Catching up...

Aug 18, 2015 10:04

I didn't mean to disappear for two weeks, and I'm still getting caught up on my f-list. A little over a week behind right now, so getting closer!

We went to Tahoe a few weekends ago, as planned. The cabin was nice, though the bedrooms were tiny, and there was some unexpected rain and difficulty (SO typical near Tahoe) finding various trailheads. Still, we watched movies together, I went hiking with the kids, and the grownups did some reading. It was good family time, and that was what I really wanted-especially with our oldest going off to college in a month.

I finished some books: The Boy Who Lost Fairyland, Edison's Alley, Everybody Sees The Ants, Messenger of Fear (ugh), and a couple of others. I recently started The Extraordinary Journey Of The Fakir Who Got Trapped In An Ikea Wardrobe, which I'm really enjoying, and at the gym... another Jack Reacher novel. :D

Moviewise, we saw Selma (very good), and Wild. I was a little worried about the sleazy parts of the latter, since we were watching it with our daughter, but they were mostly just depressing. Good movie overall, and mainly... I loved Laura Dern in this. She has such a great combination of resilience and sweetness, and this is a role where you need to feel why the main character would completely fall apart after losing her mother. It's a pivotol casting choice, much like the character of Yinsen in Iron Man, or the captured soldier in The Crying Game, where knowing that person will change the main character's future choices dramatically. As someone put it, Forest Whitaker is in the first 10 minutes of the movie (maximum), mostly with a bag over his head, and yet... you can't help liking him, and growing attached to him. That really says something about him as a actor!

We've been watching more Breaking Bad, and are nearing the end of S3. Jesse has become my favorite character (when I don't want to smack him), while he's also the part of the story my husband hates the most. Oy. Mike hasn't appeared recently, but he's really grown on me. He's gruff and hides in plain sight, and is SO quietly competent. The scene where he roars in from off-camera and swoops up Walter before Walter can compound his bad choices with even stupider ones? Whoo!

We're a little behind on Poldark. Our daughter is going through her "Brit" phase, mainly soccer and Benedict Cumberbatch. My teen Brit phase was Monty Python, soccer, and Poldark, but that last part doesn't interest our daughter at all. I almost found myself saying, "Geez, they remade that series already?", before I realized that it had been about 35 years or more. o_O

My writing has been slow-mainly since changing my antidepressants around Christmas time, though I'll have to live with that. I've started a number of things for writerverse and just not finished them by the deadline! Still making the effort, though.

Some links to share, many overdue. I may even be repeating some of them, via shoddy memory: Horrified cats, Cool nature photos (now that the Blue Pueblo Tumblr has died off), and the glorious Muppet version of Bohemian Rhapsody (so wrong and so utterly fabulous).

And now? Vork, vork, vork, and an attempt to bike in about an hour-despite the light smoke, knowing that I can't go tomorrow and because yesterday was much too hot.

recs-pics, recs-vids, books, recs-humor, recs, movies, tv, me

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