. :O This might all normally be obsolete by now, but apparently this thing is on the move. And possibly also exists in parallel? Anyway, I can practically hear my browser groaning in ( Read more... )

    pimpity, recs, fabulous stuff on the internet, bucket list, random, pretty

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  • Happy Post-Thanksgiving!

    halfshellvenus Nov 27, 2018 13:01

    I hope all of the US peeps had a good Thanksgiving, whether it was family time or just a day of random loafing!

    We enjoyed having the kids here, and definitely enjoyed too much eating. Wow. The regrets, I AM them. Mostly the ones shaped like pie. :O

    I spent some time looking around the Internet for boots over the last couple of weeks. This was ( Read more... )

    recs, fabulous stuff on the internet, me

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  • Overheard at the Home Depot garden department...

    halfshellvenus May 22, 2018 19:57

    "Look with your eyes, not with your hands."

    I don't think I've ever said that to our kids, but at least one of them probably deserved to hear it. ;)

    We went out to dinner Saturday night, and in the parking lot I saw something weird enough to investigate. A pair of large cat heads was staring at us from inside a car:

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    geektastic, recs, fabulous stuff on the internet, me

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  • Because why not?

    halfshellvenus Apr 03, 2018 18:50

    Back at work, plugging and chugging away. After a week off, I feel bad leaving HalfshellHusband at home alone. More and more, retirement is looking like a good idea, though the health insurance issue is the biggest obstacle. Speaking of which ( Read more... )

    recs, fabulous stuff on the internet, me, recs-humor

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  • Hummina...

    halfshellvenus Oct 25, 2016 12:11

    You know, I did not realize that Election Day was Nov. 1. I'm so used to it being around the 7th/8th that I forgot about the Monday Halloween implications. Nuts. Now I really need to dig into that voter's pamphlet and read up on the ballot initiatives. :O (Redacted, because Destina reminded me that it's the second Tuesday in November, not the first ( Read more... )

    tv, recs, me, recs-vids, random, political wonky-tonk, recs-humor

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  • I'm back...

    halfshellvenus Oct 24, 2016 00:01

    Thanks, everyone who sent me birthday wishes and v-gifts last week! It was a nice, fairly low-key birthday, one of the few I've had in Sacramento that really felt as if it was taking place in the Fall instead of Summer. 63 degrees with sunny skies, instead of 85-95 degrees ( Read more... )

    recs, me, random

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  • Movies, movies

    halfshellvenus Oct 16, 2015 16:29

    I'm eating too much, playing too much Spider Solitaire, and missing our daughter. Definitely in a funk. :(

    I haven't been able to do much writing, lately. I've started but not finished several Battle Creek fics (for which there is no audience on LJ!), and some original fic stabs at various writerverse prompts that just won't go anywhere. The recent prompts ( Read more... )

    humor, tv, movies, recs, me, recs-vids

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  • Catching up...

    halfshellvenus Aug 18, 2015 10:04

    I didn't mean to disappear for two weeks, and I'm still getting caught up on my f-list. A little over a week behind right now, so getting closer ( Read more... )

    recs-pics, recs-vids, books, recs-humor, recs, movies, tv, me

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  • It's back...

    halfshellvenus Jul 20, 2015 23:04

    I got my bicycle back about 8 days ago, and I rode a ton last week to make up for lost time. More than 75 miles in the first three days, then a day off followed by another 75-ish miles in the next three days. Finally! \o ( Read more... )

    recs-books, recs, me, cycling, recs-vids, books

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